03-03-2000 EDAMHutchinson Community Development Corporation - an EDA Board of Commissioners Friday, March 3, 2000 7:00 a.m. at City Center Conference Room Minutes Board Members present are in bold print Don Walser Bob Windel Jeff Haag Jim Haugen Keith Fischer Duane Hoversten Tim Ulrich Chamber Rep: Vi Mayer, Hutchinson Chamber of Commerce HCDC Staff. Christie Rock, Executive Director 1. Call to order... President Tim Ulrich The meeting was called to order by President Tim Ulrich at 7:05 a.m. 2. Approval of EDA Board of Commissioners minutes for January 28, 2000 A motion was made by Jim Haugen to approve the minutes. Don Walser seconded the motion. Tim Ulrich asked for discussion. The motion was approved. 3. Approval of January 2000 financial statements A motion was made by Jeff Haag to approve the financial statements. Bob Windel seconded the motion. Tim Ulrich asked for discussion. The motion was approved. 4. One - Motion Agenda A motion was made by Bob Windel to approve the one - motion agenda Jim Haugen seconded the motion. Tim Ulrich asked for discussion. The motion was approved. 5. Wrap -up of TH 22 /TH 7 East Comprehensive Land Use Plan A final draft of the plan was presented to the McLeod County Board in February. Concerns centered on the difference between a zoning ordinance and a comprehensive plan. A comprehensive plan is meant to be a guide. A tool for city and county officials to use when making land use decisions. The zoning ordinance is a legal and binding document. At this time, there are no plans to rezone the land in the study area. Because of the costs related to printing the comprehensive plan, one was available for review at the Board meeting. Anyone interested in his own copy should let Christie know. 6. Update on proposed project for Miller /McGraw property The Planning Commission approved the lot -split at its meeting in early February. Chair person Bill Arndt requested that the HCDC send a memo to the City Council outlining why the lot -split is not a straight line. Christie Rock prepared the memo and it was presented at the last City Council meeting in February. A copy of the memo will be included in next month's Board packet. A decision was made among city staff that 30% of the total assessments on the Miller /McGraw property be allocated to the parcel that Hillyard Floor Care, Inc. is interested in purchasing. The HCDC will pay the city from the revenue earned from the sale of the property. The property will be sold based upon its appraised value of $20,750 /acre. Christie Rock has contacted Marc Sebora about drawing up a purchase agreement for this parcel. Jeff Haag indicated that the HCDC would sell the property to the construction firm. He will let the HCDC know who this party is as soon as possible. Jeff Haag presented plans for the new building, as well as provided other important background information regarding the project. He also mentioned that Hillyard has a purchase agreement with the Winsted Adult Training and Habilitation Center for their existing location. 7. Update on Community Center project Tim Ulrich and Vi Mayer updated Board members on the status of the Community Center project and the one million - dollar grant from the State of Minnesota. Hospital Administrator Phil Graves and Board member Bob Peterson gave a presentation to the City Council in February regarding the potential of using the one million - dollar grant to purchase the Plaza 15. The hospital believes this would be a complementary site for the existing campus like facilities. Seniors are supportive of this location, as well as the Fair board. Gary Plotz and Phil Graves went to the Legislature to testify on behalf of the community in an effort to keep the money in the bonding bill. The hospital is currently negotiating with Kraus Anderson for the purchase price of the Plaza 15. 8. Downtown Loan Fund — revision of guidelines Christie Rock and Tim Ulrich reviewed the discussion that took place at the February Finance Team meeting. The Finance Team is looking for direction from the Board. The Board brainstormed some potential uses for this money. The Board also determined that the Finance Team should be the body to make a recommendation on the use of the funds. Christie will prepare a list of the potential uses for the money and forward it to the Finance Team for review at its March meeting. A list of Board recommendations will be included in the March Board packet. 9. New business Sale of DAV property - Dick McClure is ready to exercise his option to purchase the DAV property in the Hutchinson Industrial Park. He has enough tenants to expand his business park into another building. Christie will work with Marc Sebora to see that a purchase agreement is prepared. Post Office relocation/expansion project— US Post Office officials have not been in contact with local Post Office officials with regards to potential sites. Vi Mayer is working with Postmaster Paul Johnson to arrange another meeting with Post Office officials to ensure that the project continues to move forward. Christie is investigating the Schmeling Oil property as a potential site. The Post Office continues to be interested in the property on Franklin behind Citizens Bank. There are some issues with the relocation of utilities that run through the property. 10. Chamber Report Vi Mayer highlighted the following: • Historic Hutchinson • Blandin Leadership • Interviewing for CVB Director — full-time position • Agri- Business Expo Arts and Crafts Festival • Music in the Park 11. Next Meeting The Board will meet on Friday, March 24, at 7:00 a.m. 12. Adjourn A motion was made by Don Walser to adjourn the meeting. Jeff Haag seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 a.m. Respectfully submitted, Jim Haugen — Secretary /Treasurer