10-03-1938 HUCMn 1 63' October 3,1938 Monthly Meeting The regular monthly meeting of the Light & Power Commission was held in the office of the Superintendent in the Plant building at 5 p. m. . All members were present. R. W. Strohmeier was also present. The minutes of the meeting held September 5, 1938 wer.g read and approved, as read. R. W. Dahl having been re- appointed by the Council of the City of Hutchinson,, to a six year term on the Light & Power Commission and having qualified by subscribing to the required oath moved that the Commission proceed to elect its officers for the coming year. Commissioner Thompson seconded the motion which was unanimously carried. Commissioner Thompson moved that Commissioner R. I. Sheppard be elected to serve as President of the Light & Power Commission for the coming year. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Dahl., On roll call being taken the motion carried. Commissioner Dahl moved that Commissioner A. J. Thompson be elected to serve as Vice- President forthe ensuing year. Commissioner Sheppard, seconded the motion. On roll call the motion carried. Moved by Commissioner Thompson and seconded by Commissioner Dhhl,that Paul J. Anderson serve as Secretary for the Light & Power Commission for the following year. Motion carried. On motion duly made, seconded and carried City Attorney Elmer C. Jensen, is to receive the sum of $100 for legal services for the year and City Treasurer harry ". Jensen is also to receive $100 for his services for the year. On motion duly made, seconded and carried the regular monthly meeting of the Light Z: Power Commission will be held at 5 :00 P. M. on the first Monday of the month at the office of the Superintendent in the Light Plant building. The following bills were read and all6wed: Goulds Pumps, Inc. Duncan Electric Mfg. Co. R. W. Strohmeier J. P. Jensen Henry Zumach Eledtric Time & Utilities Leader Printing Co. Skelly Oil Company Line Material Company Line Material Company Leif Larson Supplies 6.97 - Meters 135.93 Supplies 7.16• Freight 1.13• Freight 1.12• Repair Clock 3.75• Prntg. & Adv. 10.50• Gasoline 14.78• Distr. System 129.62• Wire 67.61• Garage Rent 7.50• 64 Harry R. Jensen, Treas. Int. on "A" Bonds Harry R. Jensen, Treas Int on "B" Bonds Hutchinson Banner Advertising Hennepin Hardware Co. Tools Midwest Electric Company Supplies Horders ' Incorporated Office Supplies Peerless Electric Co. Ext. Distr. Sterling Electric 1.0o. Merchandise Allis - Chalmers Mfg. Co. Transformers Loe Electric Company Merchandise Nehri ng Electrical orks Wire Jobbers Supply Company Supplies Hutchinson Wafer Dept. Water Rent Mrs. John Gregor Installation H. P. Quads Installations Walter Rippe Installations Hartwig & Schmidt Installation Minn. Western R. Ft• Freight - oil B & N Chevrolet Company Garage Rent Troy Launders & Cleaners Laundry Wants Texaco Station Kerosene Sterling Electric Company Supplies Addressograph Sales Agency supplies Paper, Calmenson & Company fools W. H. Barber & Company Fuel Oil Hutchinson Telephone Co. Services Minnesota Western R. R. Freight Henry Zumach Freight American R. R. Express Express Minn. Western R. R. Company Freight - oil H There being no further the meeting adjourned. Attest; Secret President I 3.250.00- 490.00-- 12.00- 12.89' 13.84• 7.30 - 25.64- 1.05- 627.27- 45.22- 184.83' 5.16' 25.90' 30.00 40.00• 36.00 22.00- 304.86 7.50 2.96 - 3.10- 31.24, 1.58• 9.70• 467.45- 5.85• 307.86- 2.05• 1.30- 2,196.83 - 1 1