09-29-1936 HUCMSeptember 29, 1936
R. I. Sheppard, A. J. Thompson and R. W. Dahl,
having heretofore been duly appointed members of the Board
of Commissioners of the Municipal Light and Power Plant of
the City of Hutchinson and having qualified by subscribing
to the required oath, met on the above date at 7f30 otcloc k
P. M., at the office of R. I. Sheppard in said City for the
purpose of organizing pursuant to charter requirements.
Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, R. I.
neppard was elected President of said Commission for the
ensuing year.
Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried A• J.
Thompson was elected Vice President of said Commission for
the ensuing year.
Upon motion duly made seconded and carried, R. W.
Dahl was elected Secretary for the ensuing year.
Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, said
Commission voted to increase the street lights exclusive
of the whiteway from 60 and 100 watts to 150.watts at no
additional cost to the city.
After giving due consideration to bids submitted
as to quality and prices being equal a motion was duly made,
seconded and carried unanimously to award the contract for
meters as and when required during the following year to
the Duncan Electric Manufacturing Company.
Commissioner Thompson introduced the following
Resolution and moved its adoption;
Whereas# the City Council of the City of Hutchinson
has heretofore eliminated a third engine unit in connection
with the Municipal Electric Light and Power Plant, and,
Whereas, it now appears that electrical users in the
City of Hutchinson will connect with and become users of
the Municipal Light and Power Plant in a number consider-
ably in excess of the aniticipated number, and,
Whereas, it now appears that the amount of electric
energy to be generated will be in a auanity considerably in
excess of anticipated demands, and,
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Whereas, it now appears not only necessary and expedient
but urgent that a third engine u nit to be installed as a
stand-by u nit in order to assure the electrical consumbEs
in said City of a continuous and 1kninterruped supply of
electrical energy.
Commissioner A. J. Thompson introduced the following
Resolution and moved its adoption:
Now, Therefore, be it resolved by the Light and
Power Commission of the City of Hutchinson that the President
and Secretary of said Commission be and they hereby are
authorized and directed to execute a certain agreement with
the TransAmerican Construction Company executed in triplicate
and dated September 30, 1936, under which said contract, the
said Commission is purchasing on certain terms and conditions
a third engine unit for the Municipal Li ht and Power Plant at
Hutchinson, Minnesota, for the price of 41,011.00 and
Commissioner R. W. Dahl seconded said motion and upon roll
call the said Resolution was unanimously adopted.
There being no further business the meeting ad j ounned .
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Attest: c?77D, /`
Upon motion duly
agreed to pay Harry R .
Hutchinson, a salary of
made, seconded and carried it was
Jensen, Treasurer of the City of
$100 per sear.
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