�\UGUS'F 21,200
Due to We lack ora quorunL the COW Munission mcefing could not convene mitil 42 7 pm
avhcn a quorurn was preserit,
Commission mumhers present; Ud Breuke, Wiwi Mum, Chades C!"ISUIL Donodd 131wi,
Phihp (3raves, Roger PetemetL Jean Pousson, and \WgH Vaip Not pre sew Steven Auger,
Walter Clay, Ronald McGraw, and Linda Ret-nucat.
Alsc,a presser* ()y Aummay Mare A, Debora, City Adminis'Lrator Gary D, Pl(,�)tz,: and Recorder
NIarilyn J. S�vanson,
The ninums offlw arganizational meetiiig h0d on August 7, 71000 wein pjvserHcxj. A ninSwil
snas nmde W seconded to appwove the nihnacs, INIcition ttnani[1101.11d�° Call'ie&
Virgil Vi )igt was w,)!orn into ot"fice by Aurney Mam A. eborn.
ChWr CAdsori repoi,red that die 213 1'sed6on sheets, cont.aining 602 signatures,, were deli%;,ere(1 to
hh3i and accepkd an ALI'Us( 14, 2000. lie had Wawed th,�ni and round thcn¢ i in order,
It 'was nwvcd and secniuled to present the petIons to the My Adininistrator, Gary 1), Plortz.
Motion 1111a1i11IOUSly carried,
A let al i€,SLIC NVW9 raised regarding the date die petit,ions )vQro officially delk'ercd. Legal Counsel
determined th:il the dale uvas AUgLiSt 14, 21)00
Chair C arlson suggested draft Steve CoAand N,Hke RON have the opparlmd, w Ove a
presentation to the (1harter ("oninvission on Monday, AULUst 28, NO() at 4:00 p.m. in the C-Ity
CCIACr COUncil Chambers,
'The li'lotion was 111"arde and socordled to anwrid the prc%,i()LIS 11101i011 lhalt the J)CfitiOUS WCre
officially presented Io the Charter C01.1,111iSSi011 earl AU,�,ILIS( 14 200C1. Motion unartirnously
Discussion Allow,ed regarding the tintefi-anile for the petItioll's to fie planed 4;111 tIIQ 1'1atlot. The
Cit'y %vould have K) Qa to Voiij, Te QnMums of registered voturL I'l-0111 AILQ�Iust 22, 200() when
lhtr pefiflons v"Cre reeCiVCd 1)) dIC Cits-C(Mlicil at thed reguWr niecting. On September 12, 2000
the CirY C'OLUICH will be givai die unWal language to be on the hallaL September 19 would
be the la M dam that nialedal couki be tarried over MOM (Munty Auditor Or a question to be
placed cui tlw had1w
The nneeting was adjouriied at 4:40 p.ni,