01-03-1939 HUCM1 D January 3, 1939 meeting of the Light and Power e Light Plant Building at 5:00 o'clock P. M. . The regular monthly Commission was held in t h Dr. R. I. Sheppard and Dr. A. J. Thompson were present. The minutes of the meeting held December 5, 1939 were read and approved as read. On motion duly- made, seconded, and carried the salary of R. W. Strbhmeier was raised to $285.00 per month, that of Paul J. Anderson to $115.00 with an additional monthly allowance of $20.00 for clerical work. The salary of Fred Putney to $155 Hugo Tvahs to $150, Leif Larson to 0150 Ross L. Heilman to 6105, Roy Madson to 85.00, Lloyd Madkeda.nz to $85.00, James Moran to $90 and Grayce Falcorwr to $70.00 The foregoing is based on a six day week, should they work 7 days a week excepting during vacations of any one of the operators, they shall be paid additional for the seventh day of work. These above raises to become effective as of January 1, 1939. The following bills were read and allowed: Chas Jensen Walter Bacon Nordberg Yfg4 Co. Coast to CoastStore Leader Printing Company Nehring Electrical Works Northland Supply Co. Hutch. Steam Laundry Kennedy's Pink Supply Company Paramount Supplies Radolek Company American RR EXpress Minn. Western R. ". Elec. En g. & Constr. Co Truscon Lab. Inc. Henry Zumach Socony- Vacuum Oil Co Birkeland. Studio GE Supply Company Leif Larson Mike Holm Midwest Electric Co. Williams Hardware Co. Westinghouse Elec. Sterling Electric Co. A. Y. McDonald Mfg. Co. Christensen & Betker Elmer Filkins Nehring Elec. Co. GE Supply Company Refund Deposit Labor at Plant Bal. of Contract Supplies Printing & Advt. Wire Tools Laundry Supplies Plant Supplies Merchandise Tools Express charges Freight on Oil Switchboard changes Supplies Drayage Lub Oil Pictures Ext. Distr. System Garage Rent Tax Exempt Licence Plates Plant Supplies Supplies Supplies Extension Equip. Supplies " " Install ations Installation Dist. System Equipment .37• 16.45' 89-14- 2.67 137.78 85.35 4.50 5.23 .95 - 15.44 • 13.04 6.42 1.57• 488-65- 234.23 7.44• 2.20 31.38 5.50 38.53 7.50 .70 13.24 13.06 23.80 19.21 18.82 120.00 15.00 54.06 3.00 5) L 76 Hutchinson Banner Mardindale Elec. Co. Duncan Elec. Mfg. Co. Western Oil & Fuel W. C. Hatsch H. P. Quade W. W. Grainger Inc. Hutch. Oil Company Loe Electric Company Hutch. Telephone Co. Walt's Texaco Station W. F. Duesterhoeft Hutchinson Water Dept American R. R. Express Wolff Motor Company Addressograph Sales Co Troy Laundry G. F. Nemitz & Son Frank C. Dindinger Harry R. Jensen Harry R. Jensen Gen. Electric Supply Hutchinson Postmaster Arthur Wallner Advertising 27.00• Supplies 3.87' Ext. Distr. System 19.04 Fuel Oil 364.10• Installtions 17.00• Installations 100.00 - Ext. Egtipment 31014 - Lub Oil 51.19 Supplies 32.80• Services 3.55' Supplies 4.20• Gasoline 7.70• Water Rent 20-19- Express Charges 1.72• Truck Repair 13.87, Addressograph Plates 1.47• Rags 2.30 Paint 1.10, Installation 15.00• Series "B" Bonds & Int. 21019.64• Bal. Pledge Order #4 " 2,375.50• Supplies 5.04- Postage 117.03• Truck Repair 6.45' There being no further business the meeting adjourned. ZOO Secre 'y Attest: President D D