08-07-2000 CHCMThe scheduled August 7, 2000, meeting for the Hutchinson Charter Commission was held at the Hutchinson City Council Chambers at 4,00 p.m. Comrnission mernbers present were Steve Au,ger, Carl Bretzke, Mchael Cannon, Charles Carlsor'4 Donald Glas, Philip graves, Ron McGraw, Roger Petersen, Jean Peterson and Linda Rernucal. Not Present- Walter Clay and Virgil Voigt, Those members present were sworn into offence 'b ,ttorn ey'Marc A. Sebora. Nominations, for the office of Commission Chairperson were heard and upon motion and second, Charles Carlson was elected Commission Chairperson. Non-Linations Were entertained for the position of'permanent, secretary / vice-chairperson and, it was moved and seconded to have Michael Cannon assume the position of secretary / vice- chairperson and the motion, was unanimously carried,. A motion was made and seconded to set the quorum of the Hutchinson Charter Clormnission as being a majority or the majority ofthe Comirr ssion which is seven (7), members, Said motion carried unanimously, It was moved and seconded to retain the services of the law, firm of Axnold, Anderson, & Dove to advise the Charter Conu-r6ssion, Said motion carried una�irnously, The topic of meeting times was discussed and it was decided that tiro Conullission would meet, at least for now on an at needed basis only. A discus,sion, was held concerning the petition being circulated by Steve Cook's group, It was decided that Chairperson Chuck Carlson be authorized to receive such petition on the Commissions belia if and when such petition is completed, A discussion was also held regarding the Commissions ability tro make amendments of any petition forwarded to it. Attorney born advised that nider statute, the Cornrnission has no ,authority to approve or disapprove of anY petition filed, nor does the Cornraission have the power to amend any such petition presented to it. The meeting was adjourned at 4:55 p.m.