02-17-1937 HUCMn February 17, 1937 Upon notice duly given, The Light & Power Commission met at the office of the Superintendent in the Municipal Light Plant building at 9;00 o'clock P. M. All members were present. Mr. Winter of the Buell & Minter Engineering Company of Sioux City Iowa, and R. W. Strohmeier were also present. On motion duly made, secondeg and carried the final estimate of the Electric Equipment ompany in the sum of 16,367.50 was allowed. The sum of $1000.00 to be withheld until all work is completed. The following bills were read, allowed and ordered paid; Albert Hajicek Jim Moran Herman Schuth Ernest Fisher A. Y. McDonald Mfg. Co. Buell & Winter Kemske Paper C ompa nip Midwest Electric Co. Lodes Appliance Co. Williams Hardware Co. General Electric Co. Japs -Olson General Electric Co. Taylor Instruments Co. Hobart Cabinet Co. Thompson Yards Inc. Sterling Electric Co. F. J. Zila & Sons Duncan Electric Co. Lee Electric Service Electric Equipment Co. Electrical Eng. & C onstr. Jim Moran Albert Hajicek Lab or Eabor abor Freight Supplies & equipment Engineering services Office Equipment Supplies Installations Supplies Equipment Office supplies Eau i pment Instruments 2 cabinets Lumber Wire Supplies & equipment Meters Service rendered to Donovan Constr. Co. Cinal estimate Of Final estimate Labor Labor 20.10 7.70 8.75 4.13 6.71 700.00 30.22 20.21 47.35 36.61 114.55 1.70 22.60 16.75 20.50 38.20 457.10 10.35 1,174.23 1,038.20 5,367.50 2,700.80 5.95 10.80 There being no further business the meeting adjourned. Seere Attests re s exit 15