05-06-1940 HUCM11.8 May 6, 1940 The regular monthly meeting. of. the Light & Power Com- mission was held at 5:00 "P. M. at the Light Plant office. All members were present. Superintendent Strohmeier was also present. The minutes of the meetings of April 19 1940, April 2, 1940 and April 81 1940 were read and approved. Motion was made, seconded and carried. that Otto Homburg be employed as otierator at a salary of $65-00 per month to become effective as of May 1, 1940. The following bills were read and allowed; Earl Schramm E. V. Freid, Jr. Walter Bacon Otto Homburg Alfred Sorenson H. P. gluade J. P. Jensen Addressograph Agency Heilman Electric Col Hutch. Postmaster Henry Zumach Railway Express Agency Ernest Fisher E. V. Freid, Jr. Earl Schramm Otto Homburg Walter Bacon Ernest Fisher Hilliard Corporation Martindale Elec. Co. J. I. Holcomb Mfg. Co. Qt i z ens Bank Agency American City Magazine Pro tectoseal Company Duncan Elec . Mfg. Co. Leader Prntg. Co. Am. Locomotive Co. Edison Electric Inst. McMaster -Carr Supply C Skelly Service station Hutch. Postmaster J. E. Lodes J. C. Allen Ray Adkins Farm Service Co. Heilman Elec. Co. Walt s Service Station Westrn. Union Tel Co. Sterling Elec . Co. E. V. Freid, Jr. Earl Schramm Labor Labor Labor Labor Installation Installation Freight Plates Wiring Printing Supplies Express charges Express charges Labor Labor Labor Labor Express charges Plant supplies Supplies Supplies Ins uranc e Subscription Supplies Meters Printing cools Office Supplies Engine Maintenance Gas & Oil Postage Installations Plant supplies Postage Salt Wir ing Gas & Oil Telegram Merchandise Labor Labor 25.35 31.50 27.65 23.45. 12.00• 10.00 2.33' 1.04" 13.50 12.40 26.20 3.09 2.69 18.55' 23.80 22-40' 20-13' 1.05' 30.62 3.47 3.31 16.59 5.00 7.40 1 ®4:64 . 7.50. 2.75• 3.60. 3.28 . 5-00- 35.53 • 105.00 27-50. 1.00 . 3.40 30.00. 3.15. •91 , 28.29 . 11.20 10.85 1 u D D D Walter Bacon Labor Am. Locomotive Co. Engine Maintenance Ddtncan Elec. Mfg. Co. Meters Peerless Elec. Company Merchandise Pink Supply Company Towels Twin City Stamp Co. Office supplies Hutch. Telephone Co. Toll & service eharge Koppers Co. Engine Maintenance Will Hinrichs Installation F. J. Zila & Sons Supplies Troy Launders & Cleaners Laundry Walter Rippe Installations Hutchinson Banner Advertising Western Union Tel. Co. Telegrams Midwest Electric Co. Supplies Leader Printing Co. Advertising H. P. wade Installations Hutch. Dry Cleaners Dry C le a ni rig Mrs. Elden Meyer Return of meter deposit Citizens Bank Reserve fund 10-15' 158-15, 271.00 21.60 ' 19.08 18.75 18.60 54.80 15-00, 2.79 3.56• 36.00' 5.25 4.83, 3.32• 5.25 76.00• 12-80- 5.60 3011.67• There being no fur the r business the meeting adjourned. ATTEST 119