04-28-2000 EDAMHutchinson Community Development Corporation - an EDA
Board of Commissioners
Friday, April 28, 2000
7:00 a.m. at City Center Conference Room
Board Members present are in bold print
Don Walser Bob Windel Jeff Haag
Jim Haugen Keith Fischer Duane Hoversten
Tim Ulrich
Chamber Rep: Vi Mayer, Hutchinson Chamber of Commerce
HCDC Staff. Christie Rock, Executive Director
1. Call to order... President Tim Ulrich
The meeting was called to order by President Tim Ulrich at 7:05 a.m.
2. Approval of EDA Board of Commissioners minutes for March 24, 2000
A motion was made by Bob Windel to approve the minutes. Jeff Haag seconded the
motion. Tim Ulrich asked for discussion. The motion was approved.
3. Approval of February and March 2000 financial statements
A motion was made by Duane Hoversten to approve the February and March
financial statements. Bob Windel seconded the motion. Tim Ulrich asked for
discussion. The motion passed.
4. One - Motion Agenda
A request was made to remove the names of delinquent borrowers from the Finance
Team minutes.
A motion was made by Jim Haugen to approve the One - Motion agenda. Bob
Windel seconded the motion. Tim Ulrich asked for discussion. The motion passed.
5. Executive Director Update
Christie provided an update of the projects she has been working on over the past month.
Projects include the following:
• Post Office relocation
• Presentation for Chamber Leadership Program
• Presentation for Entrepreneur class at Ridgewater College
Groundbreaking ceremony for Hillyard Floor Care, Inc.
• Highway 7 Coalition
• Revision of Downtown Loan Fund guidelines
Various meetings
• Administrative work
6. Post Office Relocation update
Tim Ulrich provided the Board with an update of what has been happening with the Post
Office relocation project. He indicated that Postal Service officials met with city staff
earlier in the week to review 11 different sites. Christie and Director of Planning and
Zoning Julie Wischnack prepared a presentation that included information on property
values and size.
After all was said and done it was determined that only a few of the sites had potential.
The site the people were most interested in is located north of City Center. Christie
provided the group with a copy of the presentation for review. The Postal Service is
advertising for a site will begin to accept proposals from the public beginning this week.
The closing date will be May 18.
Christie prepared letter to be sent in response to the RFP. The letter explains why it is
important for the post office to remain in the downtown area and what the city is willing
to do to facilitate that effort. Christie also wrote a story for the Hutchinson Leader that
addresses the benefits of a downtown post office and the HCDC's efforts to retain the
post office in the downtown area.
Tim invited the City Council Members, Jim Haugen and Duane Hoversten, to express
their thoughts and concerns about the post office relocation. Both generally agreed that
providing some assistance would be good, but the city could not commit to keeping the
post office downtown whatever the cost might be.
The Board agreed that a letter from the EDA specifically should be sent to the Postal
Service in support of a downtown site. Christie agreed to write the letter and Tim agreed
to sign.
7. Revision of Downtown Loan Fund guidelines
The Finance Team Subcommittee has met once to discuss the revision of the Downtown
Loan Fund guidelines. The first meeting consisted primarily of a broad discussion about
what the fund should be used for. Committee members suggested pedestrian level
lighting for Main Street, trees for Main Street, grants for signs and awnings, and interior
improvements for retail or commercial space. The subcommittee plans to have more
specific information available for the next Board meeting on May 26.
8. Approve application to the Downtown Loan fund from John Schutt and Anderson
John would like to update the rear exterior of his store, as well as update the heating
system. The total estimated cost of the project is $22,000. The Finance Team approved
this application pending review of the financial statements.
A motion was made by Bob Windel to approve John Schutt's application pending
review of the financial statements. Jim Haugen seconded the motion. The motion
was approved.
9. Hillyard Floor Care
Jeff Haag provided an update on the construction of Hillyard's new building in the
industrial park. Raske Builders recently signed the purchase agreement and Reiner
Construction began grading the site. There have been a few problems related to grading
the site and Reiner is requesting the right to take fill from the south parcel for use on the
building site. Christie invited City Engineer John Rodeberg to speak to this request.
John indicated that he thought this was fine, but wanted approval from the HCDC Board
before telling Reiner to move forward.
A motion was made by Don Walser to approve moving fill from the south parcel to
the north parcel under condition that the south parcel was left in satisfactory
condition. Keith Fischer seconded the motion. Tim Ulrich asked for discussion.
The motion was approved.
The Board agreed that the groundbreaking ceremony was good publicity for the HCDC
and Hillyard.
10. Chamber of Commerce Report
Vi Mayer updated the group on the activities of the Chamber of Commerce. He
highlighted the following:
Arts and Crafts Festival
• Music in the Park
• Leadership Program
• New CVB Director
11. Adjournment
A motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting. The meeting adjourned
at 8:10 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jim Haugen, Secretary /Treasurer