06-06-1938 HUCM55 Monthly Meeting June 6, 1938 The Regular monthly meeting; of the Light & Power Commission of the City, of Hutchinson was held in the office of the Superintendent in the IvIunic ipal Electric Plant building in the City of Hutchinson. Commissioner's Sheppard & Thompson were present, also R. VV. Strohmeier, Plant Superintendent. The minutes of the meetings held on May 2, 1938 and Special Id;eeting of I�iay 6, 1938 were read and approved as read. Moved by Commissioner Thompson, seconded by Commissioner Sheppard, and carried, that due to the fact that Commissioner Dahl is detained at home and una'}le to be present because of illness, the commission adjourn to the residence of Commissioner Dahl *nd there resume the meeting. Itiieeting reconvened at the Residence of Commissioner Dahl. Moved by Commissioner Dahl and seconded by Commissioner Thompson that the salar?r of Grayce Falconer be raised to "*65.00 per month., the salaries of Leif Larson & Hugo Mahs be raised to '1*145.00 per month. for each and that of Lloyd Mackedanz be raised to .$70.00 per month. Motion carried. The following bills were read and allowed. Minnesota Westrn. R. R. Freight on Fuel Oil 207.98, Troy Laundry Laundry 6.71• Horders' Inc. Supplies 5.45• Duncan Elec. Mfg. Co. Extension 38.83• Line 1viaterial Company Wire 71.28• Socony- Vacuum Oil Co. Lub Oil 29.90• H. P. quade Installation 10.00 Nehring Electrical Yorks Extension 105.27• WRstern Oil 8c Fuel Fuel Oil 196.81• Edwin L. Wiegand Company Equipment 47.34• Sterling Electric Go. Extension 45.86 Westinghouse Electric Extension 13.86• J. I. Holcomb Mfg;. Co. Plant Supplies 4.32• Harriet Kiesler Clerical Work 6.00• H. J.- Engleman Installation 12.00• Minn. 'rVJestrn. R. 11. Freight on Oil 313.91• Mine Safety Appliance Co. Supplies 6.38- Minn. Municipalities Assn. Dues 30.00- Goulds Pumps, Inc. Equipment 3.66- Standard Oil Company Lub Oil 26.99• George Zeleny Installation 30.00• E. J. Heilman Installations 73.30• A. Y. McDonald Mfg. Co. Equipment 3.57• R. W. Strohmeier Expenses 18.03• H. P. lquade7 Installations 38.05 56 Western Union Telegraph Henry Zumach Wolff Motor Company F. J. Zila & Sons Addressograph Sales Agency Troy Laundry B & N Chevrolet Co. P. A. Rolig Walt's Texaco Station Western Oil & Fuel Hutch. Oil Company Harry R. Jensen Williams Hardware Co. Earl A. iNaldo J1 P. Jensen Henry Zumach Walt Kleinheinz Minn. Western. R. R. H. P. Quade Harriet Kiesler Telegrams .95' Drayage 1.08 - Repairs & Gas 7.75 - Supglies 18.05 - 1.22 Laundry 2.04' Rent 15.00 - Gas a Oil 10.53• Kerosene 1.95• Fuel Oil 504.29• Lub Oil 28.05' Int. Series "B" Bonds 36.00 Supplies 2.48' Auditing Services 250.00• Drayage .50• Drayage 1.60 Installations 25.00 Freight - Oil 312.32• Installations 70.04 Clerical Work 12.00' Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried the President and Secretary of the Commission are hereby instructed to enter into a contract with the Electric Home & Farm Authority for financing of appliances. On motion duly made, seconded J. Anderson shall be relieved of his Man during the time he is working as ction of the Whiteway system for the that any work he may do at the Plant Whiteway project he shall be paid f o rated basis. Attest and carried, that Pa) 1 regular duties as Utility foreman on the re- constru- City of Hutchinson, and , when not working on the ` r by the day on a pro There being no further business the meeting adjourned. resid en retary D