03-14-2005 EDAA* ** SPECIAL MEETING * ** EDA Board Meeting Main Conference Room — City Center 11:30 AM Monday March 14th9 2005 Updated: 10 March 2005 Gentlemen: A large manufacturer currently located in western Minnesota has approached us about the possibility of putting a 50- 60,000 square foot expansion here in Hutchinson. Initial employment would be in the area of 30 -40 at between $12 and $15 / hour. They are interested in the Wetherell Property located on the north side of 5th Avenue in the Industrial Park (about 10.85 acres). We wanted to have a special meeting of the EDA Board to brief you on this project and answer any questions you may have. * ** We will have a lunch for you here * ** AGENDA I. Call to Order II. Briefing & discussion on LARGE business prospect III. Other Business IV. Adjourn Please give me a call at 234 -4223 if you have any questions or need additional information!