06-05-1939 HUCM1 Monthly Meeting June 5, 1939 The regular monthly meeting of the Light & Power Commission was held in the Light Plant office at 5 p.m. All members were present, R. IN. Strohmeier was also present. The minutes of the meeting held Mat= 1st were read, and approved as read. The following; bills were read and allowed: Stocking Brothers Nehring Electrical Wks. Ernest Fisher Hutchinson Postmaster Worthington Pump Co LaSalle Cleaners Leif Larson Sterling Electric Co Williams hardware Co. Line Material Co. H. D. Electric Co. Addressog;raph Sales Ag. Henry Zumach Troy Laundry Stearns Lumber Co. Hutch. TelQ Go. Hutch. Oil Co. B & N Chev. Co. Shell Petroleum Co. F. J. Zila & Sons A. Y. McDonald Mfg-Co. Sterling Electric Co Horder's Inc. Yeoman Brothers Wolff Motor Company Treas. of U. S. Miller Body Shop Geo . Schultz Boulay, Sanderson, Waldo Christensen & 6egner Citizens Bk. Walt's Texaco Station R P Quade Powers Regulator Co. Westinghouse Elec. H P Quade Installat ions Wire Express Postage Equipment Dry Cleaning Garage Rent Supplies Supplies Distr. Ext. Tools Plates Freight Laundry Lumber Services Lub Oil Garage Rent Lub Oil Supplies Equipment Ext. Distr:. Plant supplies Merchandise Truck repairs F. P. Co. reports Truck repair gasoline Auditing services Installations Reserve Fund & int. Series "R" Bonds Kerosene Installations Engine Maintenance Plant supplies Installations Westinghouse Elec. Supply Tools & Equip. Duncan Electric Mfg. Co. Meters 52.00. 108.63• 1.35. 100.00• 28.18 - 14.00- 7.50-. 27.05 2.23- 84.23 77.56 1.11• 1.31 3.50• 4.80• 3.40. 23.65- 7.50 23.18 - 10.66 27.64 - 40.32- 1.50• 6.69• 4.25. 2.00 - 41.10 16.49' 280.00. 90.00. 3,022.14- 1.95. 82.00, 28.12 21.07- 15.00. 95.87- 212.80- 85, 86 It was moved, seconded and unanimously carried that operators who work two days extra per week during others' vacations, be paid extra for one day. Moved, seconded and unanimously carried that the regular monthly salaries of the following; employees be adjusted as follows, to be effective as of June 1, 1939; Ross Heilman from $105 to $110 James Moran from 90 to 100 L107d Nackedanz 'f 85 to 95 Paul J Anderson " 115 to 120 There being no further business the meetinE~ adjourned. ecreta Attest. President 7 1