09-24-2012 LIBMHutchinson Public Library Board Minutes
Monday September 24, 2012
Present: Guy Stone, Roger Vacek, Jon Ross, Stacey Nass, Abby Dahlquist, Dianne Wanzek, Mary Christensen and Mary
Henke, Ex- Officio.
Guy Stone called the meeting to order. The minutes from the last meeting were read. Roger Vacek made a motion that
the minutes be approved and Jon Ross seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Old Business.
1. All board members signed the Doug Ohman book, Libraries of MN, to be presented as a gift for Bev Wangerin who will
be retiring from the county Board of Commissioners at the end of the year. Suggestions were that we invite her to a
meeting to present her the gift.
2. We took a look at the composite results from the evaluations from the Understanding the US & Dakota Conflict
program that we had in August. Overall the results were quite favorable & the audience liked Lori Stangel's presentation.
75 people attended the event.
3. Letters went out from PLS to the cities & county asking for a 3% increase in funding. Hutchinson approved the increase
but the county did not approve it. Mark Larson, the city administrator from Glencoe, has concerns about reserves &
voted against the 3% increase as a PLS representative. He thinks they are subsidizing others without reserves and had
contacted Hutchinson city administrator, Jeremy Carter with his concerns. On August 22, Mary Henke & Roger Vacek
had a meeting with Jeremy, Andy Reid and Dan Jochum to explain how that wasn't the case and answered their
questions. On August, Mary & Jackee Fountain (Glencoe librarian) met with the county & explained the stats for 2011.
There have been no funding increases for the last 3 years so a 3% increase was requested. The county took the
information under advisement.
4. The Hutchinson library will be getting a new roof (just the flat parts) in the next few weeks. It is over 20 years old &
leaks. The new roof is paid for by the city.
New Business:
1. Legacy Funds. The Hutch library still has $600 of Legacy Funds to use. They can be rolled over to next year Some
suggestions made were to sponsor Robert Halbrook's program, Dark Toles of Mystery & Intrigue, which is geared towards
a young adult audience. Another suggestion was Julie Kramer, a MN author who writes mysteries, or Chad Lewis who
gives presentations on ghosts. The board picked Robert Holbrook as our V choice. Mary will make contact & see if he is
available around Halloween. The funding will remain the same for 2013 as we had this year, $6,000 for McLeod County
libraries to use.
2. PLS director Laurie Ortega has sent out a release to promote the use of the nioneerland.lib.overdrive.com website
when shopping online at Amazon or Barnes & Noble. If you click on the `Help our Library WIN' link a portion of the
purchase price will be donated to our eBook collection budget.
3. Friends of the Library Book Sale made a total of $2,057.30 tables were restocked throughout. St. Johns School picked
up the remaining books for recycling. Sherry has gotten word that the Dairy Queen fundraiser might start up again soon.
4. Other: The MN Library Conference will be held Oct 4 -6 in St. Paul at the River Center. Roger is planning to attend at his
own expense.
Roger Vacek made a motion that the meeting be adjourned. Stacey Nass seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned.
Our next meeting will be October 22, 2012.
Submitted by Abby Dahlquist, Secretary
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