07-17-2007 PCMMINUTES
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Hutchinson City Council Chambers
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Lynn Otteson at 5:30 p.m. with
the following members present: Chris Kovacic, Christie Rock, John Lofdahl,
Jim Haugen, Mike Flaata, Farid Currimbhoy and Chairman Otteson. Absent:
None Also present: Rebecca Bowers, Planning Director, Kent Exner, City
Engineer, Marc Sebora, City Attorney and Bonnie Baumetz, Planning
a) Consideration of Minutes dated July 2, 2007
Mr. Lofdahl moved to approve the consent agenda as submitted.
Seconded by Mr. Currimbhoy, the consent agenda was approved
Chairman Otteson opened the hearing at 5:35 p.m. with the reading of
publication #7599 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on July 5, 2007.
Ms. Bowers commented on the request and explained the history of the
properties, lot arrangements and location of the plat. She commented on
the shoreland property regulations. She explained a new home has been
approved to begin construction on the existing lot which was platted in
2006, subject to not exceed the 25% coverage maximum allowed in the
shoreland district. She commented on the 25% lot coverage requirement
for both the new and old lots. Staff requested a survey for the existing
Jensen home lot, however it has not yet been provided. There are
options if the old lot does not meet the requirement, such as reducing the
amount of coverage or removing area from the plat to add to the existing
home site. The new lot would meet requirements for lot area and width.
She commented on the staff conditions as follows:
1. The plat must comply with the requirements of the R-2 zoning
district, subdivision requirements, and the shoreland district
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2. Prior to the City signing the final plat, the applicant shall provide a
survey to demonstrate that the 25% maximum is not exceeded on
the existing Jensen home site. If the property exceeds the 25%
impervious coverage, the applicant will need to either remove
hardcover or revise the plat to allocate additional property to the
westerly site, subject to meeting the requirements of the zoning
3. Relocation of utility services is required prior to vacation of
easements. The relocation and any fees will be at property
owner’s expense.
4. An easement of 20 feet on each side of the sanitary line to the
north shall be provided to the City prior to the City signing the final
plat for recording.
She explained that the vacation of easements is no longer be necessary
for construction of the new home and the applicant may withdraw that
portion of the application. Services would need to be relocated before
the easements could be vacated.
Discussion followed on the driveway easements with the property to the
west for the drives that cross the subject property.
Mr. Jensen explained the lot configuration and what was purchased by
the Jensen’s. He commented on the history of the property to the north
and the process to the platting. He commented on the options he would
have. He stated he does not need to vacate the easement and will
withdraw the request for vacation of easements. He stated he will provide
an easement to the city for the sanitary line to the north. He explained he
will amend the plat to include a 10 foot strip north to the lake which will
remain with the original lot.
Ms. Bowers explained the complexity of the property history and the
changes and commented on the changes which would require the original
lot to maintain the 25% coverage requirement. She commented on past
correspondence in the file. She stated the new plat should comply with all
Discussion followed on the original plat being a nonconforming lot.
Mr. Jensen stated that the plat would conform to the requirements. There
was discussion on the coverage of the lots. Jeff Rauch, surveyor,
explained the location of the 10 foot strip. Discussion continued on the
existing lot coverage and changing the plat. Atty. Sebora stated the
percentages must not be exceeded, on both lots, in the end. There was
futher discussion on the need for the existing lot to meet the lot coverage
standards. Mr. Jensen stated if the 10 foot strip is placed back on the
existing lot the lot coverage does not have to be met. Discussion
followed. Chairman Otteson stated this is an opportunity to make both
lots conforming. Mr. Jensen stated there are many nonconforming lots on
the river in the city.
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Mr. Flaata made a motion to close the hearing. Seconded by Mr. Lofdahl
the hearing closed at 6:08 p.m. Mr. Flaata made a motion to recommend
approval of the request removing recommendation #3 and adding, “the
existing structure pass as a nonconforming lot and the plat should be
revised to include the 10 foot strip to the north with the existing lot”.
Seconded by Mr. Haugen, the motion carried unanimously. Chairman
Otteson stated this item will be placed on the City Council consent
agenda at their meeting held July 24, 2007, in the Council Chambers at
5:30 p.m.
Chairman Otteson opened the hearing at 6:09 p.m. with the reading of
publication #7599 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on July 5, 2007.
Ms. Rock abstained from discussion and voting.
Ms. Bowers commented on the request and explained the change in the
text proposed by the charter school. She explained the request should
include all schools. She reminded the Commissioners to look at the I-1
district as a whole. She noted, if approved, the individual site will be
discussed at the conditional use permit public hearing. Chairman Otteson
reminded the audience the Commissioners will not be discussing a
particular site at this time.
Ms. Bowers commented on the existing ordinance and permitted uses
and conditionally permitted uses. She explained the difference between
a permitted use and conditional use. Planning Commission should
consider the consistency with the comprehensive plan. She stated that
the applicant considers the charter school learning style to benefit from
uses within industrial districts. She pointed out the potential impacts in
the packet as follows:
Consistency with Comprehensive Plan
Intent of I-1 (Light Industrial) zoning district
Characteristics of industrial uses, such as noise, truck traffic,
appearance, safety issues, etc.
Conflicts between industrial truck traffic with buses and vehicles
dropping off/picking up students
Noise, smell, and potential environmental impacts of industrial
uses on outdoor play areas
Expansion of existing industrial uses in the future
Future development of vacant industrial property and inability to
restrict permitted uses
Potential for conflict and complaints from school and parents
regarding industrial uses and traffic surrounding the school.
Ms. Bowers explained the Commissioners should consider future impacts
and complaints. She commented on the other cities surveyed and the
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many different responses. Discussion followed on the changes in
schools. She explained the existing ordinance allows K-12 schools in
most residential and commercial districts with a conditional use permit.
Trade and Vocational schools are allowed in the industrial district with as
permitted use.
There was discussion on the trend to allow non-traditional schools in light
industrial or business park districts in other cities. Ms. Bowers explained
the Commissioners should consider future use and expansions of
surrounding properties. Discussion followed on the conditionally allowed
uses of adult oriented uses and tattoo parlors in the industrial districts.
Tim Ulrich, 14568 155 St., representing a group of investors,
commented on the appropriate area for this type of facility to be
constructed. There is a proposed 15 yr. lease of the building to the
Dave Conrad, 1110 Lewis Ave, representing the New Century School and
Montessori New Discoveries School, stated this is an opportunity for a
home for the school. He explained New Century has been in an industrial
area leased from HTI for 5 years. He stated the charter schools are
financially sound and enrollment is strong in Hutchinson. He commented
there are indicators of future viability.
Discussion followed on the neighboring uses. Mr. Conrad stated the
same questions have been asked by the school. He explained the
concerns with safety near the elevator would not be not much different
than HTI. He stated the school takes safety seriously. There are plans
in place to deal with potential hazards. He commented on the potential
benefits of expanding for high school students. He stated elementary
students will be separated from the high school students. The school
focuses on the specific needs of the age groups. Mr. Conrad stated
buffering will aid in addressing safety. The type of existing industry in the
area does not concern the school. He explained the lease will have
options to be re-evaluated. They are looking at the present and future of
the school. The current leases are for one year.
There was discussion on property availability in the community for the
school. Luann Hoffman, parent, New Discoveries, stated this is an
opportunity to combine the elementary and high school which is an
attraction for her. Jack Yates, 20404 205 Crt., representing HTI,
commented on the lease with the school. He stated it has worked well
with the school in HTI. There have been no issues from the industrial
standpoint. He explained there are plans that the school must follow in
an emergency. Plan, prepare, train and be ready in case of emergency.
Another benefit is for the parents that work at the industry with children in
the school.
Mr. Currimbhoy made a motion to close the hearing. Seconded by Mr.
Lofdahl. Discussion followed on the request. Ms. Bowers commented on
that schools are currently allowed as conditional uses in most residential
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and commercial districts. She stated that the Commission should state
their findings in their recommendation to Council and a resolution would
be drafted accordingly. The hearing closed at 6:45 p.m. Discussion
followed on allowing churches and day care facilities in the I-1. Ms.
Bowers cautioned on expansion of the request at this time and reiterated
that uses should be consistent with the purpose and goals of the
industrial district. Mr. Flaata made a motion to recommend approval of
the request to add “schools” as a conditional use to the I-1 district with the
conditions as follows:
1. The amendment would be consistent with the intent of the
Comprehensive Plan as allowing schools as a conditional use
in the I-1 district would aid in training students and would be
complementary to industrial uses.
2. The change in the ordinance to add schools in I-1 is necessary
to modernize the ordinance to reflect the changing times and
nature of education.
Seconded by Mr. Haugen. The motion carried with a roll call vote Mr.
Currimbhoy, Chairman Otteson, Mr. Haugen and Mr. Flaata voting aye.
Mr. Kovacic and Mr. Lofdahl voting nay. Ms. Rock abstained. Ms. Bowers
stated this item will be placed on the City Council regular agenda at their
meeting held July 24, 2007, in the Council Chambers at 5:30 p.m.
Mr. Ulrich stated he did include the District 423 in the discussions.
Chairman Otteson opened the hearing at 6:53 p.m. with the reading of
publication #7599 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on July 5, 2007.
Ms. Bowers explained the need for a conditional use permit in the C5
district. She stated any use change requires a conditional use permit.
She commented on the location and stated there will be no exterior
building changes. They will remodel the interior for a construction
business. The site has been cleaned up and is now vacant. She
explained the site is within the Hwy 7 corridor study and in the moratorium
area. The proposed use meets requirements. Staff would recommend
approval with the following recommendations:
1. The proposed use would be in an existing building and
would comply with the standards of the C-5 district.
2. Outside storage of materials is not permitted. All materials
must be contained within the building. Parking of
company vehicles on the site is allowed.
3. The parking area shall be paved within 6 months of
approval. Construction of the parking area shall comply
with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance, including
parking stall and drive aisle dimensions.
4. Sign permits are required prior to installation of any
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5. No encroachment into the State right-of-way is allowed.
Discussion followed allowing licensed company vehicles parked
outside including trailers and trucks. Ms. Bowers stated outdoor storage is
materials, etc.
Mr. Haugen made a motion to close the hearing. Seconded by Mr.
Lofdahl, the hearing closed at 6:59 p.m. Mr. Lofdahl made a motion to
recommend approval of the request with staff recommendations.
Seconded by Mr. Currimbhoy, the motion carried unanimously. Chairman
Otteson stated this item will be placed on the City Council consent
agenda at their meeting held July 24, 2007, in the Council Chambers at
5:30 p.m.
Ms. Bowers explained the location and the lot of record. She commented
on the C4 zoning. She stated they provided a clean site plan that meets
the required setback and parking requirements. Revisions recommended
by staff include removing the easterly access near Highway 15, which is
specified in the City Engineer’s memorandum. Discussion followed on
the proposed and future access in and out of the site. Staff
recommended approval with following conditions and fees:
1. The proposed building and site improvements would comply with
the standards of the C-4 district and the Zoning Ordinance, subject
to the conditions stated.
2. Final plans shall be revised according to the City Engineer memo
dated July 10, 2007. Plans must be approved by the City Engineer
prior to construction. Approval of the City Engineer is required prior
to any excavation, grading, or construction on site.
3. Sign permits are required prior to installation of the signage.
4. Park dedication and trail fee in the amount of $6,000 will be due at
the time of building permit. The City will construct the trail along the
easterly property line
5. SAC/WAC fee in the amount of $7,375 (2.5 units x $2,950) will be
due at the time of building permit.
6. The City Forester recommends revising the landscape plan to
diversify the tree plantings. Landscape plan must be reviewed and
approved by the City Forester.
7. Exterior lighting must be shielded and shall not cause glare for
adjacent properties.
Discussion followed on the continuation of the trail along the east side of
the property as the sites develop in the area. The Commission
discussed the loading areas. Staff stated that the loading areas are
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Mark Wold, representative for O’Reilly, stated they would agree with
removing the easterly access but the westerly access cannot be cut off
with a median in the future. He stated this store will work for the area.
He commented on the present location being tight for parking.
Ms. Rock made a motion to recommend approval of the resolution with
staff recommendations. Seconded by Mr. Lofdahl, Mr. Exner commented
on the removal of the east access. He stated the City will not place a
median at the westerly access to prohibit traffic. There is an easement
for accessing the southerly properties in the future. The motion carried
unanimously. Ms. Bowers stated this item will be placed on the City
Council consent agenda at their meeting held July 24, 2007, in the
Council Chambers at 5:30 p.m.
Ms. Bowers commented on the proposed lot split, which is located within
the 100 year floodplain and is subject to the shoreland district
requirements and flood plain requirements. She reported the DNR
Hydrologist recommendation was to deny the proposed construction in
the 100 year flood plain. She commented on the city flood plain buy out
project that was funding largely by DNR funds and was used to remove
structures from the flood plain. She commented the applicant has
discussed alternative building methods to be used to elevate the home
above the regulatory flood plain elevation. Staff stated the DNR
recommends denial due to the fact that the property is not suitable in it’s
natural state for building without extraordinary measures. Staff compiled
conditions prepared in the event the commissioners would approve the
Ms. Bowers explained the road was not platted as right of way. The City
has been maintaining the road. The road should be deeded to the City or
platted. Discussion followed on the construction proposed for building
methods out of the flood plain.
Mr. Cote, property owner, explained his intent to retire on this property.
He addressed the DNR concerns. He stated he will get engineered
designs to minimize the impact of the structure. The existing lot will meet
the requirements of the City. Mr. Cote explained the proposed design of
the structure will meet all City requirements. He addressed the elevation
and with suitable construction, the building would be elevated 3’ above
the 100 year flood plain. He stated he will hire an engineer when he
receives approval of the lot split.
Concerns were raised by some Commissioners allowing a lot split with an
existing garage and no principle building. Another concern was with the
site line changing with raising the new home. Mr. Cote intends to build a
retirement type home on the new lot. He stated the existing home would
have to be considerably remodeled to make it livable. There was
discussion of the concerns with splitting the lot.
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Mr. Cote asked if the council would consider remodeling the existing
home and remodeling the existing garage to a home. Ms. Bowers would
not recommend this due to the proximity to the shoreline and high water
level. Discussion followed regarding the recommendation by the DNR.
There was further discussion on the existing garage if the lot is split. Mr.
Cote addressed the concern by stating he would put money in a fund for
removal if allowed.
Atty. Sebora commented that the ordinance does not allow an accessory
structure without a primary structure. Ms. Bowers stated a
recommendation could be to remove the garage before construction of
the home.
Mr. Cote stated he will employ an architect and engineer to meet
requirements. He stated the existing neighbors have been informed. He
will provide everything necessary to conform. He would like to begin
construction in Spring 2008 and move into the house in the Fall of 2008.
Ms. Bowers explained the DNR does understand a structure can be
constructed if elevated above the 100 year flood plain, however it is also
a policy issue to be decided by the City. Discussion followed on the age
and condition of the shed. Mr. Cote stated the shed is approximately 25
years old.
There was further discussion regarding the possible conditions if allowing
the lot split with an accessory building on the new lot.
Mr. Cote explained he would get soil borings and engineered drawings.
He was asked by the Commissioners to provide renderings or photos of
the type and square footage of the building proposed for staff review.
Mr. Lofdahl made a motion to table to next month. Seconded by Mr.
Currimbhoy, the motion carried unanimously.
There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m.