12-28-2000 CHCMHUTCHINSON cHAR,rER CONUNIIS SION NUN-UrES - DECEVBER, 28, 2000 Present- Dr. Carl Bretzk-e, Charles "Chuck" Carlson, J= Peterson, Steven ,Auger, Michael Cannon, RonaldJ. Nl`cGraw, Roger Petersen and Linda Rernucal, Absent.- Walter Clay, Philip Graves, Virgil Voigt and Donald Gias. Also present: Recorder DianneM, Hierlmaier and Nfayor Torgerson rrived der the meeting was adjourned) - 'With a qu,onim present,the meeting was called to order at'1125 p.m. Dianne`M, Ffierlmaier stated that State law requires, the commission to send in an annual report an the charter's activitlies for the year, so the purpose of the meeting was to, discuss the proposed annual report for the year 2000 and vote on it, After members read over the report, a modon was made by Ronald 1, McGraw and seconded by Steve Auger and unanimously carried to approve the annual, repart for the year 2000- Chairpe�rson Charles Carlson stated that the time ror the meetings,ror the year 2001 had not yet been, set. Some discussion was held regarding extending incumbants terms to even years, A motion was made by Dr. Carl Bretzke amend sec otided by Roger Petersen and unanimously carried to adjoum the meeting, Meeting adjourned at 1235 p,m, Mayor Torgerso�n discussed severs fissures with the Charter members for approximatleytwenty- five rninutes, Charles Carlson thanked everyone for cor ng.