06-17-2008 PCMMINUTES
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Hutchinson City Council Chambers
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Lynn Otteson at 5:30 p.m. with the
following members present: Chris Kovacic, Christie Rock, John Lofdahl, Jim Haugen,
Mike Flaata, Farid Currimbhoy and Chairman Otteson. Absent: None Also present:
Rebecca Bowers, Planning Director, Kent Exner, City Engineer, and Deb Crooks,
Permit Technician.
a) Consideration of Minutes dated May 20, 2008.
Mr. Currimbhoy moved to approve the consent agenda as submitted. Seconded
by Mr.Lofdahl. The consent agenda was approved unanimously.
Chairman Otteson opened the hearing at 5:48 p.m. with the reading of
publication #7689 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on June 5, 2008.
Ms. Bowers commented on the request and the following staff recommendations:
1. A certified property survey is required before a building permit will be
reviewed. The survey shall clearly identify dimensions and setbacks for the
building, parking, and driveway, and identify elevations and drainage direction
on site. Review and approval of the site plan is required by the City Engineer
and Planning Director before construction.
2. Screening with fencing or plantings of trees or shrubbery along the west
property line is required on the subject property to screen from residential
property. Screening shall be provided on private property and not on the
public right of way. Screening shall meet the requirements of section
154.115. The landscaping plan shall be approved by the City Forester prior
to approval of a building permit.
3. The driveway and parking area must be paved with bituminous or concrete.
4. The applicant shall provide a minimum of four off street parking spaces to
accommodate additional vehicles on site. All parking and car detailing must
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be conducted on the subject property and no servicing of vehicles or on-
street parking is allowed due to the impact to adjacent residential properties.
5. Water and sewer service lines must be from Monroe Street and not Second
Avenue. The owner will be responsible for the restoration of the street.
6. One access onto Second Avenue is permitted, with a maximum driveway
width of 24 feet. The existing driveway must be removed and restored if the
driveway is relocated. The location and design of the driveway must be
approved by the City Engineer prior to construction.
7. An MPDS permit and erosion control will be required prior to any
Dave Rupp, 215 Monroe St., questioned the line of trees which he planted
approximately 20 years ago and the chain link fence to the north. He asked If the
bushes will need to be replaced or will the fence or landscaping shield his
property? Ms. Bowers explained the landscaping will be on the left side or the
commissioners may ask for additional screening while noting the aerial photos
displayed were not exact. Mr. Rupp did state he would be willing to work
something out with the owner. Chairman Otteson explained a survey will be
required and then property lines would be defined as to moving existing bushes.
Mr. Rupp offered to work with the landowner on this item. Mr. Lofdahl
commented it was good to see the neighbors working together on these types of
Mr. Haugen made a motion to close the hearing. Seconded by Mr. Kovacic. The
hearing closed at 5:52 p.m. Mr. Lofdahl made a motion to recommend approval
of the request with staff recommendations. Seconded by Ms. Rock, the motion
carried unanimously. This item will be placed on the City Council consent agenda
at their meeting held June 24, 2008, in the Council Chambers at 5:30 p.m.
Chairman Otteson opened the hearing at 6:06 p.m. with the reading of
publication #7689 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on June 5, 2008.
Mike Hagen, Hagen Builders, explained how driveways were kept smaller and
the re-platting eliminated hardcover over all. There was discussion on the street,
snow removal, and fire hydrant access. Staff stated that this is an existing private
street and snow removal would be the responsibility of the homeowners
association. The applicant provided information on past experience with snow
removal in the development and snow storage areas. The Commission
recommended that it be noted in the recorded documents that these are private
responsibilities so future residents are aware. Staff stated that a statement can
be added to the Subdivision Agreement. The Commission discussed the
importance of keeping the 20’ easement clear in the center of the development in
order to prevent future problems with getting pond maintenance equipment down
to the stormwater pond. The applicant stated he has worked with the City
Engineer to reduce the hardcover of the development by reducing the private
drive width and combining the driveways.
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Chairman Otteson asked whether that has impacted the neighbor to the south.
Mr. Hagen answered there is a high berm with trees to which they will be cutting
in a retaining wall and adding trees to screen. Mr. Exner commented that the City
is happy with how the snow removal went and by widening driveways it works
better. Mr. Flaata had questions regarding the private streets and Ms. Bowers
suggested adding an additional insurance. Mr. Hagen explained the main reason
for the vacation was to have a secondary access. Chairman Otteson expressed
to Mr. Hagen he would not be able to build anything in that area and Mr. Hagen
confirmed he would not be.
Ms. Bowers commented the conditions recommended by staff for the current
request have been added to the previously approved conditions that are still
applicable, as stated below:
1. The plat must be recorded at McLeod County before any building permits
will be issued. The plat name will be revised to “RiverPointe Villas” per
the applicant.
2. The setbacks for the development shall be 10’ from the front lot line, 8’
from the rear lot line, and 6’ from the side lot line. Setbacks shall be
measured from the unit lot line. A minimum 50’ structure setback is
required from the ordinary high water level.
3. The applicant shall verify the face of wall location and elevations of the
retaining wall on the north side of the development, including the
elevation of the top and bottom of the wall.
4. The applicant shall verify the proposed drainage along the north property
line. If an appropriate drainage swale is not feasible between the wall
and the northerly lots then necessary drainage facilities such as draintile
inlets and piping shall be constructed.
5. No decks, porches, or patios will be allowed outside the unit lots on lots 1-
4, Block 1, to allow property drainage along the wall. Decks, porches, or
patios may be allowed within the unit lots of lots 1 – 4, Block 1, subject to
meeting the 8’ setback to the unit lot line.
6. Grills will not be allowed where there is a roof above the open deck area.
7. It must be disclosed to prospective buyers that City owned areas across
the river are heavy industrial properties, including HATS facility, compost
site, and a training and shooting range.
8. Fees shall be paid prior to issuance of building permits and as required by
the subdivision agreement in effect.
9. All conditions of the Preliminary and Final Plat and subdivision agreement
shall remain in effect, unless specifically revised by the City.
10. No building improvements, egress window wells, patios, trees, shrubs or
other additions are allowed in the drainage and utility easements, unless
specifically exempted by resolution.
11. The final design and location of the retaining wall along the south property
line is subject to approval of the City Engineer.
12. Construction of mailboxes and a maintenance shed on commonly-owned
lot 15, block 1, may be allowed, subject to approval of a building permit.
13. An updated subdivision agreement shall be entered into between the City
and the property owner. The applicant shall record the agreement with
the final plat and provide documentation of recording to the City prior to
issuance of any additional building permits.
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A resident at 1379 Jefferson had questions regarding the split rail fence and the
access coming into the driveway and garage. After Mr. Hagen’s explanation he
no longer had concerns. Mr. Lofdahl stated the retaining wall on the north was
discussed earlier. Ms. Bowers explained she had spoken with some of the
neighbors earlier and addressed their concerns also and at this time there were
not objections.
Mr. Currimbhoy made a motion to close the hearing. Seconded by Ms. Rock. The
hearing closed at 6:09 p.m. Mr. Haugen made a motion to recommend approval
of the request with revised staff recommendations 1-11. Seconded by Mr.
Kovacic, the motion carried unanimously. This item will be placed on the City
Council consent agenda at their meeting held June 24, 2008 in the Council
Chambers at 5:30 p.m.
Chairman Otteson opened the hearing at 6:15 p.m. with the reading of
publication #7689 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on June 5, 2008.
Ms. Bowers displayed the drawing of the garage and how it would look. She
stated the staff reviewed the request and made the following recommendations:
1. The standards for granting a variance have been met, including the finding of
undue hardship and uniqueness due to the orientation and placement of the
home on the lot that created a small rear yard area that would not allow
construction of the addition within setback requirements. The characteristics
of the property were not created by the applicant and the proposed garage
addition would not alter the character of the locality.
2. Maximum driveway width allowed at the right of way is 24 feet.
3. Maximum lot coverage shall not exceed 50%.
Chairman Otteson asked about the small shed remaining in the same place. Mr.
Lofdahl questioned the 6’ setback for accessory buildings and why is it less than
an attached garage? Ms. Bowers explained.
Greg Wegner, 506 Glen St., would like to move the proposed garage addition so
that the door would face the backdoor. Chairman Otteson asked when the
addition will be started, due to the fact Mr. Wegner’s job has changed he may
wait to begin the project with a tentative start in 2009. Ms. Bowers explained
within a year he will have to apply for a permit.
Mr. Kovacic made a motion to close the hearing. Seconded by Mr. Flaata. The
hearing closed at 6:17 p.m. Mr. Currimbhoy made a motion to recommend
approval of the request with staff recommendations. Seconded by Mr. Haugen,
the motion carried unanimously. This item will be placed on the City Council
consent agenda at their meeting held June 24, 2008 in the Council Chambers at
5:30 p.m.
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Chairman Otteson opened the hearing at 6:26 p.m. with the reading of
publication #7689 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on June 5, 2008.
Ms. Bowers reviewed the site location and the future roundabout project along
with the fact that there are not services to the site as it is. Sewer and Water
services will not be available until Labor Day or later. She reminded the
commissioners in reviewing the CUP, the Commission shall consider if the
request meets the following standards:
(a) The proposed building or use at the particular location requested is
necessary or desirable to provide a service or a facility which is in the
interest of the public convenience and will contribute to the general
welfare of the neighborhood or community;
(b) The proposed building or use will not have a substantial or undue adverse
effect upon adjacent property, the character of the neighborhood, traffic
conditions, utility facilities and other matters affecting the public health,
safety and general welfare; and
(c) The proposed building or use will be designed, arranged and operated so
as to permit the development and use of neighboring property in
accordance with the applicable district regulations.
Ms. Bowers reviewed photos of the site and commented on the following staff
1. The property owner shall hook up to City water and sewer services within 30
days after service is available
2. No occupancy of the building is permitted until water and sewer services are
into the building.
3. The parking lot must be paved by November 1.(Planning Commission
feedback requested)
4. The applicants shall provide proof of the driveway access agreement from
North High Drive across the Outpost property.
5. Screening from residential districts is required to meet the requirements of
Section 154.115. A fence permit must be applied for and approved before the
fence is constructed.
Gordon Evenson of 1 Class Towing stated that Barb DeMars from Rental
Locators has been representing the owners in their negotiations. According to
Ms. DeMars, the owners will be painting both the interior and exterior of the
building when weather permits. A bathroom will be installed when sewer and
water become available, again it depends on timing of sewer access. Mr.
Evenson plans to move fence in from another location it is a 6’ wooden fence.
The tree line along the property is mature and Mr. Evenson feels that it is tall
enough since the only homes are on the east side which has a dense tree line.
Chairman Otteson asked if the fence is painted or stained. Mr. Evenson said
right now there is a water proof coating, the fence was originally built as a
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temporary fixture. Mr. Lofdahl asked if the previous impound lot by the airport
was required to be paved. Mr. Exner answered yes. Mr Lofdahl recommended
staying with 8 ft fence. Chairman Otteson wanted to be fair across the board. To
be fair to all an 8 ft fence should be used. The Commission found that an 8’ high
fence is warranted for this site and recommended that he add a 2’ panel above
the 6’ fence. He also proposed a 100 x 75 foot fence with the possibility of
increasing the size in the future depending on business. Currently, the fence is
50 x 100 feet which makes it difficult to move vehicles around. Chairman Otteson
stated to have an impound lot security is necessary. Mr Evenson will have
security cameras installed.
Chairman Otteson brought up paving. Mr. Evenson said he was not sure of
regulations but the only places he plans to park vehicles will be in the fence. He
does not plan to pave the impound lot, however paving the other areas would be
up to the property owner. After discussing the paving issue at length, the
Commission concluded that some paving of the site should be required,
especially for the entrance, drive aisles, and to provide a paved area for some
parking spaces. As a paving plan was not available, a condition was added to
require staff approval of the plan.
Mr. Lofdahl mentioned the staff paving recommendation. Mr. Evenson stated the
owner has contacted the city, however at this time he does not know what has
been discussed. Ms. Bowers reported Ms. DeMars did call the owner who is
willing to pave part but the expense is high. Mr. Evenson asked whether the
office parking or impound has to be paved. The existing ordinance does lend
itself to interpretation per Mr. Exner.
The Commission discussed access to the site and the driveway easements.
Staff stated that the applicant will need to verify that the private easement is in
place and provide a copy to the City. After the roundabout is constructed, a
median will restrict traffic on Hwy 15 to a “right in, right out” access. Mr. Haugen
asked Ms. Bowers about the extent of existing bituminous for both the subject
property and the Outpost and whether the driveway is shared. Mr. Evenson said
the owner of the Outpost told him part of the paved drive is shared. Mr. Lofdahl
commented when the roundabout is constructed that would be the time to
address pavement. Mr. Exner suggested that would be the time for the owner to
work with the contractor.
Mr. Lofdahl made a motion to close the hearing. Seconded by Mr. Currimbhoy.
The hearing closed at 6:45 p.m. Mr. Currimbhoy made a motion to recommend
approval of the request with staff recommendations 1-5 changing number 3 to
read “The following areas are required to be paved by November 1: the west
driveway and entrance to connect to the existing paving on the Outpost property,
a customer parking area in front of the office building, and a drive-aisle into the
impound lot. A paving plan and flatwork permit shall be approved by the City
Engineer and Planning Director before paving begins.” Seconded by Mr. Kovacic,
the motion carried unanimously. This item will be placed on the City Council
consent agenda at their meeting held June 24, 2008 in the Council Chambers at
5:30 p.m.
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Chairman Otteson asked if they could recommend painting due to unsightly
appearance in a very high visibility area which she would like to have noted. She
feels there are a lot of requirements that the owner needs to address
DISTRICT (Tabled from May meeting)
Chairman Otteson opened the hearing at 6:57 p.m. with the reading of
publication #7689 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on June 5, 2008.
Ms. Bowers reviewed some of the items discussed last meeting, including
changing the front lot building setback to 10 feet with a variance required for
anything less than that. Mr. Exner asked the Commission to please keep in mind
the sight lines.
Ms. Bowers explained this is the next implementation step for the Highway 7
Corridor Study to create a Mixed Use Zoning District. The purpose of the mixed
use district is to provide areas that allow a mix of compatible uses, such as
commercial, retail, office, and entertainment uses, with residential uses in
locations with nearby amenities for pedestrians. She stated the Mixed Use
Ordinance includes permitted uses, conditional uses, and accessory uses along
with lot and setback requirements. The district provides a number of permitted
uses that would be compatible with residential uses, concentrating on smaller
scale retail, personal services, offices, multi-family residential and multiple use
buildings. A few conditionally permitted uses are included, where additional
review is recommended.
The mixed use district would provide new options for property owners and
developers that are not currently allowed by current zoning districts. The benefit
of a mixed use district is that it allows multifamily residential to be located close
to commercial businesses, services, and workplaces, which provides
opportunities for residents to walk or bike to nearby amenities.
Chairman Otteson said she would like to address that on a case by case basis.
Mr. Lofdahl gave the example of the Hutch Utilities building and the close set
back. Chairman Otteson suggested looking at some other sites and amend
comprehensive plan to include other areas. Mr. Kovacic suggested some
outside finishes do not cost more but are architectural finishes – and he would
like more information or examples. Chairman Otteson stated she would like a
display or information on materials available to make a better decision. Mr.
Flaata voiced his concern about making the restrictions too strict which could
drive business to build outside the city limits. Mr. Haugen sited examples of
metro communities who all have design standards but communities to the west of
the metro area do not. Design standards have to be done before the applicant
comes in the door. Ms. Bowers recommended design starndards in the mixed
use area. Chairman Otteson would like Ms. Bowers to present information on
other design standards. Ms. Bowers suggested putting it on the work plan for
2009. She explained how a community typically initiates design standards.
Chairman Otteson would like to update the comprehensive plan and design
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standards. Mr. Exner explained there are plans to review requests for proposals
to update the comprehensive plan, transportation and park plans in 2009.
Mr. Kovacic made a motion to close the hearing. Seconded by Mr. Flaata the
hearing closed at 7:23 p.m. Mr. Currimbhoy made a motion to recommend
approval of the request with staff recommendations. Seconded by Mr. Kovacic
the motion carried unanimously. Chairman Otteson stated this item will be placed
on the City Council consent agenda at their meeting held June 24, 2008, in the
Council Chambers at 5:30 p.m.
Jim Haugen removed himself and is abstaining from discussion on this item.
Ms. Bowers explained a “One-Stop Shop” was held on May 15, 2008, to review
the site plan and provide feedback to the applicant. The applicants have
addressed the issues identified by staff. She stated planning staff recommends
approval, subject to the following findings and recommended conditions:
1. The proposed building and site improvements shall comply with the
standards of the C3 district and the Zoning Ordinance.
2. A certified property survey is required before a building permit will be
reviewed. The survey shall clearly identify dimensions and setbacks for
the building, parking, and drive aisles, and identify the proposed drainage
direction and grading. Review and approval of the final site plan is
required by the City Engineer and Planning Director before construction
3. The location of nitrous gas storage shall be identified on the building
permit and meet applicable setback requirements. If located outside, the
tank shall be fully screened and secured.
4. Driveway access is limited to one access off Washington Ave. and the
alley access.
5. Final landscape plans shall identify the size and species of the plantings
and shall be approved by the City Forester.
6. SAC and WAC fees will be calculated per fixture unit and due at the time
of building permit.
7. All signage shall meet the requirements of the C-3 district. Sign permits
are required prior to installation of the signage.
8. Exterior refuse collection area must be fully screened.
9. Exterior lighting must be shielded and shall not cause glare to adjacent
10. Approval of a MPDS permit and erosion control are required prior to
construction on site.
11. The property owner will be responsible for replacement of the sidewalk,
street, and alley and for any damage to public infrastructure resulting from
12. Fire sprinkling of the basement is required. Fire Dept. staff recommends
sprinkling the entire building and installing a Knox Box.
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The Commission asked if the existing house would be moved. The applicant
stated they expect the house to be moved and have had several inquiries from
interested parties. There was discussion on paving the alley. The City Engineer
stated that the property owner could petition with adjacent property owners for
the alley to be paved. The Commission discussed the City’s plans to pave
existing gravel alleys and stormwater impacts. Staff stated that it would be
desirable to pave the alleys, however the City’s priority is to repair streets first.
The applicants plan is to break ground this Fall.
Mr. Lofdahl made a motion to recommend approval of the request with staff
recommendations. Seconded by Ms. Rock, the motion carried unanimously.
This item will be placed on the City Council consent agenda at their meeting held
June 24, 2008 in the Council Chambers at 5:30 p.m.
Notice of two city council positions open this year. If anyone was interested they
need to file by July 15. To do so just contact Gary Ploz or Melssa Starke.
Mr. Lofdahl commented on how beautiful the Downtown Hutchinson and the new
bridge were.
There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 7:28 p.m.