09-24-1999 EDAMHutchinson Community Development Corporation - an EDA
Board of Commissioners
Friday, September 24, 1999
7:00 a.m. at City Center Conference Room
Board Members present are in bold print
Don Walser
Jim Haugen
Tim Ulrich
Bob Windel
Don Erickson
Sheldon Nies
Jeff Haag
Chamber Rep: Vi Mayer, Hutchinson Chamber of Commerce
HCDC Staff. Christie Rock, Executive Director
1. Call to order... President Tim Ulrich
The meeting was called to order by President Tim Ulrich at 7:10 a.m.
2. Approval of EDA Board of Commissioners minutes for August 27, 1999
A motion was made by Sheldon Nies to approve the minutes. Jim Haugen seconded
the motion. Tim Ulrich asked for discussion. The motion was approved.
3. One - Motion Agenda
A motion was made by Bob Windel to approve the One - Motion Agenda. Jim
Haugen seconded the motion. Tim Ulrich asked for discussion. The motion was
4. Staff Update
Christie Rock provided the group with an update of the activities and projects she has
worked on over the past month. Highlights include the Highway 22 Bypass Corridor
Study, the Annual Meeting, and Manufacturers Week. Christie also attended a number of
meetings including Governor Ventura's workforce development speech. Christie
indicated that she has meetings planned with 12 manufacturers for the month of October.
Finally, Christie said she hoped to have the letters to the Main Street business and
property owners ready to be mailed the first week in October. Christie also mentioned
that she attended the Crow River Quality Council meeting and is participating in the
Hutchinson Leadership Development Program.
5. Highway 22 Bypass / Interim Zoning Ordinance
Tim Ulrich gave the Board the Highway 22 Bypass Corridor Steering Committee report.
He explained the letter that was sent to the County Board outlining the EDA's support of
the interim zoning ordinance. Christie stated that she and Julie received support from the
City Council as well. On Tuesday, September 21, Christie and Julie went to the County
Board to explain the request. The County Board will make a final decision on the interim
zoning ordinance after a public hearing at the October 5, meeting.
6. Manufacturer's Week
Christie explained that the State of Minnesota schedules a week each year to recognize
and reward the accomplishments of manufacturers. This year the week is scheduled for
October 25 -29. In the past, the HCDC has partnered with Ridgewater College and
Minnesota Technology to host recognition luncheon. Last year, the State's Chief
Economist Tom Stinson gave a presentation. Planning for the event started in July.
Christie met with Tim Ulrich and Vi Mayer to discuss what type of event should be held
this year. Given the short amount of notice, all agreed it would be nearly impossible to
put on an event with the magnitude of last year. Christie and Vi agreed to meet with
Ridgewater College to find out what, if anything, they have planned.
Ridgewater College did not have anything planned, nor were they willing to do a lot of
work. Christie suggested something simple this year and something more elaborate for
next year. People get tired of going to meaningless meetings. Christie said she would
contact The Leader to see if they would be willing to do a special section or page
celebrating Manufacturer's Week.
7. HCDC Annual Meeting
This year's annual meeting is scheduled for Thursday, November 4, at the Peace Center.
Christie is writing a letter to Tim Penny to see if he would be willing or interested in
serving as the keynote speaker. Tim Ulrich will work with Christie to get the annual
report assembled.
8. Community Needs Survey
Christie highlighted economic development opportunities uncovered from survey
responses. She will make copies for Board members who are interested in reviewing the
survey results.
9. Membership List
A revised copy of the membership list was provided to Board members in the packets.
Minus staff, the HCDC is one member shy of 40. It was suggested that membership
representation from 3M would be nice.
10. New Business
No new business was brought forth.
11. Chamber Report
Vi Mayer provided the Board with an update of Chamber activities. Vi highlighted the
Arts and Crafts Festival, the kick -off of the 1999 -2000 Crow River Quality Council, the
Hutchinson Community Development Leadership Program, ribbon - cutting ceremonies
planned for Office Max and Target, and the fountain. He also mentioned there is a
Business After Hours celebration planned at Crow River Press on October 5.
12. The next meeting is scheduled for the fourth Friday in October.
13. Adjournment
A motion was made to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded. The
meeting was adjourned at 8:30 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jim Haugen
Secretary /Treasurer