04-26-1938 HUCM49 SPECIAL MEETING April 26, 1938 Upon notice duly given 'by the President a special meeting of the Light & Power ommission was held in the office of the Superintendent in the Plant building at the hour of 5:00 P . M. All members were present. R. W. Strohmeier, Super- intendent was also present. Commissioner Dahl moved that in connection with the bids heretofore called for by said Commission for the purpose of purchasing and installing a fourth engine unit, be amended, by adding thereto "Adenda No. Two" as more fully appears .from Exhibit 110, which is on file with the Secretary of said Commission and made a part hereof by reference, and notice of such amendment given to prospective bidders by the Buell & Winter Engineering Company so as to call for bidding an a cash transaction basis in addition to the form already authorized, and that persons and parties interested be given an opportunity to submit bids for the purchasin€c, of said pledge orders on the date set for the opening of the bids on the purchase of the engine unit itself and that said pledge orders shall be in substantially the same form as the sample pledge order appearing; in the plans and specifications prepared by Buell &.Winter Engineering Company in connection with the calling for bids on said fourth engine unit and that said pledge orders shall be in denominations of $1.,000 each and that of the pledge orders so to be issued $59,000 thereof shall mature on a monthly basis and bear interest not to exceed 5% payable semi - annually and that approximately ,31,000 thereof shall be due and payable with interest not to exceed 5% per annum, payable semi - annually five ,years from date; provided, however, that all or any part of said pledge'orders whall be callable upon giving 30 days written notice thereof to the purchaser or purchasing agents. That said pledge orders shall be issued in seasonable time so as to provide the cash means with which to pay for said engine unit at completion of installation and approval of the purchase and installation. Commissioner Thompson seconded the motion, President Sheppard thereupon delcared the motion duly adopted. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. ecre Attest; I resident