06-03-1940 HUCM120 June 3, 1940 The regular monthly meeting.of the Light. & Power Commission was held at 5:00 P. M. at the Light Plant office. All members of the Commission were present. In the absence of Fred W. Putney, Secretary, Superintendent Strohmeier was appointed acting secretary. The minutes of the meeting of May 6, 1940 were read and approved as read. Upon motion made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned until 4 :00 P. M., June 5, 1940. June 5, 1940 An adjourned meeting of the Light & Power Commission was held at 4;00 P. M. at the Light Plant office. All members were present. Suptt. Strohmeier was also present. Mr. L. A. Winter of the Buell & Winter Engineering Company appeared before the Commission and submitted proposed terms for preparation of plans and specifications by the Buell & Winter Engineering Company for additions to the generating plant. Mr. Winter retired from the meeting. Commissioner Thompson introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolution 14- As per resolution #1000 adopted 11 -29 -06 Resolution Numbering resolutions from 1936 — 2006 For search purposes only WHEREAS the Light & Porter CommIzsivrn nas entered into a contract with the Mc -'eod Cooperative Power Association requiring additional station generating capacity, WHEREAS such contract extension has -been approved by the electorate of the City of Hutchinson at a special election held on June 4th, 1940, therefor, BE IT RESOLVED, that we engage the Buell & Winter Engineering Company of Sioux City, Iowa-and Minneapolis, Minnesota to prepare complete plans and specifications to cover an addition to the generating station building sufficient in size to house 3 generating units and to prepare plans and specifications at this time covering the purchase of one engine and generating unit of from 2600 BHP to 3200 BHP capacity together with all necessary accessories required; all such plans, specifications and services to be satisfactory to the Light & Power Commission, and.that the Buell & Winter Engineering Company be paid a flat sum of $7600 for such services and for the services of a resident engineer to supervise construction and for their assistance in the awarding of contracts, tests and acceptance of the work, etc., said $7600 to be paid as follows: $3000 payable upon completion and acceptance of plans for engine, generator and accessories. $2500 payable upon completion and acceptance of plans for the building, switchboard and accessories. 1100 at time actual construction of the building is started. 1000 payable upon completion and acceptance of the entire addition, including building, engine, generator, switch- board and accessories. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this commission take such additional steps as may be necessary from time to time to the end _. ,that such an installation will be complete and in operative condition prior to the seasonal peak load period of November and December 1941• Motion seconded by Commissioner Dahl. On roll call President Sheppard voted Aye, Commissioner Thompson voted aye, Commissioner Dahl voted Aye, whereupon President Sheppard declared the resolution duly adopted. The following bills were read and allowed; Earl Schramm Labor Hutch. Postmaster Postage Ideal Mfg. Company Plant supplies H. Channon Company Tolls E. J. Heilman Wiring & Installation Henry Zumach Freight Line Material Company Extension Distribution Boutell Petroleum Co. Fuel Oil W. H. Barber Company Fuel Oil Western Oil & Fuel Fuel Oil Hutchinson Laundry Plant Supplies J. P. Jensen Freight Pink Supply Company Rags Frank J. Zajicek Plant equipment Addressograph Sales Plant supplies Ferrubron Metal Paint Co. Paint for stacks Rad olek Company Plant supplies Minn. Western R. R. Freight - fuel oil Henry Zumach Freight Chase, Brass & Copper Extension - distribution Kennecott Wire '4 Cable Wire & Cable Hutch. Scrap Iron Scrap iron J. P. Jensen Freight Earl Schramm Labor Ernest Fisher Freight J. E. Lodes Installations Cooper Petroleum Co. Fuel Oil Walter Kidde & Co. Tools and equipment Sterling Electric Co. Supplies Sterling Electric Co. Supplies Williams Hardware Co. Plant supplies American Locomotive Engine Maintenance Wallner Prntg. Co. Printing H. Channon Company Tools i 15.40 100.00. 1.50 , 34.34 45.21 1.10' . 152.00 337.51. 178.17• 765.35 4.14 7.55- 18.41 - 48.75 . 2.71. 6.60 8.97' 2453.28 1.65- 23.11 - 426.81 1.00 1.44 29-40- *80 62.00 925.99' 81.90 47-61' 30.23 15.01 135.85 10.50' 37.18 121 122 Farnham Stat. & Supply Co. Allis- Chalmers Mfg. Co. Jasper- Blackburn Products Chicago Gear Works Westinghouse Elec- Supply GE Company G. F. Nemitz & Son Christensen & Wegner Loe Electric Service Hutch. Telephone Company W. F. Duesterhoeft Hutch. Oil Company J. P. Jensen H P. Quade Hutchinson Banner Hutch. Dry Cleaners Boulay, Anderson Waldo & Co. Hutchinson Laundry ,0- Midwest Electric Company A. Y. McDonald Mfg. Co. Line Material Company Troy Launders & Cleaners Henry Zumach F. J. Zila & Sons Citizens Bank Thompson Yards,, Inc. Stearns Lumber Company Loe Electric Service R. W. Strohmei er Attest; Victograph Transformers Tools & equipment Suplli.es switchboard it Equipment - plant, Paint Installations Installations Toll.& Service charges Gas & Oil Lub Oil Freight Installations Printing & Advertising Cleaning Auditing Laundry Supplies Supplies Line supplies Plant supplies Freight Hardware supplies Reserve Fund Equipment Supplies Installations Supplies There being no further business the meeting adjourned. Secretary 121-93- 692.59- 40.96. 8.72, 13-14 4.38- 2.65 32.00 25.00 5.70 17.01 102-94' 2.19 40.00, 91.00 9.45' 260.00 1.50, 18.31' 15.01• 141.11' 6.48 .88' 8.01- 5034.05 - 20.04- 2.75 30.00' 19.52 1 1