07-02-2007 PCMMINUTES HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING Monday, July 2, 2007 Hutchinson City Council Chambers 1.CALL TO ORDER 5:30 P.M. The meeting was called to order by Vice Chairman John Lofdahl at 5:30 p.m. with the following members present: Vice Chairman John Lofdahl, Jim Haugen, Mike Flaata and Farid Currimbhoy Absent: Chris Kovacic, Christie Rock and Chairman Lynn Otteson Also present: Rebecca Bowers, Planning Director, Miles Seppelt, EDA Director, and Bonnie Baumetz, Planning Coordinator 2. CONSENT AGENDA a) Consideration of Minutes dated June 19, 2007 Mr. Flaata moved to approve the consent agenda as submitted. Seconded by Mr. Currimbhoy. The consent agenda was approved unanimously 3.PUBLIC HEARINGS a) SITE PLAN REVIEW FOR CUSTOMER ELATION CALL CENTER ON TH 5 AVENUE S.E. Ms. Bowers explained the proposed site plan for the 22,200 sq. ft. call center building. She stated EDA submitted the application. She commented on the location and zoning. The property is zoned I-1 and located south of Warrior Manufacturing property. She commented on the updated site plan and explained possible future expansion. She explained Arch Street is a gravel surface. Half of Arch Street is in City limits and half is a Township road. She commented on concerns by the property owner to the south to allow trucks exiting on Arch Street. She reported the turn-around for trucks will not work on the site and the City Engineer would recommend a “right out” on Arch Street. A 30’ access th drive will be allowed off 5 Avenue S.E. She commented on the landscape plans and her discussions with the City Forester. Additional calculations for stormwater ponds must be provided to the Engineer. Ms. Bowers commented on the conditions as follows in the revised resolution: 1. The proposed building and site improvements would comply with the standards of the I-1 district and the zoning ordinance, subject to the conditions stated. 2. Information on stormwater calculations and stormwater outfall is required. Review and approval by the City Engineer will be Minutes Planning Commission – July 2, 2007 Page 2 required prior to construction. Planting of native grasses around the pond is recommended. 3. Approvals by the County and township are required for stormwater drainage into the County ditch. 4. A truck turnaround or right out access for trucks exiting from the truck dock onto Arch Street appears to be necessary to allow adequate maneuvering from the loading dock. Final plans are subject to City Engineers review and approval. th 5. Future development of the westerly parcel must access 5 Avenue at the current Arch Street location, which will provide the second access for expansion of the building. No additional th access onto 5 Avenue is permitted. 6. NPDES permit is required and additional detail is required for erosion control. Plans must be reviewed and approved by the City Engineer. 7. Plans shall be revised to provide the required handicapped parking spaces. 8. Plans shall be revised to show parking stall and drive aisle dimensions to comply with zoning ordinance requirements. 9. All signage shall meet ordinance requirements. Sign permits are required prior to installation of the signage. 10. Exterior lighting must be indirect and shall not cause glare to adjacent properties. 11. SAC/WAC fee in the amount of $23,600 (8 units x $2,950) will be due at the time of building permit. 12. The final landscaping plan shall be submitted to and approved by the City Forester. A berm and landscaped buffer screen shall be planted along the southern property line to provide screening from the property to the south. Tree plantings shall be completed before July 2008. Discussion followed regarding only allowing semi-truck traffic to exit onto th Arch Street. Smaller delivery trucks would use the 5 Ave exit. There was also discussion on the landscaping of the property. This property would have more landscaping than required with the screening necessary along the south property line. Ms. Bowers explained the property will be EDA property and leased to the call center. There was further discussion regarding a berm on the south side of the property. Discussion followed on the parking space sizes and drive aisles. Mr. Reisnour stated the parking spaces will be 9 feet wide. He explained there is expected to be less than one truck per week using the Arch Street exit. Mr. Seppelt explained the accesses from Warrior Mfg. He commented on the parking needed and the overlapping shifts. Mr. Seppelt stated the first soil borings were good. He commented on the time line. He explained the project will be bid the first week in August. Minutes Planning Commission – July 2, 2007 Page 3 Mr. Flaata made a motion to recommend approval of the request with staff recommendations 1-12. Seconded by Mr. Currimbhoy, the motion carried unanimously. This item will be placed on the City Council consent agenda at their meeting held July 10, 2007 in the Council Chambers at 5:30 p.m. 4.NEW BUSINESS 5.OLD BUSINESS 6.COMMUNICATION FROM STAFF th Ms. Bowers commented on the July 17 agenda. 7.ADJOURNMENT There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 5:48 p.m.