06-03-2013 LIBMMonday, June 013,2013 Present: Dianne Wanzek, Roger Vacek, Mary Christensen, Julie Lofdahl, Jon Ross, Steve Bailey, Stacey Nass and Mary Henke, Ex-Officio. Absent: None Guest None Roger Vacek called the meeting to order. The minutes from the April meeting were reviewed. Ion Ross, motioned to approve the minutes and Mary Christensen seconded the motion, Motion passed. ITIT—WWW', =M IN= Mmqkwlll� PILS, budget approved. Ktger -the ��ntfit-#f Al%z-nevv-�'v*'Cfs Budget information was reviewed. (See Roger's documentation). . UFTFU - 11 W 11 1 1 A#7177,&_d_47Fre-, newspapers and a newspaper database. $36,960 has been spent in the first quarter of 2013: Old Business: 1. Letty BernhageWs presentation on: her self-published book "Red Sink, Blue a. a" on Monday, May 13"" and Tuesday, May 14 1h was well attended. Monday evening brought in, 82 people and Tuesday evening there were 10 in attendance. 2. Public Health for Libraries. Mary Henke gave a brief update to the board regarding a grant that the Heart of Hutchinson is applying for through Blue Cross Blue Shield. At this time there is has been no confirmation that the grant will be awarded or denied. The $40K in grant money is to be used for health initiative �Uo,ects aimed to imicrove famik- R-m4ghborhood and social connections through the librar�. If the grant is awarded a half time position will be created to coordinate the project. If awarded the funding will be used to pay a % time position to administer the grant, programming, and heailth related videos and books. 3. Library Historical Records -Mary Henke discussed the historical library records with Melissa Starke. The city of Hutchinson officials felt that the records would be best in the hands of the McLeod County Historical Society as they have the means to best preserve these documents. Stacey Wass moved that the library donate the documents, to the historical society. Diane Wanzek seconded the motion. All in favor, motion passed. Mary Henke will make arrangements for the transfer of these documents from n=# TORR I 761� Cake, cookies, coffee and lemonade (no ice cream) will be served from 4:00-6:00 pm. All, arrangements have been made. Board members may want to arrive around 3:15 to make sure everything is set up properly. New Business: 1. Head Librarian Interviews — more have been conducted. Roger Vacek, who is on the search committee, informed the board members that 4 interviews took place of which two were particularly outstanding. An offer has been made to the top candidate. There has been no confirmation at this point as to whether that offer has been accepted. In the interim, many of the head librarian duties have been delegated, to library staff members until' the new head librarian is in place. 2. McLeod County Legacy Funds — McLeod County currently has $7808 for 2013 available between! the fo brairies for IeVaqAa d that some of the funding- be used b,,, Lori at the McLeod County Historical Society and HCVN to create videos of the three "Bringing Books to Life" truck series. The videos could then be shown in conjunction with the props (truck) without having to provide a live actor/actress. The cost would be approximately 52500 to produce the videos. The McLeod County Head Librarians agreed that this would be a good use of Legacy funding. Pioneerland would still need to approve the used of Legacy funds for this project. A bus trip using Legacy funding was also discussed. Mary Henke suggested that there has been much interest in making a trip to Fort Snelling this year. A least one bus load of people from Hutchinson would be required, possibly two depending on cost and int�erest. Legacy funds require that the event be tied to a Minnesota connection. Board members discussed a few alternative trip ideas. Board members are encouraged to consider and make other suggestions regarding Legacy trip ideas. The remainder of _qy A A ^ ^i discretion, Next Meeting date is Monday, June 24d at 4:30. Sherry Lund would like to present information to the board regarding the summer reading program. Dianne motioned for the meeting to be adjourned and Julie Lofdahl seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned. Notes submitted by Stacey Nass 06/04//13.