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08-27-1999 EDAMHutchinson Community Development Corporation - an EDA Board of Commissioners Friday, August 27, 1999 7:00 a.m. at City Center Conference Room Minutes Board Members present are in bold print Don Walser Bob Windel Jeff Haag Jim Haugen Don Erickson Tim Ulrich Sheldon Nies Chamber Rep: Jon Block, Hutchinson Chamber of Commerce HCDC Staff. Christie Rock, Executive Director 1. Call to order... President Tim Ulrich The meeting was called to order by President Tim Ulrich at 7:10 a.m. 2. Approval of EDA Board of Commissioners minutes for July 23, 1999 A motion was made by Don Erickson to approve the minutes. Jim Haugen seconded the motion. Tim Ulrich asked for discussion. The motion was approved. 3. Approval of 2001 -2002 Budget Tim Ulrich explained that the three -year budget was presented to and approved by the Finance Team at its meeting on August 17. At that meeting, specific questions were answered regarding the staff, travel/school/conference, and printing /publishing line items. Ken Merrill also addressed the EDA revenue sources, including the General Fund, tax levy, developers fees, TIF administrative funds, and rent. Christie Rock highlighted the staff line item for the Board's benefit. She explained that the line item includes funds for both the Executive Director position and for a part -time or shared program assistant. She indicated that she and HRA Director Jean Ward have considered sharing a staff person. The person would work 20 hours a week for the EDA and 20 hours a week for the HRA. Salary and benefits would be divided between the two agencies. Both Christie and Jean agree that this would be the most cost - effective way to hire a committed and competent employee. Christie and Jean are working on a job description. The staff person would be hired under the City's pay plan. A number of Board members had concerns about sharing a position between the HRA and EDA. Don Walser suggested that a part -time secretary was the only position needed. Christie indicated that she would like to have someone who can assist with more substantive projects, rather than a person to simply answer the phones and take minutes. She will prepare a cost - benefit analysis of a part -time vs. half -time position, she will also provide a job description, and she will clarify salary and benefit information for the next meeting. A motion was made to approve the 2000 -2002 budget by Jim Haugen. Tim Ulrich asked for further discussion. Don Erickson seconded the motion. The motion was approved. 4. One - Motion Agenda The July 1999 Financial report was reviewed. Christie highlighted the activities of the Industrial Park Task Force, the Finance Team, and the Planning and Operations Team. Christie also asked for comments regarding the letter to the Main Street business /property owners, the letter to local real estate companies, and the employment survey that will be distributed to Hutchinson's leading employers. Don Walser suggested that examples of eligible projects be included in the letter to the downtown business /property owners. He also noted a number of typos. Christie will make the changes prior to sending the letters out. Don Erickson made a motion to approve the one - motion agenda. Tim Ulrich asked for discussion. Don Walser seconded the motion. The motion was approved. 5. Administrative and Program Staff Update: Christie provided the group with a brief update of the activities she has been working on over the past month. She highlighted the Corridor Study, the Downtown Lighting Project, the employment survey, and the Target lunch. Christie also mentioned that she and Gene Goddard from DTED will be meeting with local manufacturers who employee over 30 people during the months of September and October. DAV Property: Christie told the group that Marc Sabora is still working on the option agreement for Dick McClure. She mentioned that Dick expects to build on the property sooner than originally expected. Hwy 22 Corridor Study: Tim and Christie told the group about Hwy 22 Corridor Study that recently got underway. A meeting between City, County, and MNDOT officials took place earlier in the month. The goal of the project is to determine appropriate and more definitive land uses for the land on either side of the new Hwy 22 bypass. At the first meeting, it was decided that a more manageable steering committee should be established to work with City staff. The steering committee will consist of one member from the Joint Planning Board, the City Council, the County Board, and the EDA. Tim Ulrich indicated that he would be willing to serve as the EDA representative. He asked for motion recommending his nomination. Don Walser made a motion to approve Tim Ulrich as the EDA representative. Tim asked for discussion. Don Erickson seconded the motion. The motion was approved. In addition, both Christie and Director of Planning and Zoning Julie Wischnack asked the large group to consider placing a moratorium on development until after the study is completed sometime in January. The moratorium is not meant to prevent or impede development, it is meant to manage expected growth more effectively. Jim Haugen made a motion recommending that the County Board place a moratorium on development in the corridor until after the study is completed. Tim Ulrich asked for discussion. Don Erickson seconded the motion. The motion was approved. Christie will draft a letter to send to the County Board outlining the EDA Board's recommendation. 6. Other items Christie and Tim explained that two people have expressed an interest in joining the HCDC. Steve Jansick from Marquette Bank would like to be on the Finance Team, and Brad Jacobson from Marquette Bank would like to be on the Industrial Park Task Force. Both would replace existing members who represent Marquette Bank, but who no longer attend meetings. Don Walser made a motion to delete Tom Cover and Wendi Kruse from the membership list and to replace them with Steve Jansick and Brad Jacobson. Tim Ulrich asked for discussion. Don Erickson seconded the motion. The motion was approved. 7. Annual membership meeting Christie asked the group to decide when and where they would like the annual membership meeting to be held. The group decided to have the meeting on November 10, at the Peace Center. The group also recommended a number of people for keynote speakers. Christie will ask someone from Crow River Press to do a presentation. 8. Chamber report Jon Block updated the HCDC on Chamber activities. He highlighted the Arts and Crafts Festival, the Blandin Leadership Program, the Chamber Leadership Program, Quality Council, Music in the Park and Vi's fountain project. Jon also talked about the Smart Choice — Select City article that Vi is working on. 9. Next meeting The next meeting will be Friday, September 24, 1999, at 7:00 a.m. 10. Adjourn A motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting. Respectfully submitted Jim Haugen Secretary /Treasurer