09-18-1937 HUCMSpecial NTeeti.nv
September 1P, IP37
On noti_ae dul7T I-iVen a_ sneci.e. i. r^(-et n ; r)" t',"e IA ht
Power Commission vas held ^t the office of Dr. ?R. I.
h1hennard. President at
Dr. p. T. ,ShennarrT, T T. lhom tR neon, ?. '. Dahl,
Qommi.ssioners, end P. W. ?�trohmei.er. , Superintendent were
present .
Due to the absence of PaTiI_ J. Anderson, R. T. Strobmeier
acted as Secretary.
At the .reouest of l,`». -P. GV. ''g;pin. r the Commission held
a hearing r. eletive to his employment at the Pleat . lair. Elpi.na
tendered his resi °nation to be effect -i-7e Saturda7 October 2,
1937. Unon motion du1.71 m ^dP. seconded end carried Mr.
Fjt7.i_n?''sl- esl_"'netion. ros accented.
TT-non motion duJIT Trade . seconded and carried TAr. James
'"oran vas enmar-ed as a recula.r emnlo-Tee at tie Pleat at a.
sQl_ar,r of "'15.no ner. week.
TJpon motion dul:,* ma^7e, seconded end carried the
meeti_n�, was adjo?ar.ned.
Paul nderso ec t-7*.
Attest 'tro_.meI.
President Acting Secretary