06-20-2013 PLIBM2. Approved: P S Admin seek consultant bids (RFP) to conduct a $alar jMy and Job
_ _y sL
!jesc of PLS librarians and PLS staiff. Last survey was done in 2001. Since then
several head librarlans are directing more than one library. Also several current librarians are
near retirement. PLS wants to be prepared to offer competitive salaries to hire new
3,. Approved: New HiLen: Pamela Dille Head Librarian Hutch inson/Winsted
Bonita Kluver, Jim Daly, Unda Schimi:dt: Assistance I and if
It "" r Kerkhoven, Madison, and, Ortonvile
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Evaluation summaries of both positions were presented from Peer groups and from PLS board
members. in summary the evaluations were positive and both Laurie and Mark exceeded
expectations. The PLS board approved a hiring incentive payment to Mark R and a bump
in scale for Laurie Ortega.
6. The next period Stratea�ic Plannin process will include board members and staff and will
cover years 2014thru 2016. The first meetings will start during this surniner/Fall.