12-21-2000 EDAMHutchinson Community Development Corporation - an EDA
Board of Commissioners
Thursday, December 21, 2000
7:00 a.m. at City Center Conference Room
Board Members present are in bold print
Don Walser Bob Windel Jeff Haag
Jim Haugen Keith Fischer Duane Hoversten
Tim Ulrich
Chamber Rep: Tim Smith, Hutchinson Chamber of Commerce
HCDC Staff. Christie Rock, Executive Director
1. Call to order... President Tim Ulrich
Tim Ulrich called the meeting to order at 7:05 a.m.
2. Approval of EDA Board of Commissioners minutes for October 27, 2000
Bob Windel made a motion to approve the minutes. Keith Fischer seconded the motion.
Tim Ulrich asked for discussion. The motion passed.
3. Approval of October financial statements
Jim Haugen made a motion to approve the June financial statements. Duane Hoversten
seconded the motion. Tim Ulrich asked for discussion. The motion passed.
4. One - Motion Agenda
There was brief discussion regarding the Southwest Minnesota Foundation's request for the
HCDC to contribute to their annual appeal. Board members concluded that rather than the
organization making a contribution, individual board members could make a donation if they so
Bob Windel made a motion to approve the One - Motion Agenda. Don Walser seconded the
motion. Tim Ulrich asked for discussion. The motion passed.
5. Executive Director Update
Christie provided an update of the projects she has been working on over the past month.
Projects include the following:
• Restructuring of Main Street Hutchinson organization
• RFP for downtown comprehensive plan
• Feasibility study for industrial park expansion
• Hutch Hotel redevelopment — information sent to Metro Plains Development
• Replacement of library windows — searching for potential funding sources
• Hutchinson Chamber Leadership Development Program — session leader
• Developing a brochure to promote new grants programs and revised loan program
• Post office relocation project — public hearing
• In the initial stages of developing a handbook that outlines the City's development review
• Attended various meetings
• Prepared meeting notices, agendas, minutes, board packets, correspondence, etc...
6. Annual meeting wrap -up
Christie noted that she sent thank you notes to the Crow River Country Club and to the Paul
Steinman, the guest speaker. She invited Board members to comment on the meeting. Most
agreed there was a good turnout. Christie indicated that she hoped to arrange for a more
interesting speak in 2001.
7. Update on post office relocation project
There was a brief discussion regarding the special meeting that took place on December 11.
Board members were very pleased with the turnout. The Board reviewed and approved two
resolutions and heard comments from property owners in the proposed site area. Two property
owners expressed concerns about the location. One property owner was concerned about the
acquisition and relocation process. Christie provided minutes from the special meeting in the
board packet.
The next step will be to have the City Council hold a public hearing, and review and approve both
resolutions. This should take place in January.
The USPS has started the appraisal process. They have contracted with Jim Robinson. Christie
has arranged for Fahey Sales to do appraisals on behalf of the City. She anticipates they will start
once the Council approves the redevelopment plan and redevelopment project.
8. Nominate representative to the new Main Street Hutchinson Board of Directors
Christie explained the restructuring process that has been taking place with the Main Street
Hutchinson organization over the past several months. The Board itself is expanding its
membership to be more inclusive of all the stakeholder groups that have an interest in downtown.
The Chamber of Commerce, Convention and Visitors Bureau, City Council, Planning
Commission, Historic Hutchinson, and HCDC will all have representation. Christie explained
that she would like the Board to nominate a representative, rather than have her choose. Jim
Haugen indicated that he would likely be the representative from the Planning Commission.
After some discussion, Jeff Haag expressed an interest in the position.
Don Walser made a motion to nominate Jeff Haag to the Main Street Hutchinson Board of
Directors. Jim Haugen seconded the motion. Tim Ulrich asked for discussion. The motion
9. Miller /McGraw development costs
Due to some unforeseen traffic problems, Hillyard is seeking a second access and an expanded
driveway and parking lot area. Christie invited Jeff Haag to explain the traffic problems that
Hillyard is experiencing. Jeff indicated that his trucks are having a hard time leaving the loading
dock area. There simply is not enough turn around area. In order to accommodate the larger
trucks, Hillyard requested a second access on the south side of the storm water pond. The city is
willing to allow a second access if Hillyard shares it with the development site on the south.
Furthermore, Hillyard must expand its storm water pond to accommodate future development on
the south parcel. Hillyard has agreed to pay for the majority of the costs associated with the
construction of the new access, and driveway. However, they are asking the HCDC to consider
paying for the expansion of the storm water pond and for other associated costs. City Engineer
John Rodeberg estimates these costs to total no more than $6,000.
Duane Hoversten made a motion to approve the additional costs. Bob Windel seconded the
motion. Tim Ulrich asked for discussion. The motion passed.
10. Approve extension of principle payment for Plastic Specialties
Plastic Specialties is seeking an extension of the principal payment that was due on its Economic
Development Loan on August 31, 2000. Financial constraints prevent them from making the full
payment owed (interest plus principal = $24,025). Plastic Specialties has indicated that they will
make an interest payment before then end of the year.
Don Walser inquired on the collateral position held by the HCDC. Is it real estate or equipment?
Christie indicated that she thought it was real estate. She will clarify with Ken Merrill.
Don Walser made a motion to approve the extension of the principal payment for the term
of the loan. Jeff Haag seconded the motion. Tim Ulrich asked for discussion. The motion
11. Industrial park expansion feasibility study
Christie indicated that the Hutchinson Housing and Redevelopment Authority inquired about the
possibility of doing a joint housing study and industrial park expansion feasibility study. HRA
Director Jean Ward has spoken with Maxfield Research Inc., regarding fees, and they indicated
they would be able to offer a discounted price if they worked on both projects at the same time.
The studies would require similar research and background work. It makes sense to do them
together. Christie explained that the industrial park study would include the following
• Review of industrial land absorption
• Competitive review of industrial buildings (vacancy, lease rates, tenant types)
• Community growth patterns
• Local and regional economic trends
• Commercial analyses to determine market potential
• Site description and analysis of potential expansion site
• Demographic review
• Financial feasibility
• Marketing strategies
Several Board members expressed concerns about the usefulness of such a study. Studies tend to
be very expensive and provide very little new information. Christie said she would research
Review HCDC Committees
Due to time, constraints the Board tabled discussion on this item until January 26, 2001. The
Board needs to consider vacancies, Board representation on committees, goals and objectives for
Strategic planning
The board will have a strategic planning and visioning session at it January 26, 2001 meeting.
Christie will contact Phil Graves to see if you would be available to facilitate.
Chamber Report
Tim Smith was on hand to give an update on the Chamber of Commerce activities. He noted the
• Relocation of Chamber office
• Seeking interim office space
• Annual meeting is scheduled for January 25, 2001
• Highway 7 east businesses have expressed concern about annexation issues
Status of board members terms
Tim Ulrich, President
Bob Windel, Vice - President
Keith Fischer
Jeff Haag
Jim Haugen, Secretary /Treasurer
Duane Hoversten
Don Walser
16. Next meeting
The next meeting is January 26, 2001.
17. Adjournment
Expires Dec.
Expires Dec.
Expires Dec.
Expires Dec.
Council rep
Council rep
Expires Dec.
A motion was made to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded. The meeting
adjourned at 8:10 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jim Haugen, Secretary /Treasurer