04-05-1937 HUCM20 April 5, 1937 The regular monthly meeting of the Light & Power Commission of the City of Hutchinson was held in the office of the Superintendent in the Municipal Electric Plant in the City of Hutchinson. All members were present. R. W. Strohmeier, Supft was also present. The minutes of the meetings of March 9th and March 17th were read and approved as read. The following bills were read and ordered paid t Troy Launders & Cleaners Midwest Electric Company Westinghouse Electric Supply Sterling Electric Company Jobbers Supply Company Wallner Printing C o#pany Hutchinson Oil Company Wm. Jorgenson F.J. Zila & Sons Wolff Mot cr Company Walter Rippe Hutchinson Tel. Company- Walt's Texaco Station W. D. Wi xc e-y Farm Service Store Martin Wtes eloh Stearns Lumber Co. Leader Printing Co. Hutchinson Ranner R. R. Str:ohmeier Duncan Electric Company Addressograph Sales Agency Cooper Petroleum J. E. Lodes Nehring Electrical Works Citizens Agency 0. H. Englund Midwest Electric Company A. Y. McDonald Mfg. Co. Line Material Company J. P. Jensen Sterling Electric Company Loe Electric Company Frederick Post Company Electric Equipment Company Axel Jensen Laundry $ 1.24 Supplies 29.83 Co. Oil Breaker 34.00• Supplies 19.70 Poles 330.25 Printing 62.50 Lub Oil 135.88 Welding .50 Supplies 26.69 Garage Rent 20.00 Supplies 6.60 April Services 2.65 Kerosene 1.30 Gas & Oil 14.27 Salt 2.00 Tool Box 10.50 Supplies .48 Printing 10.15 Printing 11.00 Supplies 9080 Meters 438.78 Addressograph 291.77 Oil 473.86 Installations 90000 Wire 201.44 Insurance 89.60 Installation 15.00 Equipment 6.85 Supplies 3.60 Supplies 13.20 Express 8.82, Supplies 68.00 Installation 30.00. Supplies 18.69 Final Est. 12000.00 Oil 84.66 u D n On motion duly made, seconded and carried Roy Madsen' s salary was increased to $60 per month with an additional allowance of $2.00 per week for each week in which he works seven days instead of six. On motion duly made, seconded and carried Grayce Falconer was hired as a regular employee at a salary of $50 per month effective as of April lst. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. Attest: resi Zent �l See re 21