09-05-1939 HUCMZ Itilonthly IV.eet ng, September 5, 1939 The reEular monthly meeting of the Light &. Power Commission was held at the Light Plant office at 5:00 otclock D. m. . All members were orP ser t . Iv',r. R. VV • Strohmeier, Superintendent was also nrPsEnt. Yinutes n' the meeting_ held August 7, 19:9 were read and approved as read. Motion was duly ma 3 e seconded and c arr; ed that the following; official notice r.e published in the local newspapers; OF_WT.0 J AL NOTICE To Whom It Ivlay Concern; NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to any person or persons who attach or cause to be attached to any of rnir poles, anchors, guys or other structures an-NT radio aerial wires, telephone wires, te1_egranh wl_res, fencing;, sib °ns or other such devices, or who climb such poles or structiires, or otherwise trespass, all with or without our knowlede-e or permission, that they do so at their nwn risk, and that we will be in no manner responsible for consequences of suer, acts. LIGPT & POINER COMMISSION of the City of Hutchinson By, Fred W. Putney, Secretary The fcllowin} bills were read and allowed M. J. 3? i ins TnsurancP Rirkeland Studios Pictures J. P. Jensen TPrej ght Weise & Kuhlman Tnstall.ati on Henry Zumach Freight W. H. Splisbury Go. Tools Citizens 1?ank Printing, Office Sup. R. A. Strormeier ..isc- Expense E. J. heilman Installation Sterling Rlectiic Co. Lamps Henry Zumach Freight VV3.711ams Fardwary hardware "applies Nort-hlPnd Electric Supply Distr. Supplies It. N. 10c Donald vl'f • . Co. Ext . Trucks General Electric Company Distr. Supplies Leif Larson rArape Rent Line Material Company Distr. Extension Sterling Electric Compan.7r � " ^nl s, etc. ?..28r 3.50' 1.01• 32.98• 6.53• 18.94• 17.49 5.00' 28.92' .55' 2.55' 8.82 16.46' 9 .O Vii• 3.75 25.96 70.17, �I F_" 1 L 1 Addressograph 391.Ps AFe MAdwest Electric Company Hutch. Telephone Company F. J. Zile & Sons Northwest Exchanve Tns. LaSalle Cleaners, Inc. P. A. Rolig Hutchinson Oil Company Forest Esping Frank 'P,. Nordby Horder's Incorporated Line Pia teria l Company Hennepin Tardware Comnan Felwig Company Ditto, Incorporated J. I. Holcomb Tvffp . Co. rrsirbar Electric Comma Wolff Yotor uompan-v Troy Launders & Cleaner Henry Zumach. Felska & liemenge vin t ' s Texaco Station Hartmann.'s Drug Store Western Oil & Fuel Co. H. Channon Company Hutchinson Postmaster n. P. Roli_f- Harry R. Jensen . Trees. J. 'P. Jensen rE Supply Co »n^ ration nv s ncv Office Sunnli es Supplies Rent & Toll Char "Hardware A[ -ency Insurance Cleaning Galol.i re Lub Oil Instellatinn. Return 1veter 'De-nn Office &innlies Distr. Supplies Y Hardware supnlie s Generator brushes Office Sunnlies Plant Supn7_ies Truck Utili.t -y .:3ox Truck supplies Rags washed Frei. lht !=a soline Kerosene Plant Su-onl i es Fuel. Oil Supplies & Tools Pnstepe Gas nl i n Int. Series A 9or Freight '_i'ransfo »rners ges sit 'Is 2.66 - 17.14- 15.10, 32.10• 32.20- 14.00 13.54 23.72- 20.00 1.96. 2.15• 3.72' 1:x.50• 12.94- 6.38• 10.50- 42,9 .25- 1-25- 4.00. .67- 4.30, 4.44 - 9 .75- ,9.04- 14-61 119.00. 1.P17- 3,097.50. 2.77• 37_F.90. There beinc- no further biisin?ss tt)e meet;-r- adjourned. Secretary Attest: , �� President w � t)