05-01-2012 PCMMINUTES HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING Tuesday, May 1, 2012 Hutchinson City Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER 5:30 P.M. The meeting was called to order by Chairman John Lofdahl at 5:30 p.m. with the following members present: Raymond Norton, Christie Hantge, Dean Kirchoff, Dave Johnston and Chairman Lofdahl. Absent: Jim Fahey and Bill Arndt Also present: Dan Jochum, Planning Director and Bonnie Baumetz, Planning Coordinator 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. CONSENT AGENDA a) Consideration of Minutes dated April 17, 2012 Mr. Kirchoff moved to approve the consent agenda as submitted. Seconded by Ms. Hantge. The consent agenda was approved unanimously 4. PUBLIC HEARINGS a) CONSIDERATION OF INTERIM USE PERMIT REQUESTED BY HUTCHINSON AREA HEALTH CARE TO ALLOW PLACEMENT OF A TEMPORARY MODULAR BUILDING TO SERVE AS A CONFERENCE ROOM TO SUPPORT SPACE NEEDS FOR MEDICAL RECORDS TRAINING FOR STAFF AT 3 CENTURY AVE S.E. Chairman Lofdahl opened the hearing at 5:33 p.m. with the reading of publication #7919 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on March 7, 2012. Mr. Jochum explained the request is to bring in a 12'x 56' temporary modular building to serve as a conference room in order to support space needs for implementation of electronic medical records training. He explained the difference between an interim use and conditional use permit. He stated that an interim use permit will have an end date attached to the permit. He continued by stating space is needed to train approximately 600 staff on a new software program. The temporary building will be placed on the parking lot on the west side of the building near the lower entrance presently used by cardio rehab and meeting rooms on the lower level of the hospital. It will take up approximately 11 parking spaces. The trailer is similar to a construction trailer and it is in good condition. It is not wide and will fit into the parking spaces. There are additional parking spaces owned by HAHC across Freemont Avenue to the north in the former Plaza 15 that can be used to make up for the lost parking spaces. Electrical will be run to the trailer. They will use electric heat in the winter. There are bathrooms available immediately inside the entrance of the Hospital that will be utilized. This is a temporary use from May 2012 — February 1, 2013. Mr. Jochum indicated training will be one hour at a time. Discussion followed on the setback to the street on the north. Mr. Jochum commented on the setback and had no concern with the setbacks. Mr. Jochum commented on the following Minnesota Statute 462.3597 standards for granting an interim use permit: Minutes Special meeting Planning Commission — May 1, 2012 Page 2 (a) The use conforms to the zoning regulations; (b) The date or event that will terminate the use can be identified with certainty; (c) Permission of the use will not impose additional costs on the public if it is necessary for the public to take the property in the future; and (d) The user agrees to any conditions that the governing body deems appropriate for permission of the use. He reported staff would recommend approval of the request with the following recommendations: 1. The standards for granting an interim use permit would be met, subject to the conditions stated. 2. HAHC should coordinate accessibility issues with the Building Official and the building may need to be accessible per the Building Official. 3. The use must cease by February 1, 2013. Ms. Hantge made a motion to close the hearing. Seconded by Mr. Johnston, the hearing closed at 5:39 p.m. Mr. Kirchoff made a motion to recommend approval of the request with staff recommendations. Seconded by Mr. Johnston, the motion carried unanimously. Chairman Lofdahl stated this item will be placed on the City Council consent agenda at their meeting held May 8, 2012, in the Council Chambers at 5:30 p.m. 5. NEW BUSINESS Mr. Jochum reminded the commissioners that John Lofdahl, Mayor Cook and himself will be attending the May 10th Shoreland meeting in Brainerd and will report at the May 15th Planning Commission meeting. 6. OLD BUSINESS Mr. Jochum reported the Verizon Satellite Dish conditional use permit was tabled at the City Council meeting. There will be an additional recommendation stating: A lease agreement between Ridgewater College and Verizon Wireless for telecommunication access must be reached as a condition of approval for the antenna project on the Century Ave. water tower. 7. COMMUNICATION FROM STAFF 8. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 5:45 p.m.