07-28-2000 EDAMHutchinson Community Development Corporation - an EDA Board of Commissioners Friday, July 28, 2000 7:00 a.m. at City Center Conference Room Minutes Board Members present are in bold print Don Walser Bob Windel Jeff Haag Jim Haugen Keith Fischer Duane Hoversten Tim Ulrich Chamber Rep: Vi Mayer, Hutchinson Chamber of Commerce HCDC Staff. Christie Rock, Executive Director 1. Call to order... Vice President Bob Windel In the absence of President Tim Ulrich, the meeting was called to order by Vice President Bob Windel at 7:05 a.m. 2. Approval of EDA Board of Commissioners minutes for June 22, 2000 A motion was made by Jeff Haag to approve the minutes. Jim Haugen seconded the motion. Bob Windel asked for discussion. The motion was approved. 3. Approval of June financial statements June financial statements were not available for approval due to technical problems with the city's server. Ken will have June and July statements available for the Finance Team to review and approve in August. 4. One - Motion Agenda There were not items on the one motion agenda. 5. Executive Director Update Christie provided an update of the projects she has been working on over the past month. Projects include the following: • Post Office Relocation Project • Highway 7 Coalition Model Access Management Ordinance Project • MN Investment Fund Application • Revision of Downtown Loan Program • Business Subsidy Policy — Public hearing and resolution at City Council meeting • Entronix visit • Chamber Leadership Development Program • Posting loan payments • Meeting notices, agendas, and minutes • Board packet • 2001 Budget • Planning a Downtown Taskforce meeting for second week in August to discuss new parking lot project and downtown lighting project • Attended various meetings including: - Highway 7 Coalition - Finance Team - Planning Staff - Meeting with post office architect - Meeting with Postal Service officials 6. Post Office Relocation update Christie updated the Board on the meetings that have taken place with Postal Service officials over the past month. A meeting with the architect was held in early July. At that meeting, the architect asked questions about infrastructure availability and utility location for the downtown sites. The architect was very positive about the potential for the post office to remain in the downtown area. On July 25, Steve Muyskens from the Postal Service in Kansas City, Hutchinson Postmaster Paul Johnson and the architect team met with city staff, the Mayor, Tim Ulrich, Vi Mayer and Jim Fahey to review the Postal Services three preferred sites. The Postal Service has selected two different configurations of the site north of City Center, along with the site south of Target. The architects presented potential site plans for the downtown locations. The Postal Service will post these three sites for public comment within the next several weeks. The public will have one month to give comment. Prior to posting the sites; however, Steve Muyskens will allow city staff to make contact with the property owners in the area north of City Center to let them know the Postal Service is seriously considering the area for the new site of the post office. 7. Revision of Downtown Loan Fund guidelines The Finance Team has approved final versions of the Sign and Awning Grant Program, the Storefront Revitalization Matching Grant Program and the Commercial Rehabilitation Loan Program. In the absence of Don Walser and Tim Ulrich, Christie answered questions regarding each program. Christie explained how she plans to market and promote the program to downtown business and property owners. She will create a brochure, as well as application materials for each program. Christie also plans to personally visit each business. The Board discussed the possibility of creating a list of target properties. Christie mentioned that Tim has already had conversations with the owner of Main Street Sports Bar and he is very interested in taking advantage of the new programs. A motion was made by Keith Fischer made a motion to approve the Sign and Awning Program. Duane Hoversten seconded the motion. Bob Windel asked for discussion. The motion passed unanimously. Jeff Haag made a motion to approve the Storefront Revitalization Program. Jim Haugen seconded the motion. Bob Windel asked for discussion. The motion passed. Duane Hoversten made a motion to approve the Commercial Rehab Loan Program. Jeff Haag seconded the motion. Bob Windel asked for discussion. The motion passed. Jeff Haag asked the Finance Team to consider allocating some funds towards architectural design assistance for property owners interested in fixing up their building's facade. This type of assistance might encourage the property owners to keep their updates historically correct. 8. Chamber of Commerce Report Vi Mayer updated the group on the activities of the Chamber of Commerce. He highlighted the following: • Arts and Crafts Festival • HCLD 2000 -2001 • Quality Council • Music in the Park • DTED negotiation • Conference /Community Center • Water fountain — Spring 2001 9. New business Duane Hoversten brought up some information that he learned from the city's recent audit. He stated that City Finance Director Ken Merrill informed the Council of $400,000 in funds sitting in the Downtown TIF District that needs to be expended or it will be lost. Duane suggested that the HCDC encourage the funds be used to redevelop /revitalize the Hutch Hotel. Perhaps the HCDC wants to consider purchasing the property. Tim indicated that he and Christie have had conversations about the hotel and that Christie is looking into other possible sources of rehab money. Further, Tim explained that Ken is going to give an update at the next Finance Team meeting on the status of the city's TIF districts. Tim will ask Ken to explain what the funds can be used for. Christie will arrange a meeting to speak with Matt McMillan from the Hutchinson Leader. Duane also asked that the HCDC seriously consider putting an option down on the Runnings property. Runnings is looking to relocate. The hospital's impending purchase of Plaza 15 makes Runnings a very valuable property to the city. If an option were not possible perhaps Runnings would consider giving the HCDC the first right of refusal (first chance to buy at market rate). Christie will make sure this is an agenda item for the August Finance Team meeting. A motion was made by Duane Hoversten for the HCDC to take the lead on pursuing the Runnings property. Jim Haugen seconded the motion. The motion passed. 10. Adjournment A motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting. The meeting adjourned at 8:10 a.m. Respectfully submitted, Jim Haugen, Secretary /Treasurer