01-02-1940 HUCM102 4 Regular Meeting January 20 1940 The regular menthly meeting of the Light & Power Commission was held at 5;00 P. M. at the Light Plant office. All members were present. Supt. Strohmeier was also present. The minutes of the maetings held December 4, 1939 and December 19, 1939 were read and approved as read. The following bills were read and allowed: Minn. Western R. R. Co. Duncan Elec . Mfg. Company M. J. Higgins Agency Ralph E. Smith & Sons Cooper - Petroleum Company Minna Western R. R. Coi. R. W. Strohmei er Citizens Bank Harry R. Jensen, Treas. TT. Channon C omna ny Frederick Post Company Sterling Electric Co. Hutch. Telephone Company Hutch. Oil company LaSalle Cleaners, Inc. Hutchinson Laundry William Jorgensen W. V. Duesterhoeft Hutch. Weter Dent . W. D. 'Nixcey Stearns Lumber�Company Skelly Oil Company Wallner Printing Co. Hutchinson Banner General Electric Company Citizens Bank Agency H. P. Quade Mitchell Hauling Service Williams Hardware Company Henry W. Lohrenz Horders' Incorporated Line Material Company J. P. Jensen J. E. Lodes Loe Electric Company Miller Body Shop Allis- Chalmers Mfg. Co. Nordberg Manufacturing Co. Walt's Super Station W. F. Duesterhoeft Zila Hardware J. F. Riesberg Walter Rippe Freight, supplies 1.00 - Meters 143.04, Insurance 35.89 - Truck repair 1.00, Oil 389.10• Freight - oil 493.21 - Office Expense 14.25 - Exchange on checks .30- Int. & Prin Pledge Orders 3028.29 - Plant Sunnlies 10 -P.5- Office Supplies 6.93 - Supnl.ies, Mdse. 62.42 - Toll & service charge 6.20 - Lub Oil 52.36• Dry Cleaning; 8.50 - Laundry 7.03 - Shop work 1.40 - Gas & Oil 3.95 - Water rent 30.051 Gas & Oil 17.90 - Lumber 3.20, Gasoline 1.87 - rri nti ng 14.20, Advertising 7.50 - Equipment 8.24 , Insurance 243.99° lristdl.at ions 107.50' Drayage 2.03 - Supplies 4.42, Installation 25.00 - Office Supplies 6.24, Line material 47.49 - Freight charges 1.57 - Installation 30.00, Installation 22.00, Repair on car 2.00- Distr. Equipment 45.26, Engine Maintenance 300.00 - Gas & Kerosene 1.26, Gas & Oil 6.15 - Supplies 32.04 Supplies 8.36 - Supplies 1.40, 17, I 7 Kemske Paper Company Sterling Electric Co. Midwest Electric Co. Pink Supply Company Jacobson Fixture Exchange Henry Zumach W. F. Duesterhoeft Farm Service Store Ii. Channon Company Office Supplies 2.09 Supplies 92-88- Plant supplies 3.36, Plant Supplies 8.18 Eesk 29.50, Freight .55 Gas & Oil 3.65. Plant supplies 1.70 Tools & Equipment 6.62 There being no further business the meeting adjourned. Attest: President 10413