04-02-1940 HUCMu 1 April 1, 1940 The regular monthly meeting of the Light & Power Commission was held at 5:00 P. M. at the Light Plant office. Commissioners Dahl and Thompson were present.. R. W. Strohmeier was also present. Inasmuch as President Sheppard could not be present, Mr. Dahl moved that the meeting be adjourned to 5 :00 P. M. April 2, 1940• Dr. Thompson seconded the motion. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned. resident April 2, 1940 Adjourned Meeting Secretary An adjourned meetin*; of the Light & Power Commission was held at the Light Plant office at 5:00 P. M. All members were present. Superintendent Strohmeier was also present. The minutes of the meetings of March 4th and March 25th 1940 were read and approved as read. Motion was made by A. J. Thompson and seconded by R. I Sheppard that printing of the annual report be awarded to the Hutchinsnn Leader. Motion carried unanimously. The following bills were read and allowed: Arndt Peterson Installation H. Channon Co. Equipment Cooper Petroleum Co. Fuel Oil Minn. Western R. R. Freight on oil Citizens Bank Agency Insurance Sterling Electric too. Equipment `' I. Holcomb Mfg. Co. Supplies J. P . Je ns en Freight American Legion Post 96 Flag B & N Chevrolet Company Supplies Hilliard Corporation `'upplies Hutchinson Banner Advertising Coast to Coast Store Supplies Wolff Motor Company Supplies H. P. Quade Installations E. J. Heilman Installation Hartwig & Schmidt Installation W. E. Reyerson Legal Services 12.00 7.72 1148.89 1472.56 20.95 8.42 10.50 1.01 5.00 .80 1.22 5.25 4.53 1.50 70.00 10.00 12.00 30.00 11.0 aw 116 Hutch. Scrap Iron Co. Sterling Electric Co. Harry R. Jensen, Treas. Steele Motor Company Hutch. Water Dept. Dr. R. I. Sheppard Earl Schramm W. A. Lu ed tke Walt's Super Station H. P. auade Hutchinson Oil Company Ernest Fisher Wallner Printing Company Hutchinson Oil Company Sterling Electric Company Ben D. Jerabek H. A. Rogers Company Hutchinson Telephone Co. R. W. Dahl Hennepin Hardware Co. Sioux Falls Bk, Stat. Co. Zila Hardware tiompany Minn. Western R. R. Co. Cooper Petroleum Company Harry R. Jensen, Treas. Equipment 6.00 Merchandise 49.45 Int. on Pledge orders 1207.50 Truck Maintenance 5.55 Water rent 26.83 Traveling expenses 247-50' Labor 3.00 Sruck gas & oil 3.50 Truck gas & oil 1.26. Installations 100.00. Lub Oil 73.18• Express charges 3.88. Printing 16.75- Gas & Oil 12-40- EnuiDment 3.18' T..aintenanc a 14.80 Office supplies 1-28. Toll & service charge 6.30 Traveling expenses 9.00• Tools & equipment 48.00' Office Supplies 5.00' Supplies 2.50" Fuel Oil 489-76' Fuel Oil 381.84' Pledge Orders & interest 9014.04- There being no further business the meeting adjourned. Attest; Secretary President . I 1