03-25-1940 HUCM113 RESOLVED: that the following endorsement be attached to and become a Dart of said contract ENDORSEMENT l• It is hereby agreed by both parties hereto that Paragraph 18 as written in the attached contract be deleted in full and that the following paragraph 2 be substituted therefore, 2. The within contract Brice shall be based on fuel oil satis- factory to the producer delivered in the nroducer's storage tanks at a cost of not less than $5.00 nor more than $6.00 per 100 gallons. Should the cost of such fuel rise above $6.00 ner 100 gallons or decline to below $5.00 per 100 gallons as an average for the billing period involved then the price per Kilowatt hour shall be adjusted in accordance with such rise or decline by 1 /10 of 1 mill ($.0001) for each twelve and one half Special Meeting March 25, 1940 Upon notice duly given by the President a Special Meeting of the Light & Power Commission was held at the Light Plant office in said City at 12 :00 otclock noon on the 25th day of March, 1940. All members were present. Also Superintendent R. W. Strohmeier- nz>;I O Motion made, seconded an unanimously carried that Dr. R. I. N c cn 3 -0 CD o Sheppard-and Mayor Grant Dwinnell be and hereby are authorized to gocrn m c, to Washington D. C. in connection with Rural Electrification Admin- =3.@ o istvation approval of the contract entered into with the McLeod :3-co o Cooperative Power Association under date of February 13, 1940 and E N that the expenses of Dr. R. I. Sheppard and Mayor Dwinnell be paid -1 o 0 by the Municipal Electric Plant. � - mo�. The following resolution was offered by Commissioner Dahl, who o w °oo moved its adoption. o O 3 o_ WHEREAS, a contract entered into on the 13th day of February 1940 by and between the Light & Power Commission of the City of Hutch - W 6 CL inson and the MdLeod Cooperative Power Association contains under paragraph 18 a provision that the rates stipulated in said contract N , be, adjusted in accordance with any rise in the cost of fuel to the 00 N producer above $5.50 per one hundred gallons, or with any decline rn o below $4.50 per one hundred gallons, and, rn WHEREAS: It is now the opinion of the Commission that such limits ""5.00 should be changed to x,6.00 and respectively and WHEREAS: the said contains a paragraph No. 19 providing for adjust- ment of the rates stipulated in said contract in accordance with the rise or decline of the cost of living index as compiled from time to time by the Department of Labor, and, WHEREAS it is now the opinion of this Commission that said paragraph No. 19 is neither necessary or desire able in said contract, therefore be it RESOLVED: that the following endorsement be attached to and become a Dart of said contract ENDORSEMENT l• It is hereby agreed by both parties hereto that Paragraph 18 as written in the attached contract be deleted in full and that the following paragraph 2 be substituted therefore, 2. The within contract Brice shall be based on fuel oil satis- factory to the producer delivered in the nroducer's storage tanks at a cost of not less than $5.00 nor more than $6.00 per 100 gallons. Should the cost of such fuel rise above $6.00 ner 100 gallons or decline to below $5.00 per 100 gallons as an average for the billing period involved then the price per Kilowatt hour shall be adjusted in accordance with such rise or decline by 1 /10 of 1 mill ($.0001) for each twelve and one half 114 cents ($.121) of rise above $6.00 per 100 gallons or decline below "5.00 per 100 gallons. 3. It is hereby agreed by both parties hereto that Paragraph 19 as written in the attached contract be deleted in full, and that all provisions of said Paragraph 19 he declared null and void. 4. It is hereby terms and conditions of affected by the terms a WITNESS OUR HAND In the Presence of: agreed by both parties hereto that all oter the attached contract shall be in no manner nd conditions of this endorsement. the day and ,year first above written. LIGHT & POWER COMMISSION CITY OF HUTCHINSON, a Municipal Corporation Agency By Pres. By Secy . McLEOD COOPERATIVE POWER ASSOCIA, TION a corporation By Pres . By Secy. ocfl The motion was seconded by Commissioner Thompson,Upon roll call, N o° All Commissioners voted Aye, and President Sheppard declared the N Resolution duly adopted. m rn The following; resolution was introduced by Commissioner n.r- Thompson who moved its adoption. -°v E cu ° >+ RESOLUTION o 4- E o(no ° o N WHEREAS: Because of the inability of all members of this oCommission to go to Washington D. C. at this time and o N a Q a Whereas this Commission has authorized Dr. R. I. Sheppard o to go to Washington D. C. in connection with matters pertaining to o �.L i the contract entered into by and between this Commission and the 0 McLeod Cooperative Power Association under date of February 13, 1940, N Q. E L therefore, be it Q Z LL. RESOLVED: that'Dr. R. I. Sheppard be, and hereb�T is vested with full and complete authority to act for this Commission in any and all matters which may arise pertaining to the said contract while he may be at Washington D. C. or enroute thereto or therefrom. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Dahl. Upon Roll call all Commissioners voted Aye, where upon President Sheppard declared the resolution duly adopted. Motion made, seconded and unanimously carried tha this meeting be 5c oup6ed.17 _1"I t Attest.: i W ary — 1