10-27-2000 EDAMHutchinson Community Development Corporation - an EDA
Board of Commissioners
Friday, October 27, 2000
7:00 a.m. at City Center Conference Room
Board Members present are in bold print
Don Walser Bob Windel Jeff Haag
Jim Haugen Keith Fischer Duane Hoversten
Tim Ulrich
Chamber Rep: Jim Fahey, Hutchinson Chamber of Commerce
HCDC Staff. Christie Rock, Executive Director
1. Call to order... Vice President Bob Windel
In the absence of President Tim Ulrich, Vice President Bob Windel called the meeting to order at
7:05 a.m.
2. Approval of EDA Board of Commissioners minutes for September 29, 2000
Don Walser made a motion to approve the minutes. Duane Hoversten seconded the motion.
Bob Windel asked for discussion. The motion passed.
3. Approval of September financial statements
Jim Haugen made a motion to approve the June financial statements. Keith Fischer
seconded the motion. Bob Windel asked for discussion. The motion passed.
4. One - Motion Agenda
Don Walser made a motion to approve the One - Motion Agenda. Keith Fischer seconded
the motion. Bob Windel asked for discussion. The motion passed.
5. Executive Director Update
Christie provided an update of the projects she has been working on over the past month.
Projects include the following:
• Post Office relocation
• Historic preservation
• Reorganization of Mainstreet Hutchinson, Inc.
• Chamber Leadership Development Program
• Annual meeting — November 15
• Manufacturers Week
• Posting loan payments, meeting notices, agendas, and minutes
• Board packet
• Attended various meetings including:
- Planning Staff
- Finance Team
- City Council
6. Update on Post Office Relocation Project
Christie introduced City Attorney Dick Schieffer who explained the ongoing process of
negotiating with the LISPS. Attorney Schieffer indicated frustration with the chain of command
within the LISPS. He suggested that Mr. Steve Muyskens, the real estate acquisition person,
actually has less authority than the city was led to believe. Attorney Schieffer explained that he
continues to work with USPS attorneys on the language for the "letter of intent." He provided the
Board with the most recent draft. He invited the Board to review and ask any questions.
Duane Hoversten indicated that the document focuses
The Board established a pubic hearing date of December 5, 2000, at 4:00 p.m. in the City Council
7. Review and approve applications to Downtown Rehab Programs
Town and Country Tire /Bob Elliot — Mr. Elliot is seeking funds from the Sign and Awning
Grant Program and the Commercial Rehab Loan Program to install a new awning on this
building. His total project cost is $6611.00. He is requesting $2,000 from the Sign and Awning
Grant Program and wishes to finance the balance via the loan program.
The Finance Team recommended approval of this loan pending review of Mr. Elliot's financial
statements. Christie stated that the financial statements were provided and satisfactory to the
subcommittee. Jim Haugen made a motion to approve the Sign and Awning Grant and
Commercial Rehab Loan to Bob Elliot. Keith Fischer seconded the motion. Bob Windel
asked for discussion. The motion passed.
8. Consider changing C. Labat's loan to a grant
After receiving information about the new grant programs, C. Labat approached Christie about
the possibility of changing her two - percent loan into a grant. Ms. Labat used the money for a
new sign and improvements to her storefront. Ms. Labat expressed some dissatisfaction with the
fact that the new programs came out about eight months after her loan received final approval.
At the time Ms. Labat's loan was approved, the Finance Team was discussing the possibility of
revising the existing loan program, but the subcommittee had not actually convened to start
working on the project of creating the new grant programs.
Based on this information, and the fact that the City Council has already approved the new
programs, the Finance Team decided to deny Ms. Labat's request. The Board discussed the
ramifications of changing the loan into a grant. After a short discussion, the Board decided this
was not a feasible solution, and suggested Christie talk with Ms. Labat about other projects she
could possibly do with the new grant programs. Duane Hoversten made a motion to uphold
the Finance Team's recommendation. Jim Haugen seconded the motion. The motion
9. Chamber Report
Jim Fahey highlighted the following Chamber activities:
• Relocation of the Chamber office — deadline, June 1, 2001
• Possible acquisition of old post office facility
• Historic Hutchinson — refurbish Quast billboard and identification of historic places
• Chamber retreat — November 14, at the Roadside Inn
• Annual meeting — January 25, 2001
10. Annual meeting
• Scheduled for November 15, 2000, from 11:45 -1:00 p.m., at the Crow River Country Club
• Speaker will be Paul Steinman from Springsted Financial Services — topic strategic planning
• Buffet lunch — soup, salad and sandwiches
• Please RSVP by November 6, 2000
11. Next meeting
The next meeting is December 22, 2000. In lieu of the annual meeting, no November board
meeting will be held.
12. Adjournment
A motion was made to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded. The meeting
adjourned at 8:10 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jim Haugen, Secretary /Treasurer