10-18-2011 PCMMINUTES HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, October 18, 2011 Hutchinson City Council Chambers 1.CALL TO ORDER 5:30 P.M. The meeting was called to order by Chairman John Lofdahl at 5:31 p.m. with the following members present: Chris Kovacic, Christie Rock, Chad Czmowski, Dave Johnston and Chairman Lofdahl. Absent: Dean Kirchoff and Jim Fahey Also present: Dan Jochum, Planning Director, Kent Exner, City Engineer, Marc Sebora, City Attorney and Bonnie Baumetz, Planning Coordinator 2.PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. CONSENT AGENDA a) Consideration of Minutes dated August 16, 2011 Mr. Kovacic moved to approve the consent agenda as submitted. Seconded by Mr. Johnston, The consent agenda was approved unanimously 4.PUBLIC HEARINGS a) CONSIDERATION OF ANNEXATION OF 1.52 ACRES LOCATED IN SECTION 7, HASSAN VALLEY TOWNSHIP, REQUESTED BY TIM AND BECKY ALBRECHT Chairman Lofdahl opened the hearing at 5:32 p.m. with the reading of publication #7901 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on Wednesday, October 5, 2011. Mr. Jochum commented on the request to annex a portion of the property. He explained that due to a failing septic system, the property owners are requesting annexation of a portion of their property. City services (sewer and water) are available to the property. Sewer will be hooked up immediately and water will be hooked up sometime in the future. He stated the Commission should provide feedback to the City Council on the annexation, in relation to the City’s long term plans. As noted, the annexation of this property is needed because the septic system is failing and has the potential to cause a public health issue. He noted the public hearing is an important part of the process. Mr. Jochum commented on the Comprehensive Plan stating the 2002 Comprehensive Plan identifies the timing and density for development on the staging plan. The property is identified on the Staging Plan as having the potential for utility extension and development between 2000 – 2005. The property is designated for traditional residential neighborhood development category, which includes low density single family housing. The proposed annexation would be consistent with the City’s long term plans. He reminded the Commissioners that the property will automatically be zoned R-1 (Single Family Residential) upon annexation into the City, as required by the Zoning Ordinance. This is consistent with the zoning that is appropriate for this property considering it is a single-family home. He explained the assessments for services will be administered according to City of Hutchinson assessment policy and will be consistent with how the Jefferson St. and Edmonton Ave. projects were administered. Minutes Planning Commission – October 18, 2011 Page 2 Mr. Jochum reported on the following recommendations and requirements from other City staff regarding the annexation: If the sewer cleanout is located in concrete, the required sleeves are available from the City and will need to be installed. A water meter with a remote reader is required at the time of water service. The property must receive Electrical services from Hutch Utilities since it will be located in City Limits and the well must be sealed at such time it is no longer in use. He explained a deed must be filed with the County to create a recorded legal description of the lot being annexed. Mr. Exner commented that the assessments are placed on the property 10 years after the project was completed. Utilities are stubbed to the property. The charge for sewer is by a meter to the well and the use by the residence. Becky Albrecht, property owner, stated they would like to connect to city water for the house only. Discussion followed on keeping the well open for the dairy. Staff supports the request for annexation and recommends it move forward through the annexation process. Mr. Johnston made a motion to close the hearing. Seconded by Ms. Rock, the hearing closed at 5:42 p.m. Mr. Johnston made a motion with the stipulation that a deed is filed with County approval. Seconded by Mr. Czmowski, the motion carried unanimously. Chairman Lofdahl stated this item will be placed on the City Council consent agenda at their meeting held October 25, 2011, in the Council Chambers at 5:30 p.m. 5.NEW BUSINESS 6.OLD BUSINESS Mr. Jochum updated the Commissioners on the Lewis Ave property reporting they are proceeding to refurbish and will be completed within the next week. There is constant communication between staff and contractor. The building is winterized and they may proceed with interior improvements. He commented on a platting issue which needs to be resolved and commented on the process to plat the property. 7.COMMUNICATION FROM STAFF Mr. Kovacic stated he will be moving and will no longer be on the Planning Commission. 8.ADJOURNMENT There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 5:49 p.m.