Parks, Recreation & Community Education Advisory Board
April 1, 2013
Members present were Jay Bartholomew, Lori Hornick- Lindell, Betsy Czmowski, Eric Opland,
John Rodeberg, Troy Scotting and Mary Christensen Also present were Dolf Moon and Karen
McKay. Guests present were Paul Pesavento and Nicole Anderson.
The meeting was called to order at 5:15 pm.
A motion was made by John Rodeberg and seconded by Troy Scotting to approve the minutes
dated March 4, 2013. The board unanimously agreed.
Luce Line Trail - March 12 was Parks and Trails Legislative Day at the state capitol. A group of
people from the area attended including Dolf Moon, Mary Christensen and Mayor Steve Cook
from Hutchinson. Mayor Cook spoke to the Trail Fund group regarding possible state funding
for the Luce Line Trail upgrade. If there is money available it would be included in a jobs bill
and not a bonding bill since this is not a bonding year. Two - thirds of the Trail Fund group were
supportive of the funding request being included in the jobs bill.
Crow River Watershed - The next meeting of the Crow River Watershed will be May 8 at the
Event Center from 6:30 — 8:00 pm. Members will be looking for input as to what the priorities
are for improvements along the Crow River such as a fishing pier and water quality. There has
been good community involvement. City staff involved include Dolf Moon, Kent Exner, John
Paulson, and John Olson. Robert Hantge is chairing this group.
Aquatic Center - Dolf Moon, Mary Haugen, and Jeremy Carter had a workshop with the City
Council last week to discuss possible repairs to or replacement of the city pool. Two companies
have submitted bids to conduct a study of the current condition of the pool and its infrastructure.
In all likelihood, the City Council may appoint a committee to get input into this issue.
Art Walk/Hutchinson Center for the Arts - Requests for Proposals were sent to several artists
inviting them to display their works along the Crow River. Nine applications were received and
will be reviewed.
Animal Waste Stations — Chamber Leadership Group - The Chamber Leadership Institute project
group presented a project they are working on to make Hutchinson's parks more dog friendly by
providing canine waste stations. They have begun to gather sponsors and funding to make this
possible. They would like City staff and board members to designate problematic areas for up to
10 stations. City staff will install and maintain these stations.
PRCE Advisory Board
April 1, 2013
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Comp Plan/Facility Studies - Braun Intertec will be at the Parks Garage on April 4 to review the
structural integrity, safety, roofing, siding, etc. of the building. They will make
recommendations regarding repairs or replacement. Also on April 4, Stevens will be evaluating
the refrigeration systems at the ice arenas and making recommendations. The City is hoping for
the completion of the comprehensive facilities plan in June.
Middle Level Activities - Since District 423 joined the Wright County conference three years
ago, expenses associated with travel, coaches, and referees have increased due to an expanded
schedule. Community Ed has been subsidizing these expenses for middle level activities at
approximately $50,000 of the $100,000 total. Staff from the District and Dolf Moon have been
exploring possible ways to make this more self - supporting and less reliant on the subsidy.
May Registration - The annual registration for summer programs is Tuesday, May 7. Board
members are invited to assist with registration and fee collection.
United Way - To receive funding from the United Way, they are requiring applicants to have
approval from their governing board. A motion was made by Mary Christensen, seconded by
John Rodeberg and approved unanimously by the board to request $7,000 from the United Way.
(Jay Bartholomew abstained from voting because he is on the United Way board). These funds
will be used to support the Senior Newsletter, Adaptive Recreation, and youth scholarships.
Bandstand West River - The bandshell arrived but was bent. The company will be compensating
the City for the damage. The City will have it repaired and installed. Also, the grant application
for $15,000 for the bandshell was awarded to the City.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:20 pm by a motion by Troy Scotting and seconded by Betsy