07-25-2003 EDAMHutchinson HCDC — An EDA Board of Directors Minutes of Meeting Friday, July 25, 2003 Members present in bold print: Members: Tim Ulrich Bob Windel Jeff Haag Duane Hoversten Guests: Vi Mayer Cary Linder Staff: Lisa McClure, Interim EDA Director Jake Wegner, EDA Intern 1. Tim Ulrich called the meeting to order at 7:05 AM 2. Approve Agenda 3. Review minutes of June EDA Board meeting. Jim Haugen Don Walser Keith Fischer M/S/P: Fischer, Windel to approve the EDA Board minutes of June 27, 2003. 4. Review Minutes of July 8, 2003 Special EDA Meeting. M/S /P: Hoversten, Fischer to approve the minutes from the July 8th Special Meeting with the following corrections: change the call to order from 12:06 a.m. to 12:06 p.m. 5. Review minutes of the June Industrial Park Team meeting. M/S/P: Hoversten, Fischer to approve the Industrial Park Team Meeting minutes of June 25, 2003. 6. Review minutes of the July Finance Team meeting. M/S/P: Walser, Windel to approve the Finance Team meeting minutes from July 16, 2003. 7. Review Financial Statements Ken reviewed the financial statements and stated that as of June 30, 2003 the operations budget on page one listed $115,141 in cash. On page two, income is listed as $128,000. Professional Services is listed at $5,251. Cash available on page four (Economic Development Loan Fund) is listed is $167,034. Page five (Downtown Loan Fund) shows cash at $563,857. Ken also reviewed that 2002 year -end statements; stating that as of December 31,2002 the operations budget on page one listed $222,636 in cash. On page two, income is listed as $122,628. Professional Services are listed at $10,177. Cash available on page four (Economic Development Loan Fund) is listed at $161,166. Page five (Downtown Loan Fund) shows cash at $528,685. M/S /P: Fischer, Hoversten to approve the May 31, 2003 financial statements. 8. Industrial Park Team Update Cary recapped for the Board, the recommendations of the Industrial Park Team. Cary stated that the team recommends installing a lift station to service the Wetherell property. The idea is that in the short-term installing the infrastructure first, and then constructing a spec building second is the best plan for this property. Duane Hoversten stated that he has spoken to John Rodeberg, and John believes it's possible to have the lift station put in yet this year. Tim Ulrich remarked that our short - term plan could be to develop the Wetherell land for use for the next two or three years, then using the Stritesky property second. The wetlands on both the Wetherell and Stritesky properties would need to be delineated. It was stated that the EDA should pursue the construction of a lift station as soon as possible and to transfer and use some of the monies budgeted from the former Hackbarth deal, to the Wetherell project to help finance a site evaluation on the Wetherell land. M/S /P: Walser, Hoversten to construct a lift station to serve the Wetherell property and to move ahead to get topographies, elevations, and surveys performed on the Wetherell property. 9. Directors Report Lisa gave the following report: A. State Theater Lisa noted that Red & Linda are still waiting for the SBA and the MCCF to get the final approval on their roles in the Theater deal. These approvals should be coming some time in the next week. The McMonagles hope to close on the deal by August 5th. B. Liquor Store Lisa stated that staff has been meeting with the architects. Staff is waiting on bids for interior work. Also, that we have been using the services of a Relocator to help purchase the properties and relocate the businesses. C. Special Services District (SSD) Lisa stated that things are coming along well and that on August 12`h there will be a hearing on the adoption of the district, and another hearing on August 26`h to discuss service charges. Rusty Fifield will be coming to help answer questions. 10. Grant & Loan Applications A. Grants — Sign & Awning Crown Financial - Judy Kopesky Judy is requesting a grant in the amount of $1,587.60 to pay for a sign for her business at 101 Park Place. M/S /P: Fischer, Windel to approve the Sign & Awning request in the amount of $1,587.60 provided that the sign is constructed on the outside of the building. B. Grants — Storefront Matching Oddfellows is requesting funds in the amount of $1,752.90 to paint and repair the south and east upper ends of their building. Hassan Valley is currently ineligible for new grants, as they have already received a Storefront Revitalization Grant ($1,987.40) within the past three years (7/2002) that according the program guidelines, makes them ineligible until July of 2005. M/S /P: Windel, Hoversten to deny the requested amount of $1,752.90 for the rehabilitation work requested by Oddfellows. 11. Downtown Boundaries /Special Service District (SSD) Boundaries Lisa brought to the attention of the Board, the inconsistencies present in regards to the current downtown boundaries as compared to the proposed SSD boundaries that may soon take effect if the SSD passes. M/S /P: Windel, Walser to adjust downtown boundaries to coincide with SSD boundaries, contingent upon the SSD being established on October 10, 2003. 12. Other Business Lisa stated that American Energy Systems has decided against selling the small parcels of land they were previously interested in selling. 14. Chamber Report Vi gave the following report: MS Bike Tram will be in town on July 30`h Arts & Crafts: September 12 & 13 15. Other Business The question was raised as to whether or not the Board needs a motion to formally ratify the agreement that the EDA entered into with Stritesky. M/S /P: Walser, Windel to approve and ratify the agreement that the EDA entered into on July 12th with the Stritesky's for their property, and to forward the contract to the city council. 15. Set next meeting The next board meeting is scheduled for August 22, 2003 at 7:00 a.m. 16. Adjourn The meeting adjourned at 8:25AM. Respectfully submitted, Jake Wegner EDA Intern