09-27-2002 EDAMHutchinson EDA Board of Directors Minutes of Meeting Friday, September 27, 2002 Members present in bold print Members: Tim Ulrich Bob Windel Jim Haugen Jeff Haag Duane Hoversten Keith Fischer Guests: Ken Merrill Rusty Fifield Marc Sebora Staff. Lisa McClure, EDA Intern 1. Tim Ulrich called the meeting to order at 7:00 a.m. Julie Wischnack 2. Consideration of minutes from August 30, 2002 meeting. Don Walser Vi Mayer Mark Koegler Bob Windel asked Tim Ulrich if item 410 — Status of new EDA director was going to involve the entire board or not. Tim said that the full board would not be present at the interviews, but that Tim would be at the interviews. A motion was made by Bob Windel to approve the minutes from the August 30, 2002 meeting with the change to item 10. Duane Hoversten seconded the motion. Tim Ulrich asked for discussion. The motion passed. 3. Review and approval of Finance Team minutes from September 18, 2002 A motion was made by Don Walser to adopt and ratify the actions taken at the Finance Team meeting and to approve the minutes from the September 18, 2002 meeting. Jim Haugen seconded the motion. Tim Ulrich asked for discussion. Motion passed. 4. Review Financial Statements Tim Ulrich noted that the money given to the MCCF in the amount of $25,000 is now shown on the balance sheet as an asset. Duane Hoversten asked if a check had been sent to the Kandiyohi County fund, Tim indicated he was unsure, but did not think it had been. Bob Windel asked about the money shown on the balance sheet under Crow River Press. Tim was not sure why that was shown and Ken Merrill was not at the meeting at this time to answer the question. It was noted that it was probably an overpayment. A motion was made by Keith Fischer to approve the financial statements for August 2002. Don Walser seconded the motion. Tim Ulrich asked for discussion. The motion passed. 5. Review Applications to Grant and Loan Programs Hager Jewelry, Inc. has applied for a Sign and Awning Grant to replace their existing awning. The request is in the amount of $2,000. A motion was made by Jim Haugen to approve the application to the Sign and Awning Grant fund for Hager Jewelry in the amount of $2,000. Duane Hoversten seconded the motion. Tim Ulrich asked for discussion. The motion passed. Kraft, Walser, Hettig & Honsey has applied for a Storefront Revitalization Matching Grant in the amount of $1,100.45. A motion was made by Bob Windel to approve the application to the Storefront Revitalization Matching Grant fund for Kraft, Walser, Hettig & Honsey in the amount of $1,100.45. Jim Haugen seconded the motion. Don Walser abstained from voting. Tim Ulrich asked for discussion. The motion passed. Lorraine Meyer has applied for a Commercial Rehab loan to repair the roof on the building and repair stairs leading to a second floor office, which is located at 13 Washington Avenue West. The request is in the amount of $18,975.00. Keith Fischer suggested that the guidelines set forth in the application packet should be used as a checklist as items for the application process come in to the office. He stated that all applications should be held to the same guidelines, the EDA must be consistent. A motion was made to approve the application to the Commercial Rehab loan for Lorraine Meyer in the amount of $18,975.00. Bob Windel seconded the motion. Jim Haugen abstained from voting. Tim Ulrich asked for discussion. The motion passed. 6. Delinquent Loans Tim Ulrich stated that the most delinquent loan was that of Randy Lang. He has not made a payment on this loan since December 2001. Marc Sebora has sent a letter to Lang and asked the board what course they would like to take, if Lang does not make his payments. The board agreed that Marc should proceed as he normally would with a case in which he needed to collect money. In the letter, Marc stated that Lang had until October 21, 2002 to get his loan up to date. 7. Website Update Lisa McClure stated that the changes have been made to the EDA website and that the cost would be approximately $100. 8. Annual Meeting Tim Ulrich suggested that the annual meeting for the HCDC be moved from November to January or February 2003. At that time, the meeting could highlight the Downtown Master Plan, with Hoisington Koegler Group, being the speakers and a formal introduction to the new EDA Director. 9. Structure of the EDA — Downtown Association Tim Ulrich stated that he thinks there needs to be some restructuring of the EDA, Downtown Association, and committee /teams /taskforces. He suggested that the board members think about how this can be done effectively and to think about how much time the new director will spend on each activity under the EDA. Duane Hoversten stated he thinks the EDA should keep the HDA on track. Tim said that he has heard there are people feeling burnt out with the HDA and that there are many meetings, but nothing gets accomplished. Discussion about a part -time person taking over the administrative duties of the HDA as a possibility, in the future. 10. Status of Director Position Tim stated there were about 40 -50 applicants for the position. They would be interviewing 4 people today Friday, September 27. 11. Industrial Park update Tim, Marc Sebora, and Raske Builders had a meeting on Thursday, September 26 to discuss the acquisition and development of the Industrial Park. There are 67 acres available to purchase, the EDA board needs to decide how much to purchase. Julie Wischnack suggested 20 -30 acres. Tim stated that a meeting should be set up with the EDA board members, Julie Wischnack, John Rodeberg, and Carey Linder to discuss how many acres the city should purchase. 12. Chamber update Vi Mayer gave the Chamber report. He stated Bob Windel was at the September Chamber Board meeting. Tim will be at the November 21 meeting /retreat. 13. Next meeting The next board meeting is October 25, 2002 at 7:00 a.m. The Downtown Master Plan Open House is set for Thursday, October 10 from 5:30 — 7:00 at the Event Center. 14. Hoisington Koegler presentation Mark Koegler and Rusty Fifield made a presentation about ways to finance the projects detailed the Downtown Master Plan. Rusty went over many options that are available. The most detailed was the Special Service District. There was some discussion on how the EDA and HDA will work together to finance these projects. 15. Adjourn A motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 a.m. Respectfully submitted, Lisa McClure, EDA Intern