09-18-2000 CHCMHUFCHIN',"SON CHAKFER COMMISSION MIN"(J"I T' - SEPTEMBER 18, 2000 Present- Steven `�uger, Walter Clay, 'Michael Cannon, Donald Glas. Ronaid McGraw. Roger Petersen, Jean Peterson and Virgil Voign Absent: Carl Bretzke, Charles'Carlson. Philip Graves, and Linda, Rernuea[ Also prcsent; Cit).,' A.ttorn Y Marc A, Sebora, Council Member John N'thnar, and Recorder Marilyn J. Swanson Vice-Chairperson Michael (_'allrnon called dw rneeting to order at, 4:00 p,ro. 11e stated the Purpose of the li'leeting ,vas ti,:,u cont I irwe discussion of the petition Rit- the five proposed arrierM.in,mts to ihe ("ity Chartcr, The Chair rquested approval of the minutes dated, August 28, 2000 and September 11, 20171 lk motion was made, seconded and unariirnously camiedto approve, the minutes of the August 28, 2000 meeting. A motion was made. seoorided and unanimously carried to approve the,, tninutcs of the Septernbm- [L 2,000 inn Ling, Cla,yl, thought it would, be after the fact to review the amendments since they had alreadv been approved by tht�- City Council. Sebora not that the correction.,, Cook Laid Ribich brouL4it before the City Council, were minor. Petersen questioned iTthe Charter Comrnission, Tnernbem could Q,�xpress their opinion by "'Htmg laters i(.) I-11C editOTIal page of the ncv,,spaper. The Legal Counsel stated the Chu nimission nierribers could express, their w,iewpoint on dle petition and five aniendments and publicly declarewhere they stood on the issues, Saporta :sag gested that the Charter Comniission pass a Resolution, to either support or oppose the petition issues,, It was recornn'tended by Cla,y to send a letter to 'the newspaper. Sebova confirmed that it would be, appropriate fior the Curter Coinmission to obtain the pubhciiy , Petersen thought it would be a good idea to express the Con1,njj"$Sj"0j'j'S POSjtionr before the electiom SCbora suggested that the Charter Commission p,ublicize the fact that a public florum would be held to discuss the issues, Also, the foruni, could be televised on, Channei 10, with the public in attendance, M11,47JTES OF01ARTER COMNILSSION SEPTENNIBER, 18, 2000 PA(TE 2 %Ioigt moved 10 USC Lh✓ mediUM Of radio. acw9paper and Lable TV wid to broadcast a public forum on the cable, public access channed. Nfation seconded by Clay and wuminiouslycarned. Cminon stated he would arrarigC' the fonun date and coordinate the efl"orL It was suggested that a moderator be used to conduct the fonini and that tile Legal CULLnsel be available, During disCUS,S10n, it N.vars recommended to he the, open forurri during tile City Councit illecting on either October 10 or October 24, iou 6:00 lr.na , to present both sides i,-)f the issileg" Nlso' Steve Cook and Mike Rilmch would be asked tea attend the fonim. Disoussion follc)%ved whether there was as majon'ty opinion on all five 1qsuev,, Each Corni-nissloyl NIeTilber 5houldbe able to Substantiate %N�rlly he/she wzus for or against cach issue, Fhe Attorney waz, instructed to compile as mist oF pro: and cons on each of the proposed Charter Ainendrilents set for the Noverriber General Election. Then the (1-tarter (onunlssion t members )vould individually decide Where LhLl,ystood, on the issues, Each Commission iTielilber -''mnon by was asked to submit hisilier SUrVCY Qpilli011 can the five anicridrilent issues 11) Mike CL Friday, October T, Council Member Mlinar reported that Cook and Ribich were publicly pt-ornoting, their petition and proposed Ch,a-rter ameudments. 'Fhe next triecting was scheduled For Monday, October 9, 2000 at 5:00 p.m. in the C-Ity Center Staff Conference Room. It was decided to sander in pizza, for the incefing co, allow the Conumssion members adequate time to, discuss the survey resutus and plans for, the upcoming pubtic orunt. The meeting a4journed at 5:00 p.rn.