06-27-2012 EDAAEDA Board Meeting
Main Conference Room — City Center
11:30 AM Wednesday, June 27th, 2012
Updated: 22 June 2012
I. Call to order
II. Approve agenda
III. Review meeting minutes
A. May 23 d Board of Directors
B. May 16th Finance Team
IV. Review of May financial statements — Andy Reid
V. Director's Report
A. Federal grant status (Industrial Park): $238,955 remaining
B. Marketing Plan Update
VI. Depot Marketplace Redevelopment
A. Environmental update
B. Cost projections
VII. Downtown Revitalization Master Plan: Phase II
Total cost for the updated Downtown Revitalization Master Plan is $91,000. The City is
requested that the EDA cover up to half of that cost, in other words $45,500.
If other partners can be found, then our contribution would be reduced proportionally.
VIII. Spec Building Project
A. Review of proposals & bids for architectural & engineering services
B. Grant Opportunity
IX. Grant & Loan Applications — NONE
X. Other business
XI. Chamber update
XI I. Set next meeting — July 25th
XIII. Adjourn