10-29-1999 EDAMHutchinson Community Development Corporation - an EDA Board of Commissioners Friday, October 29, 1999 7:00 a.m. at City Center Conference Room Minutes Board Members present are in bold print Don Walser Jim Haugen Tim Ulrich Bob Windel Don Erickson Sheldon Nies Jeff Haag Chamber Rep: Vi Mayer, Hutchinson Chamber of Commerce HCDC Staff. Christie Rock, Executive Director 1. Call to order... President Tim Ulrich The meeting was called to order by President Tim Ulrich at 7:10 a.m. 2. Approval of EDA Board of Commissioners minutes for September 24, 1999 A motion was made by Jim Haugen to approve the minutes. Tim Ulrich seconded the motion. Tim Ulrich asked for discussion. The motion was approved. 3. One - Motion Agenda Tim Ulrich asked for an update on the Main Street pedestrian level lighting project. Jim Haugen explained what has transpired over the past several months. He indicated that the Downtown Task Force is comfortable with the lights and brackets on the pole in front of The Back Door. This set -up would be used for the four middle poles on each block extending the length of Main Street. Skip Quade and Tom Daggett will get together to discuss final design and cost estimates. The group is still considering a complete streetscape study of Main Street. Such a study would include design guidelines for rehabbing buildings, lighting recommendations, signage, etc... The group has discussed the possibility of using money from the Downtown Loan Fund to conduct the study. A motion was made by Don Erickson to approve the One - Motion Agenda. Jim Haugen seconded the motion. Tim Ulrich asked for discussion. The motion was approved. 4. Staff Update Christie Rock provided the group with a brief update of some of her projects and activities over the past month. Christie indicated that she and Gene Goddard from the Department of Trade and Economic Development met with 12 local manufacturers during the month of October. Christie and Gene spoke to manufacturers about DTED loans that are available for equipment purchases, building expansions, land purchases and workforce development In addition, Christie completed the database of Main Street business and property owners and sent them a letter letting them know about the monies available in the Downtown Loan Fund was sent out earlier this week. Christie has received two inquiries thus far. The Marketing and Promotions Team met for the first time in October. The team discussed marketing materials with representatives from GrufRuff Design. The team hopes to create a four color, folder with inserts that can be used by both the HCDC and the Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber of Commerce will consider paying for a portion of the costs. GrufRuff will research printing costs, as well as prepare an estimate for layout and design. Christie has also been working on the annual meeting and the TH 22 Bypass Corridor Study. Updates on those items follow below. 5. TH 22 Bypass Corridor Study Christie and Julie Wischnack, Director of Zoning and Planning, continue to work on the TH 22 Bypass Corridor Study. Three land use plans have been prepared for public review and comment. Three open houses have been scheduled for property owners to come in and review the plans, as well as learn about the relationship between the City's Zoning Map and Comprehensive Plan. Two open houses have already been held and both had very good turn out. 6. Manufacturers Week The State of Minnesota is celebrating Manufacturers Week October 25 -29. In the past, the HCDC has co- sponsored a luncheon to recognize and show appreciation for local manufacturers. Due to time constraints, a luncheon was deemed to difficult to plan this year. So instead, a Salute to Local Manufacturers advertisement was placed in the Hutchinson Leader. The advertisement was sponsored by the HCDC, the Chamber of Commerce and Ridgewater College. 7. HCDC Annual Meeting Christie has spent a great deal of time preparing for the annual meeting which is scheduled for November 17. Invitations have been mailed along with RSVP cards. Christie and Tim are working on the annual report. The report will include updates from active task forces, as well as 1998 and 1999 financial statements. Commissioner Elwyn Tinklenberg from MNDOT will be the event's keynote speaker. The event will be held at the Crow River Country Club. 8. Review applications for the Downtown Loan Fund The Board reviewed a loan request from Larry Dostal and Dostal Electronic's Center. Christie provided the group with a brief description of the project. A motion was made by Jeff Haag to approve the loan. Don Erickson seconded the motion. Tim Ulrich asked for discussion. The motion was approved. The Board also reviewed a request from Barbara Milbach and Rental Locators to submit an application to the Downtown Loan Fund. Milbach has multiple interior projects already in progress and is looking for gap financing to complete the work. She does have a number of exterior projects that have not been started. According to the guidelines, projects that have already been started are not eligible for assistance. However, because there is so much money in the loan fund, Christie thought the group should consider making an exception. The Board suggested that Barb Milbach submit an application to the Finance Team for its review and recommendation. 9. New Business Christie indicated that she has had several conversations with 3M officials about the possibility of expanding their local facility to include adhesive production. Due to an explosion and fire at its adhesive plan in Cordova, Illinois, 3M has had to reduce the production of a number of different kinds of tape. The Cordova plan manufacturers adhesive for 60 percent of the product shipped out of Hutchinson. Plant officials seem interested, but cautioned that corporate headquarters in St. Paul is unlikely to put all of its eggs in one basket. Hutchinson is already its largest facility. Tim Ulrich reported to the Board that a board member from the Adult Training and Habilitation Center out of Winsted contacted him about land available for constructing a new facility or property available for sale and /or lease in the Hutchinson area. Currently the ATHC buses 25 -30 people between Hutchinson and Winsted everyday. ATHC would like to bring a facility to Hutchinson that could serve the needs of these people, as well as people who live in communities to the west of Hutchinson. The ATHC Board of Directors is looking to spend about a half million dollars and needs approximately 7,000 square feet. Jeff Haag mentioned that Hillyard would like to consolidate its three Minnesota locations in Hutchinson and is considering the possibility of building a new facility in the industrial park. Construction is contingent on the sale of the existing Hillyard building. Hillyard has approximately 17,000 square feet and Jeff thought that Scott Hillyard would ask about $450,000 for the building. Christie and Tim will contact the ATHC to arrange a tour of the Hillyard facility. Board members agreed the new Hillyard facility would be a nice anchor for the Miller /McGraw nine acres. 10. Chamber Report Vi Mayer provided the group with an update of Chamber activities over the past month. He reminded the group that a ribbon cutting at Cub Foods is scheduled for Wednesday, November 3. He also indicated that the Chamber is co- sponsoring a Dale Carnegie course. He mentioned that Runnings is very interested in the Cashwise building and that Discount 70 is interested in the Runnings building. SuperValue does not take possession of the Cashwise building until after January 1, 2000. Vi also mentioned the Women in Business banquet that was held and the upcoming Farm Business Expo. The Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors Annual Meeting and Retreat is scheduled for November 16. Tim Ulrich will attend to update Chamber on EDA activities. Christie will attend the December Chamber meeting. Finally, Vi indicated that the fountain should be installed in the Crow River next spring. It will spray water 90 to 102 feet high. 11. Next meeting In lieu of the annual meeting on November 17, 1999 no November Board meeting will be held. A December meeting will be held only if new business requires.