05-09-2005 EDAA* ** SPECIAL MEETING * ** EDA Board Meeting Main Conference Room — City Center 12:00 PM Monday May 9th 9 2005 Updated: 3 May 2005 Gentlemen: We've heard back from the large manufacturer we met with previously. They are in the process of evaluating whether their proposed expansion should be in Arlington or Hutchinson. To that end they have sent us a one -page form inquiring about land costs, etc. as well as all possible incentives so they can compare the two communities "apples to apples." I've ATTACHED a copy for your review. The purpose of our meeting will be to discuss all of this and formulate a response. If you have any questions, or need additional information, please give me a call at 234 -4223. Thanks. * ** We will have a lunch for you here * ** AGENDA I. Call to Order II. Director's Report: Update on business prospect III. Discussion IV. Other Business V. Adjourn