08-22-2003 EDAMHutchinson HCDC — An EDA
Board of Directors
Minutes of Meeting
Friday, August 22, 2003
Members present in bold print:
Tim Ulrich Bob Windel Jim Haugen
Jeff Haag Duane Hoversten Keith Fischer
Vi Mayer Jim Fahey Matt McMillan
Lisa McClure, Interim EDA Director
Jake Wegner, EDA Intern
1. Tim Ulrich called the meeting to order at 7:05 AM
2. Approve Agenda
3. Review minutes of July 25th EDA Board meeting!
Don Walser
Cary Linder
Ken Merrill Marc Sebora
M/S/P: Fischer, Windel to recommend approval of the EDA Board minutes of July 25th, 2003 as
4. Review Minutes of July 23rd, 2003 Industrial Park Team meeting.
M/S /P: Windel, Fischer to recommend approval of the minutes from the July 23 d Industrial Park
Team meeting as written.
5. Review minutes of August 20th Finance Team meeting.
M/S/P: Windel, Fischer to recommend approval of the Finance Team Meeting minutes of August 20,
2003 as written.
6. Review Financial Statements
Lisa stated that $154,961.28 has been paid to Hoisington Koegler Group Inc. for the Downtown
Master Plan.
M/S /T: Windel, Fischer to recommend tabling any action on the financial statements until further
clarification can be heard from Ken Merrill at the September 26th EDA meeting.
' Due to a lack of quorum, "recommendations" were made and official actions were tabled.
7. Directors Report
Lisa gave the following report:
A. Special Services District
Lisa stated that there was a meeting at the American Legion on August 21st about the Special
Service District. It was facilitated by Duane Hoversten and was designed to help clarify
questions regarding the district.
B. State Theater
Lisa stated that the redevelopment agreement regarding the State Theater will go before the City
Council on Tuesday August 26th. She noted that Mr. McMonagle cannot close on the deal until
the redevelopment agreement is signed.
C. Sign & Awning & Storefront Revitalization Grant Programs
Lisa presented spreadsheets that showed the financials of the Sign & Awning & Storefront
Revitalization Grant Programs. The Sign & Awning Grant Program shows a current deficit of
$7,937.06. The Board recommended the reallocation of funds to cover the negative balance.
M/S /P: Ulrich, Fischer to recommend the reallocation of monies in the amount of $25,000 to
the Sign & Awning Grant Program.
8. Hutchinson Heritage Preservation Commission
Jim Fahey spoke to the Board regarding the possibility of forming of a Hutchinson Heritage
Preservation Commission. Jim stated that he has written a letter to the mayor. Tim inquired as to
how many meetings a Commission such as this would require, and recommended that a fact sheet
be put together outlining the proposal, along with a clear statement of what the Commission's
purpose would be. A meeting will be set up with the necessary people to gather additional
M/S /P: Windel, Fischer to recommend that the EDA should explore the idea of forming a
Heritage Preservation Commission further.
9. Grant & Loan Applications
A. Review of Keith Kamrath's Grant
Lisa informed the Board of new information regarding Keith Kamrath's Storefront Matching
Grant. Mr. Kamrath has recently informed the EDA that due to unforeseen circumstances
and events surrounding the building to be revitalized, new bids were taken that were lower
than the previous ones submitted. His total cost of improvements have been reduced from
$7,505.00 to $5,550.00 resulting in a lower grant need of $2,775.00.
M/S/P: Fischer, Ulrich to amend grant amount to $2,775.00.
10. Industrial Park Team Update
The Industrial Park Team meeting will be held on August 27th, at Noon in the Main Conference
Room. John Rodeberg will be in attendance to discuss infrastructure and lift station costs for the
Wetherell site.
11. Chamber Report
Vi gave the following report:
Arts & Crafts: September 12 & 13
Ridgewater College open house for new President: August 26th
Quality Council: September
Leadership Program: September
MS Tram: July 30th went well.
12. Other Business
Lisa informed the Board that Maria Oman has contacted her and inquired about an improvement to
one of her stores regarding a basement bathroom. She would like to know if the loan program covers
repairs such as these. The Board stated that it would be covered.
13. Set next meeting
The next board meeting is scheduled for September 26, 2003 at 7:00 a.m.
14. Adjourn
The meeting adjourned at 8:15 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jake Wegner
EDA Intern