T he Hulchinsan Charter Commission, XVhvm,- positions had been vacant since a,ppn.,)xifllately 19 87
%vere Med by appokinent of'thel-lutcliman Chy Coundl at it's Jul, 2,5, 20()(), meeting '.F[ c s
,. I � 0
persons appointed to as two-year tenn included IN Cad Bret zke;, ChaFICS "(711MV Cariso.9;
Widtar Clay; Phily Graves; Jean Mum, an(INIirgVVojgt„ 'I'llose persons appointed R)!Ff0LII`-
year terni 1A re SteNTI, jkL'gcr;: Nfj chael Camlon; Donidd Gla,,;'Ronahl J. NfcGraiv; Rogo,er
Pmemen; and Unda Remucal.
'rile, CIlSt MCCtiTI,(Y of the nemly rcoonmituted charter caniniission,%vas held on Atigust 7, 2000,
the pimposes oforsallizing the, commIsion. Those ownntission members present avere, morn hi,
Wdhms for conducthr'ig IYUSHICSS v,,erc set, and legal mungel avas tetained. A discim6on was
hdd reprlqg Me charwr amendmels petition b6ng ckodated by Steve Cook's group am]
cli,airperson Cal-IS011 %yasallthorized to receive such petition on the commission's beh-aff, ifand
,Mvhej-i the petition %vas conlplete(L
The next nieedng Pas hdd an Augmt 21, 2000. Chairperson Carlson reported that on ,August
14, VXW, a poddon containIg 602 Qnmums were delivert d to him aid were found to be A
cu der. j °,lotion mas Me and seconded to present the peddon to the CI y Ad m1nistram
pursuant to Stage start ns A motion "ms We and seconded to acknoMedge that the peWml
comaining oppo�ed charterarnendments %were presented to the Cliame:r- Commi,ssioll on Atmgi,LSL
14, 2000, Cher eel al1mving MOM time for these amendments to be vote(] on at the gaml
dec6an shouhl the City, Cor nd! deske that these amendments be vowd on at Oat Sm.
A njeeting of the Hutchinson Charter Conimission Iva s then Imigust 2S, 2000, to Ismiss
the rwoposed chaneramendments to the Hutchinson City (Ilarter, Mso present. were Ste%,e Co(-)k
and Me Rjbich who had been inked to present their vims on the amendments they were,
imposins. At Me conchnion of le dhassion on the pruposed mnendnwnL% as ineeting was set
for September I i, 2000 at, 4:00 FY m hi the City Ckmer Staff Cont'brence Roorn,
kt theSepternber 11, 2000 meting, the charter comnlis,,ion tnernbershad as discussion on ouch
individual citarter arnendavent to US Ifedback fi-om illdividual chamer commissiort rnembers
zmd to get an idea as to Wat the consellsus of the corlmnission fWt sith regard tO eliCh h1d VidLIZ-fl
charter itmendinem. A meeting �vas then held an September 18, 2()00, (0 C(MItillUe thO discil'sSiOn
of the conmnission's swnce in relation to 'tile proposed charter aniendnients,
()n Mober 9, 200()!, the Charter Cr omission met and the inclividual Charter corrunissiorl meIIII)ers
wmv palled to see Wwre they mod in support of the proposed charter amendine'lits. As ag!r0LIj.),
the chaner commissionvvas opposed to aR of the proposed charter arnendments except the
proposed amendnicnt cli,,ang im tti m popmaye of voter signatureSr reapnred tc)
ror, charter inicadmM chugeN frcirn Len to twenty pemml. 'I'lie commission agreed to hod a
pulific forurn oil O,ctc,,:,�be:r 24, 2000, f6Hcl,,%,,hig tile r° egulady Mduled Council lnecflrag
The PUbliC ficxr-um was held on October 24, 2000, for the puwsc OCI)rumoting public dialogue,
(fiscussion and input on the proposed charter amendments which were slated to be voted oil at the
Novt�mbar T, 2000 election, The PUllhe was broZldcast on local cable access CllarrrTl 10
bUt was, howevet, sparsely attended b,� ineinbers of the public. Steve Cook, and others, 1,°rreseiite,d
their reasons f�)r being for r,-)r against the pro[med charter amendr,nents,
"I'lle election v"as field on Novernber'7, 2000 and, the results of the dection, Averc canvassed the
follmving, day, The arnendnient requiritig, a special cleclion should there be as vacanic)r iTi, the City
C ("R11,16 I of" lotiger than one, yearpassed as did the clia"Ong of the date of the time for reguliar
niunicip,al elections from, odd �,ears lo even years, On Decernber 6' , 2000, those aniendments, Nvere,
r a fified the Flutchinson (,'it.y Council and, %vule rmade a part ofthe Hutchinson (.1ty ha nllff aura
that date.
On Delceniber 2, 8, 2000, tITC I lUtC11il"ISOt'l (.",;tv Charter Conirnission met to diwiss the ap nwal of
the Near 2000 anrlMll report, and such artnual, report ivas approveil
Therefore, upoll the affirmalive vote of at vl,,a,jolfit�, of those meml)ers constittifing a of,the,
Hutchinson Charter Commission, the ftwegoirig reporl Nvas approved on the day
rat" ...... . 20
B r,
. . . . . ............
Chad es, Carlson
Its Chairperson
Rago 2 oJ7 2