01-03-1938 HUCMin Monthly Meeting January 3, 1938 The regular monthly meeting of the Light & Power Commission was held in the office of the Superintendent in the Plant building at 5 P. M. - All members were present. R. W. Strohmeier was also present. The minutes of the meeting held December 61 1937 were read and approved as read. The following bills were read and allowed: Socony- Vacuum Oil Co. Lub Oil 29.90 - Mitchell Hauling Serv. Trucking 1.12, Hutchinson Banner Advertising 34.83 H. P. 0.uade Installations 80.00, E. J. Heilman Installation 30.00- Wal lner Printing Co. Printing 30.00 Coast to Coast Store Supplies 1.04 J. F. Riesberg Supplies 2.66 General Electric Co. Plant Supplies 2.21 B. Login & Sons Inc. it it 2:95 Lithoprint Co. of N.Y. Printing 5.74 Addressograph Sales Agency Plates 1.22• Henry Zumach Hauling services 2.29 Midwest Electric Co. Supplies 24.87 Sterling Electric Co. Supplies 67.48 Troy, Launders & Cleaners Laundry 2.12, F. J. Zila & Sons Hardware 7.37• Walt's Service Station Kerosene 1.30, Kemske Paper Company Supplies 2.09, Electric Equipment Co. Rewind Motor 30.00, Horder t s Incorporated Office Supplies 8.15. Peerless Electric Co. Merchandise 2.43 Hutchinson Banner Advertising 12.50 Leader Printing Co -,Inc. Advertising 12.75, Westinghouse Elec . Supply Heater 5.85 B & N Chevrolet Company Storage & supplies 35.17 H. P. Ouade Installations 19.35, Stearns Lumber Company Lumber .55, Hutchinson Oil Company Lub Oil 24.75 Coast to Coast Store Supplies 2.51 Citizens Agency Insurance 115.21 Hutchinson Telephone Co. Services 3.40 Palter Rippe Installations 12.00+ City of Hutchinson Water Rent 18.45 General Electric Supply Supplies 11.84 Currier Mfg. Co. Flashanlite 5.50 - Loe Electric Company Installations 99.77' W. F. Duesterhoeft Gas- December 14.24 American Locomotive Co. Parts 76.50 Sterling Electric Co. Supplies 7.76 LI 1 .Axel Jensen Service Station Lub Oil Wolff Motor Company Truck supplies There being no further business the meeting was adjourned. Attest 26.63 4.00, 41