11-06-1939 HUCMi)8 November 6, 1939 Monthly Meeting The regular monthly meeting of the Light & Power Commission was held at 5:00 P.M. at the Light Plant office. All members were present, Superintendent Strohmeier was also present. The minutes of the meeting of October 2, 1939, were read and approved as read . Motion was made, seconded and unanamously carried that the members of the Commission; Superintendent Strohmeier and either the City Finance Officer or City Treasurer be authorized to make a trip to Washington D. C, to investigate the R. E. A. situation. The following bills were read and allowed Mitchell Hauling Service Minn. Western Railway Hutchinson Postmaster Mrs. Bessie Dickinson Willmar.B. Zimmerman Andrew Bond e Gem Watch Shop J. P. Jensen Christensen & Wegner Heilman Electric Company H. E. Sanstead Addressograph Sales ''gency Cooper - Petroleum Company LaSalle Cleaners, Inc. A. Y. McDonald Mfg. Co. Williams Hardware Company Allis- Chalmers Mfg. Company Hennepin Hardware Co Hans M. Peterson Walt's Super Service Station W. W. Grainger, Inc. Western Union Telegraph Henry Zumac h H. P. Quade Hartwig'`. & Schmidt Wallner Printing Company E. J. Heilman Hutchinson Telephone Co. Alvina L Kottke Ralph E. Smitn & Sons Diesel Service Company Troy Laundry J. P. Jensen Loe Electric Service Sterling Electric Company Midwest Electric Company Sterling Electric Company Trucking charges .83 ' Fuel Oil 1231.26 Postage 17.63 - lnstallation 15.00 - Return of Deposit 20-30, Truck Repairs 6.9,5, Repair Clock 1.75 , Freight *55- Installa ti ons 105.00 Service changes 6.96= Installation 25.00 - Supplies 2.83- Fuel Oil 169.26• Dry Cleaning 10.75 - Tools & Equipment 31.32, it it 25.59 - Transformers 94.89, Supplies 29.79, Insurance 28-05, Kerosene 2.59• Supplies - distribution 3.05. Telegrams .35° Freight - Installation 30.00° Installation 12.00° Printing 25-80- Installation 30.00 - Services & toll charges 6.45- Gas & Oil, trucks 18.04, is n n 3.00 Plant Supplies 26.53 - Laundry 1.82, Fr & :ght 3.32 Installations 24.45 Supplies 42.79 - Supplies 15.12 - tamps 59.35 - There bein no further business he meeting adjourned. Attest: CT-, �__ iLiE* esiden Secretary I C C