08-28-2000 CHCMHUTCHINSON C11PUZTER CONINIISS[C)N MFNlJTJ.-',S, AUG�,"ST 28', ..l erralrrrsssuoara 111MIMS PTCseni: Carl BreAkt, C arlcs, Carlson, %Vaher Ny i)- Donald (-Jlas, Philip Raw, Riniald McGraw. Roger Petersen, ta,ara Peterson, Linda kenwcal and Vir,g'fl V'oigt. ,M)SCIIII SICVVfl AU!,,,L-,,- and Nfichad Cannon. Also lament„ Cit.",, Attorney klarc: A- Sebora, Recorder Nladyl rj .1, Swansi-iij, vi Mayer and Keith I-Iiistad ol"Ilie Charnber ofCom-nict-ce, A nwl on "as 11 1,ade—seconded and wartininus Iy CWTMd to qTrove the rnhudes of the A ugum 21, 20MI incedng. Altonicy Marc A. Sebam swre Wa1wr Clay inio office, Stcwc, (-'uok and Nfike Ribich wero AMN as ginsts of the Cliarwr Conimission, Thul,, prese 11c(j their vlenvs o1i tile twe issues listed in the petition for Charler 'arnelidniciAs tio be, voted on -,.it the November genurai declion, Amendnwnt .- Elective Offlicers; 'UmaRlIcations; 'rerms. Ward Representation Mich swed lha re 'N3,S 110 gLL2TWitee that A of the CILY %VOLI]d be represent -,d- However, lie (fiscovered v0i,r!n he researelied 17 Minnesota Charter Cities thal 16 (JUL OF 17 CiflCS USCd Wards, or waNs am! awlarge representa0un as ws Wing propo&cd in the innemAcK Some cabs had niore than flireo: wards, while otht�rs had several individuals frorii one: vvard e1ccied on a staggsed baki, Riblich used LitchRAd as an exwqk sAw they have Rve waWs and cane City - Council MeniN;- and ikfayor electe(l at kirige. He thotight that Linder dil"S SYSIMI. PICOPie 'A"OUld he MCUC wolhig rim For City Cutaicil, Also,. there, %VOUICI be better CCMIMUMCu tiara C()r rjjQ, 1wople represented" I'Jilcier this systern, ihe couididates would ofll�' canvass their ov"ll ward Awmad of Kc cnWe chi ,y, WWI thought the mards would be larger with dirce r,epresentanves and onc at lar-ge City AUK] AWnhet- "'Irld Mayor. Perhaps tile Charter Ce'n"Irnission wvould "vall't to rc�searcll "he number oF mards needed in Flutchinsom The presenter. ',AS0 thOLILIJIt v,,ards wc)vild bond the rcpresentarive Warad residents, closcrtogoher,, inquired waibout i:i %vard representative who \voWd he always as Clert"ain agcn)daior issue. lie queshoned Itow Own "Wd that be handled,, CIA and Ribich Ounght be ward representatives wovil,d ,%ork ror all cWthe resie ents. but vrould be more hikeb, to consider Iheir [a cal ward rtwre ImporlU'RI There %voulid 'lie difTcrent problenis in Aw• an2s of' tile L()%,VTI Or %VaJnjj Tfs SyMrejIjl %%Irynjjel be another step 14) Me govurtmew nime iespwiNve cc) the people ar %varc:i niernbers, Anlefldnjqq,.�No. 2 -'Vacancfes in the Council Cook addressed the approrna nent prooess when Jeff Fhmg nsigacd fiun[ City dMU& die peome Should have a Choice, if[ the "',I)PIDintnient, A "as rported that N1 mikato anti Alhen Lxa hold as special electhin by baBut box if mun; than a YeM ranons of a UP Muicil nrember's terim The person appointed Womirts an incuinbcia on the VIA Phil Graves inquired why everyone vvouhl not vow tin the person to he Wed U) 611 a vanuwy it* he ear shy, Nvould represcrit the entir.- city, Ribich st-ared that witln more people invMved, it made Ir as better gaveniment W improved acci)Lintabi lily. A mu.ndownt-N-jot-3 -- Regular h4unidpal lNecdous 'ook stated the (Amw amendr•em woulcl move the regular rrianicipal clection to all even nwribered year. Fle reMed to the poor turnout at previous clections. It would save money tc;) hold thern at a sped0c rinic and U) rneTe togn1wr the City, wal genel-W deckns. Ribich stated that lie believed Movenrtnrrncmnt ms Am when more, people; were involved, annd an cyIerctron would do that. Goveninient of rnaqy is bem than govertirrient oftlic few. In 1995 only 7,1a of the people v()tied, "I'lie residew AM W, challenged tc) bCCOTne more in the vOng process. SmMirimit N%.-4 h[pecial lections by Mall Ballm Auk cammeMed orre area that needed inTrovemem was the mer tumout. lie noted dial in the special election held on September 15, 1998, there, were 4-.)iily 2.921 votes. In the (Anninurlity bleeds Ask Force survey h showed that the people preflarrad to vote in, November and to use as mA MY Ar wher spechal clections. I le noted diat a spuial clecticni was held for tire one-half cent sales tax, bin he MEN it AM be vr wd. on wAn there wa-,; as hir�ger voter form-nout. 'I'his avould rcjlv�ct as truer pientre Of the'PUblic's Opinion on the issue, Both, Cook and RHAch thought the imad ballot would crea(c more parficqwi(')n in the voter response, 'rlwy soared the Charter ("ornmissian that awry mw wmild vote because it would hwhde eveybody. The niait WWI school election was cited as art example, to c:ornniunicate wit the people and get dern, to vole unthe issue, 'They felt as goad issue Nvas wort'lly of the PUM vote, It %vas reporteld that the Mhuiesota State Stawle rquhrd perinisMon to he (WaW Arn be ('0LIElty AUditor to use a mail biallot. 'Hiere is to higher cost in using an mod hallm, but the rehirn is mudi header. Chuci,—: C'arlsota stated that in the 1980s the hm; roquAd ql)ccittl peindssion froill Ole Stitc USA=, Ina the law was changed to approval Froni the Auditor. S0111;� 011C 17,0intCd Out Al the School DiMriLn had changod its lcctinn c oilicide "villi the 17ite,- "Jection hi ord'ut h:�I- ghoth enti'Jes to Save, 111onQy. Ile nopwise "as that the school could changc A ekedmi yov to correMond "WhAhe City ekshon. Which Ilk it inade niore sense to hoW an dection in an even y=4 aad "We :a rnmy q:ciplc %vould vi.)Ic :\% a lower povenwge of wer nurnbcr -vould be rc(j1HrC( 1. i.(° %: C%�cn year and 2011 Or odd yvan There needs to he as Whon in the rrurnher of ilanies collected to nuke swv Heart unou,,,ji signers at'C voters, The Clq�%Homey rqwaed the My Council wouk! have to delennine the ema hmguag�� F6,r the hallic-u, Therc "�'as a quemimi if the Md Inguage and = langnage- %vould bC` 1)1-CSCMCd 10 L11C voLen� to conipare die arnendinent changes. Sebms mawd 1hal both lallgUa,gCS � vould he prescrited to Ini'arin that; ,voters what they %Vt Q' votirng On. Next Meetjqg���J) The nt xt rnccting, date m,as set Cor "'donday, Septentber 11, 2000 at 4 O(), p.ni. in the City (70nter Me inenling MH be datuted to a revie)v of `hat had been sub nted today and dhcusskni of the jSOPMW Clarta anwndrnems. ADumn tarn nt The nwedng adjounwd at 057 pin,