02-01-1937 HUCMfl t L-1 February 1, 1937 Upon notice duly given, the Light & Power Commission of the City of Hutchinson met at the office of the Superintendent in the Municipal Light Plant, at 5600 P.M. on the above date. All members were present. R. W. Strohmeier, Supt. was also present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read, and approved as read. The following bills were read, allowed and ordered paid s Northern States Power Co. Socony Vacuum Oil Co. Stearns Lumber Company Henry Zumach Sterling Electric Co. Williams Hardware Co. Wolff Motor Company illner Prntg. Company Harvey Schultz Line Material Co. A. Y. McDonald Mfg. Co. F. J. Zila & Sons Midwest Electric Co. Walt's Texaco Station Henry Zumach Hutchinson Scrap Iron Co. Hutchinson Telephone C.o. Axel Jensen Loe Electric Service Frank J. Zajicek N. Carl Christenson a/c Donovan Const . $ 89.57 Oil 30.03 Supplies 5.40 Freight 7.92 Fire 198.59 Supplies 4.67 Rent & truck repair 27.40 Prntg. & supplies- 138.25 Painting sign 9.00 Line material 15.50 Supplies 62.53 Supplies 24.62 Lamps 2.47 Gasoline & Kerosene 1.52 Freight .50 Rags 1.00 Service for Jan. 4.10 Gas & Oil 44.24 Installations 39.45 Labor 35.40 Installations 60.00 It was unanimously decided to hold a meeting February 3, 1937 at 7:30 P. M. in the firemens room in the City Hall, wittL all dealers in electrical appliances and wire men. At which time the matter of stove installations and water heater install- ations would be discussed. Motion duly made, seconded and carried that the date for the regular monthly meeting of the Ligkt & Power Commission be the first Monday of the month at 5100 P. M. at the office of the Superintendent in the Municipal Light Plant building in the ity of Hutchinson. On motion duly made, seconded and carried Roy Madsen's salary was increaded to $50.00 per month with an additional allowance of 2.00 per week for each week in which he works seven days instead of six. 13 14 Due to an arrangement having been made with the City Council for the payment of all Light bills at the City Clerkta office, motion was duly made, seconded and carried that Eb en Dennis and Dorothy Walker be paid $10.00 per month each for their services . There being no further bussiness the meeting adjourned. ec ry Attest: President February 3, 1937 Special Meeting Upon notice duly given, The Light & Power Commission met with the local electrical appliance dealers and wire men in the firemens room in the City Hall in the City of Hutchinson. A general discussion was had relative to the promotion of sales of appliances and installations of same. The Commission agreed to pay for installation of electric ranges and water heaters. The sum of $30.00 to be paid for range installations in old houses. The sum of $22.50 for water heaters in old houses. All installations to have an approval from the office of the Superintendent before installations are made. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. Attests e residen D III, u 1