07-09-2013 CCMMINUTES REGULAR MEETING — HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, JULY 9, 2013 1. CALL TO ORDER — 5:30 P.M. Mayor Steve Cook called the meeting to order. Members present were Chad Czmowski, Bill Arndt, Mary Christensen and Gary Forcier. Others present were Jeremy Carter, City Administrator, Kent Exner, City Engineer and Marc Sebora, City Attorney. 2. INVOCATION — Amy Dufrene, Oak Heights Covenant Church, delivered the invocation. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. RECOGNITION OF GIFTS. DONATIONS AND COMMUNITY SERVICE TO THE CITY Council Member Christensen recognized the ceremony held this past Saturday in recognition of the 150th anniversary of the death of Little Crow. Council Member Arndt thanked Word of Life Church for putting on a 4th of July celebration over the holiday. 5. PUBLIC COMMENTS 6. MINUTES (a) REGULAR MEETING OF JUNE 25, 2013 Motion by Forcier, second by Arndt, to approve the minutes as presented. Motion carried unanimously. 7. CONSENT AGENDA (Purpose: only for items requiring Council approval by external entities that would otherwise have been delegated to the City Administrator. Traditionally, items are not discussed.) (a) RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES 1. RESOLUTION NO. 14169 — RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING LOCATION FOR TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (GOEBEL & GRAHAM INTERSECTION) 2. ORDINANCE NO. 13 -710 -AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ZONING ORDINANCE REGARDING GARAGE REQUIREMENTS SECTIONS 154.026, 154.004, 154.056, 154.057 AND 154.058 (SECOND READING AND ADOPTION) (b) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF REESTABLISHING CITY OF HUTCHINSON SECURITY OFFICER POSITION (c) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF RECIPROCAL EASEMENT AGREEMENT WITH COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS FOR WALGREEN'S PROPERTY (d) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF ISSUING TRANSIENT MERCHANT LICENSE TO KEITH HEIKES OF FACTORY DIRECT FURNITURE TO HOLD FURNITURE TENT SALE IN HUTCHINSON MALL PARKING LOT FROM JULY 25 — AUGUST 4, 2013 (e) CLAIMS, APPROPRIATIONS AND CONTRACT PAYMENTS CITY CO UNCIL MINUTES JULY 9, 2013 Item 7(b) was pulled for separate discussion. Motion by Czmowski, second by Christensen, to approve consent agenda with the exception of Item 7(b). Motion carried unanimously. Item 7(b) had further discussion. Jeremy Carter, City Administrator, noted that the job description has been revised slightly by removing item 10 on the job description. All other items remain as written. Motion by Arndt, second by Forcier, to approve Item 7(b) with the revision as stated. Motion carried unanimously. 8. PUBLIC HEARINGS — 6:00 P.M. (a) ASSESSMENT HEARING FOR 2013 PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PROGRAM (LETTING NO. 3, PROJECT NO. 13 -03) Kent Exner, City Engineer, presented before the Council. Mr. Exner explained that Milwaukee Avenue SW and Miller Avenue SW have been included within this letting utilizing the original bid unit prices. City staff has had communications with adjacent property owners as this project was developed, encompassing a total of six properties. The proposed special assessment will be $18 per lineal foot of street frontage similar to the base bid roadways. The total assessment roll for this portion of the project is approximately $6300. Motion by Arndt, second by Czmowski, to close public hearing. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Arndt, second by Christensen, to approve 2013 pavement management program. Motion carried unanimously. 9. COMMUNICATIONS. REQUESTS AND PETITIONS (Purpose: to provide Council with information necessary to craft wise policy. Always looking toward the future, not monitoring past) 10. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 11. NEW BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF AMENDING SECTION 14 OF THE CITY PERSONNEL POLICY PERTAINING TO SICK LEAVE Brenda Ewing, Human Resources Director, presented before the Council. Ms. Ewing explained that a law change occurred in May 2013 which allows for employees to take accrued personal sick leave to cover an absence due to illness or injury to an employee's adult children, spouse, siblings, parents, grandparents and stepparents. This law change is an expansion to sick leave that was able to be used to cover absences due to illness or injury of an employee's children. The new law change is limited to no less than 160 hours be used in any 12 -month period. Because of this law change, which becomes effective August 1, 2013, the City's sick leave policy needs to be amended to be in compliance with the law. As the policy stated previously, the employee must have already accrued the sick leave on or before the date the leave is requested. 2 CITY CO UNCIL MINUTES JULY 9, 2013 Motion by Christensen, second by Czmowski, to approve amending Section 14 of the City personnel policy pertaining to sick leave, adopting Resolution No. 14170. Motion carried unanimously. (b) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF AIRPORT MASTER PLAN UPDATE AGREEMENT WITH BOLTON & MENK, INC. John Olson, Public Works Manager, explained that this agreement is a work order based off of an agreement entered into in 2012 with Bolton & Menk, Inc. A large piece of this plan is tied into an airport layout plan update. This plan will help the City determine necessary airport development projects and related management issues for the airport well into the future. The last Airport Master Plan was completed in the 1970s. The Plan was updated beginning in 2005 and completed in 2009, however a number of conditions have changed since 2005 and data needs to updated so it is compatible with the GIS format used by the FAA. The Master Plan and layout plan update is budgeted at $209,000 and will be funded at the 90% level by the FAA. Therefore, the City's portion of the plan and update costs are planned at $20,920, which will be paid from planning funds. Bolton & Menk will lead the planning process in project development and control, data collection and analysis, public involvement and data collection and analysis. Mr. Olson spoke of some items pointed out in the Work Order to be addressed. Motion by Arndt, second by Forcier, to approve airport master plan update agreement with Bolton & Menk, Inc. Motion carried unanimously. (c) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF AUTHORIZING PRE -SALE REPORT FOR GENERAL OBLIGATION IMPROVEMENT BONDS, SERIES 2013A Jeremy Carter, City Administrator, presented before the Council. Mr. Carter explained that it is time to issue bonds to fund major capital expenditure projects. The first step is to authorize Resolution No. 14171 to move forward with providing a bond issuance. Upon approval of the Resolution, the City's financial advisor will initiate the process, start putting documents together, coordinate a bond rating call and start soliciting and collecting competitive bids on behalf of the City. The debt payments will be paid from debt tax levy dollars and special assessments and fall under the guidelines of the City's debt management plan. The proposed awarding of the sale is scheduled for the August 13, 2013, City Council meeting. Motion by Forcier, second by Christensen, to approve authorization of pre -sale report for general obligation improvements bonds, Series 2013A, adopting Resolution No. 14171. Motion carried unanimously. (d) DISCUSSION REGARDING ALLOWING A HUEY HELICOPTER TO BE PLACED IN MCLEOD COUNTY VETERAN'S MEMORIAL PARK Mayor Cook explained that a Council workshop was held two weeks ago on this topic and a number of veterans were in attendance providing information on the significance of the placement of a helicopter. Mayor Cook noted that he had visited Arlington's and Belle Plaine's parks which hold veteran memorabilia. He also stepped off the proposed placement of the helicopter in Hutchinson's Veterans' park. Mayor Cook also thought of alternate 3 CITY CO UNCIL MINUTES JULY 9, 2013 locations, such as at the airport. However, he was informed that if the location on the application would be changed, the process would have to start over with the helicopter provider, and thus far it has been a seven year process. Mayor Cook noted that he has accepted the idea and prefers that the helicopter be placed at a northwest position within Veterans Memorial Park. Council Member Forcier noted that he has spoken with veterans group who have set aside funds to help maintain the helicopter. Motion by Forcier, second by Arndt, to approve placement of Huey helicopter in Veterans Memorial Park. Dave Skoog, Vice President of McLeod County Veterans Park, presented before the Council. Mr. Skoog explained that the helicopter applied for is a very sought after piece of memorabilia. Mr. Skoog noted that there still may be a waiting period, but hopefully one will be allotted in the near future. Mr. Skoog explained that the helicopter is a symbol to veterans and symbolizes the vast amount of lives saved by it. Motion carried unanimously. 12. GOVERNANCE (Purpose: to assess past organizational performance, develop policy thatguides the organization and Council and manage the logistics of the Council. May include monitoring reports, policy development and governance process items. (a) RESOURCE ALLOCATION COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES FROM JUNE 4, 2013 (b) HUTCHINSON PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD MINUTES FROM JUNE 3, 2013 (c) FIRE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT FOR JUNE 2013 (d) LIQUOR HUTCH QUARTERLY FINANCIAL REPORT FOR APRIL — JUNE 2013 (e) WEED NOTICES MONTHLY REPORT FOR JUNE 2013 13. MISCELLANEOUS Mary Christensen — Council Member Christensen noted that Riversong will be taking place next week, July 19 -20 down by the river. In addition, Historic Hutchinson is holding a gala event on July 25, 2013, at the Center for the Arts. Bill Arndt — Council Member Arndt noted that picnic in the park for Crazy Days will be held on Friday, July 12, 2013. Jeremy Carter — Mr. Carter reminded the Council of the workshop scheduled for July 23, 2013, at 4:00 p.m. to review 2012 financials. Kent Exner — Mr. Exner provided a project update: Jefferson Street is on schedule; Depot project going well, foundation poured and building floor will be poured later this week, storm sewer is being worked on, as well as other site work; Hwy 15 roundabout going very well and pavement may be laid next week; South Grade Road bridge bids received last week — preconstruction meeting being held tomorrow — may begin Monday, July 15, 2013, at the earliest. 11 CITY CO UNCIL MINUTES JULY 9, 2013 Steve Cook — Mayor Cook asked if a swimming pool analysis had been completed yet. Jeremy Carter noted that staff is collecting data and will be ready to be brought forth in August/September for a workshop. Mayor Cook also mentioned at one time mannequins had been proposed to be placed in the Huey helicopter that will be placed in Veterans Memorial Park, however the Council made clear that no mannequins will be placed in the helicopter and the veterans were in agreement with that. Mayor Cook lastly mentioned that the trees /shrubs near Event Center are getting rather tall and may be obstructing pedestrian/vehicle sitelines. 14. ADJOURN Motion by Christensen, second by Forcier, to adjourn at 6:30 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. 5