02-17-2004 PCM
Tuesday, February 17, 2004
Hutchinson City Council Chambers
1. CALL TO ORDER 5:30 P.M.
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Dean Kirchoff at 5:30 p.m. with
the following members present: Brandon Fraser, Jim Haugen, Lynn Otteson,
Mike Flaata, Robert Hantge and Chairman Kirchoff. Absent: Farid
Currimbhoy Also present: Julie Wischnack, AICP, Planning Director, and
Bonnie Baumetz, Planning Coordinator
Chairman Kirchoff called for nominations for Vice Chairman. Mr. Hantge
moved to nominate Mr. Fraser. The motion was seconded by Mr. Haugen.
Mr. Haugen moved nominations cease, seconded by Mr. Hantge,
nominations ceased. Chairman Kirchoff called for the vote. The vote carried
Vice Chairman Fraser called for nominations for Chairman. Mr. Haugen
moved to nominate Mr. Kirchoff. The motion was seconded by Mr. Hantge.
Mr. Flaata moved nominations cease. The motion was seconded by Mr.
Haugen. The vote carried unanimously for nominations to cease.
Nominations for Mr. Kirchoff for Chairman carried unanimously.
a) Consideration of Minutes dated January 20, 2004
Ms. Otteson moved to approve the minutes of January 20, 2004 as
submitted. Seconded by Mr. Flaata. The minutes were approved
Chairman Kirchoff opened the hearing at 5:42 p.m. with the reading of
publication #7145 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on February 5,
Ms. Wischnack commented on the request and location of the lots which
are zoned R3 PDD. She gave the history of the plat and explained the
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proposal included not to hardsurface the driveway. She stated the zoning
ordinance requires hardsurfaced driveways in the R3 district. Ms.
Wischnack commented on points to consider when allowing a Conditional
Use Permit as follows:
(a) That the proposed building or use at the particular location
requested is necessary or desirable to provide a service or a
facility which is in the interest of the public convenience and
will contribute to the general welfare of the neighborhood or
(b) That the proposed building or use will not have a substantial or
undue adverse effect upon adjacent property, the character of
the neighborhood, traffic conditions, utility facilities and other
matters affecting the public health, safety and general welfare;
(c) That the proposed building or use will be designed, arranged,
and operated so as to permit the development and use of
neighboring property in accordance with the applicable district
She stated Staff does recommend to deny based on the character of the
neighborhood and long term policy affect on the City. Ms. Wischnack
commented on the information handed out at the meeting which included
a number of house plan options that Habitat for Humanity would consider
for the twin homes and a letter from Chuck Schmidt, President of the
townhouse association across the street, in opposition to the project
without garages.
Chairman Kirchoff asked if the drawing were requested by staff. Ms.
Baumetz explained the discussion with Habitat after the staff
recommendation of denial which concluded with Habitat sharing the
drawings for more information to the Planning Commission.
Tom Carrigan, 105 Pauls Rd, stated he was speaking for himself and
Dick Roskammer, 104 and 106 Pauls Rd., who was not able to attend this
meeting. Mr. Carrigan stated they were against building a twin home with
no garages. He explained that it would not be aesthetically good for the
neighborhood. The fear would be too much "junk" in the yards. They are
afraid it will decline their property values. Mr. Carrigan is afraid it would
open the City up to a blight problem.
Jim Endres, 660 Hilltop Dr., stated he thinks Habitat homes are a a good
idea and does not oppose the twin homes just the type of construction
which is without garages. He is concerned with the future character of
the neighborhood and the proposal not to construct garages. He stated
what possibly could be constructed raises a red flag and the
neighborhood has concerns.
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Ken Schuman, 129 Morningside Dr. NE, stated there are by-laws and
declaration of condominiums in the neighborhood and this does not
conform to the by-laws. He commented they are starting with two lots,
will this request be for more lots in the future. Mr. Schuman would ask
the Planning Commission to deny the request.
Dave Wilson, project coordinator for Habitat, explained how the property
looked when purchased. He stated it had grass and weeds almost waist
high and they hauled out many loads of "junk". He explained they are
providing safe homes for families. Mr. Hantge asked if they own the lots.
Mr. Wilson stated they own 15 lots in this development. He explained
Habitat presently has four homes in Hutchinson all with garages. There
are three homes without garages in other communities. Mr. Wilson stated
the Habitat guidelines are not to build garages or carports. He explained
the only time they build garages is if required by the municipality.
Judy Dinger, Executive Director of Habitat for Humanity, commented on
this process to openly share ideas. She explained they sent the Habitat
for Humanity mission statements to the surrounding homes. Ms. Dinger
explained the type of persons placed in the Habitat homes. They are
entry level homeowners now living in apartments. She stated Habitat
gives them the help they need to purchase a home. She explained these
are vacant lots which will be turned into tax paying units. Ms. Dinger
commented on the U.S. Habitat Standards for decent affordable homes.
She commented on the cost of the homes and the importance of the
homeowners success. She explained everyone wants a good character
of their neighborhood and one would assume with a garage everything
will go into the garage but Habitat can't promise the homeowners will
keep everything in their garages which would be no different in any other
neighborhood. There is freedom of choice.
Ms. Dinger explained there will not be the same covenants on these
properties as the townhomes. She stated they do not intend to build on
all 15 lots and would like these homes to blend in with the other
properties. Mr. Hantge asked which lots they own. Ms. Dinger stated
Lots 1-11 in Block 1, Lots 1 and 2 in Block 2 and Lots 11 and 12 in the
cul-de-sac. She stated 5 lots are for sale right now. She explained
habitat can not control what type of homes will be constructed on the lot s
they sell. The long range goal is to sell to developers or homeowners.
Habitat may develop 6 of the lots. There could be more or there could be
Mr. Fraser asked about the common wall agreements and how issue are
dealt with if one wants an attached garage and one a detached. He
stated there should be symmetry of the homes.
Ms. Dinger explained the Board is discussing that issue and will write an
agreement with the homeowners on placement of garages. She also
explained the Habitat rules regarding specific square footage
requirements of the homes. She stated typically homes are three
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Mr. Fraser stated the Planning Commission may need detailed drawings
to approve. He questioned the economics of building attached or
detached garages "after-the-fact". He asked if they knew the cost of
building the house with garages versus adding garages later.
John Lofdahl, Head of the Building Committee, explained attached 400
sq. ft. garages raise the cost of the house $12,000 - $15,000 if a builder
would construct the home. It would cost Habitat $5,000 - $6,000 more.
He addressed the Conditional Use Permit issues Ms. Wischnack
commented on earlier and stated they could build the home for less
without garages and then serve more people. He commented on the
savings to the families and explained the logic behind not building
garages. He explained storage sheds will be included with the homes.
Mr. Lofdahl stated he feels the requirement by the City is not reasonable
and prices some families out of homeownership.
Ms. Otteson asked if the other lots would be marketable if homes are
allowed in the area that don't meet the City criteria.
Mr. Lofdahl stated he thinks they would be marketable since they are
asking $25,000-$35,000 for the lots. As long as a decent house
ifsconstructed the lots should sell. He asked this not affect the
Ms. Otteson stated realtors pushed for double car garages because of
Mr. Lofdal stated the City should not price people out of the housing
market by this ordinance.
John Mlinar, 704 Hilltop Dr., commented on the issues if allowed no
garages, would other areas of Hutchinson want the same thing. He
stated the Planning Commission should look at why the City opted to
regulate garages to 400 sq. ft. He pointed out now people are building 3
car garages. He commented on the request to construct Morningside
Estates and he is pleased with that development. Mr. Mlinar explained
Hilltop Dr. is the main street to the area. He stated the character of the
neighborhood is important. He explained the test of the ordinance is to be
determined by the Planning Commission and City Council what they want
to do. Precendent setting is important. He stated building something less
does typically affect property values. He asked what happens to the
homes when the owner leaves.
Mr. Wilson stated Habitat has the first option to buy back.
Mr. Mliner asked if the owner sells could they sell to someone else.
Mr. Wilson stated these are entry level homes. They do not pay interest
so hopefully they will save enough for garages for improvement to the
property. There are basements for storage.
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Mr. Lofdahl explained that Habitat holds three mortgages on the home.
One is the cost for Habitat to build the home, one is a first time
homebuyer grant and one is the difference between these and the
assessed value. He explained the process and stated Habitat maintains
the first right of refusal.
Mr. Mlinar asked in the event of future change of ownership would
garages be built later. He stated they should keep to the ordinance to
make sure garages are built.
Mr. Schuman commented on the condition of the property.
Mr. Endres asked the concerns of the public be considered.
Ms. Dinger stated she is not sure that having a garage would necessarily
improve the neighborhood. She explained people have different values
and opinions on appeal. There is a value of a garage if one uses it for
storage. She explained the Board of Directors does not want to be
adversarial and wants to work with the community. She would like to
amend the request and ask for single car garages. She explained maybe
that would be more favorable in keeping with the character of the
Chairman Kirchoff explained we don't know when garages would be
constructed if we allow no garages.
Mr. Fraser asked if we should postpone to the next month and have
Habitat bring back a proposal with single car garages. He has no issue
with attached or detached however the symmetry issue must be
Mr. Lofdahl asked how many garages are allowed on a lot.
Ms. Wischnack explained that the ordinance states one detached and
one shed are allowed per lot.
Mr. Hantge made a motion to close the hearing. Seconded by Ms.Otteson
the hearing closed at 6:45 p.m. Mr.Flaata made a motion to recommend
denial of the request. Seconded by Mr.Haugen. Discussion followed on
the good Habitat is doing for the community and the response to
neighbors on building good neighborhoods. The motion carried on a 5 -
1 vote with Mr. Fraser voting nay. Ms. Wischnack stated this item will be
placed on the City Council regular agenda at their meeting held February
24, 2004 in the Council Chambers at 5:30 p.m.
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Chairman Kirchoff opened the hearing at 6:48 p.m. with the reading of
publication #7148 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on February 5,
Ms. Wischnack explained the request to build a storage facility and the
history of the lot. She stated this is a transitional area which contains
commercial, residential and school. She explained the two options for
placement of the building on the lot. In the first option, the building would
be placed 25 feet from the south lot line or the street. The second option
would bring the building closer to the street which would require removing
the two maple trees in the front. The first option would require removal of
the large elm tree in the rear. She explained both options would require
tree removal. She commented on the staff recommendations as follows:
1. A flammable waste trap must be installed.
2. The building must have a separate water meter.
3. Drawing #2 site plan should be followed and leave the elm on
the property (with some trimming to occur prior to
4. The building shall have gutters installed on the west side of the
building to better facilitate drainage.
5. The parking lot must be paved by the time a certificate of
occupancy is issued for the building.
6. If future additions to the building are made, a conditional use
process would again be required.
Mr. Hantge asked what the long term plan is for the police department in
this area.
Sgt. Tom Gifferson explained the uses of the present police department
buildings. He stated the EOC building was previously used for storage
but it is not large enough for today's needs. Mr. Hantge asked if the long
range plans would be to move the police department from the area.
Sgt. Gifferson stated they are constructing this building to be marketable.
Mr. Haugen stated this building would buy the police department 7-10
years longer on this site.
Discussion followed on the preference of options 1 or 2.
Sgt. Gifferson commented on the loss of trees. He explained that he has
talked to the neighbors and they have differing opinions regarding
removal of the large elm tree. He stated the neighbor directly to the west
would like the tree removed.
Discussion followed on drawing 1 and the use of the new facility. Sgt.
Gifferson stated this building would free up space in the existing police
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Ms. Otteson commented on the large building and the need for screening
to the west. Sgt. Gifferson stated he also discussed that with the property
owner and the owner doesn't necessarily want plantings. Discussion
followed on the need for landscaping the lot.
Mr. Haugen asked about the 14 foot sidewall height. Sgt. Gifferson
explained the height is to accommodate the tactical vehicle (old
Hutchmobile) which is presently stored at the street department facility.
Discussion followed on recommendation number 5 regarding paved
parking. Ms. Wischnack explained the need for paved parking and future
Sgt. Gifferson stated the construction will be subcontracted. He also
stated the building will be heated.
Mr. Hantge made a motion to close the hearing. Seconded by Mr.
Haugen the hearing closed at 7:08 p.m. Mr. Fraser made a motion to
recommend approval of the request changing staff recommendation # 3
to drawing #1. Seconded by Ms. Otteson. Discussion followed regarding
adding a seventh recommendation that the police department work with
the homeowner if they wish screening as some time. Mr. Fraser moved to
add the seventh recommendation. Seconded by Ms. Otteson. The
motion carried unanimously. Ms. Wischnack stated this item will be
placed on the City Council consent agenda at their meeting held
February 24,2004 in the Council Chambers at 5:30 p.m.
Ms. Wischnack commented on research of other communities regarding
temporary fences. She explained that basically temporary fences are
regulated through the regular fence requirements. She commented on
staff options as follows:
1. Do not allow temporary fences at all and provide language in the
City Code (i.e. "temporary fences (without footings and/or posts
placed in the ground) are not allowed).
2. Add the language change as proposed by staff and further define
temporary as "a period not to exceed 5 months". Additional
language could also state that the temporary fence may not
"consist of ropes or other features which may be injurious to the
3. Do nothing and add no language changes to the City Code.
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Mr. Hantge asked why staff is asking to regulate temporary fences when
they didn't want to regulate dog kennels. Discussion followed on the staff
suggestions and the directive from City Council.
Mr. Fraser stated we can't exactly eliminate the ordinance. He agrees
with including temporary fencing to the fencing guidelines.
Mr. Fraser made a motion to include the words "including temporary" to
the fence ordinance. Seconded by Mr. Hantge. Discussion followed on
the use of orange snow fencing as temporary fences which would be
allowed. The motion carried unanimously and will be placed on the City
Council consent agenda on February 24,2004, at 5:30 p.m.
a) Duplex units in R1 Zones - Ms. Wischnack commented on the history of R1 and
R2 zoning within the City. She asked if the Planning Commission is interested in
regulating existing twinhomes in the R1 District.
Discussion followed on the Norton duplex last month. Ms. Wischnack explained the
Planning Department is asked for letters of compliance when properties are being
sold. Ms. Otteson stated compliance would be for insurance purposes. Ms.
Wischnack stated it is easier for property owners to receive approval on Conditional
Use Permits rather than rezoning for existing two family dwellings. She will prepare
a report on the number of available R 1 lots before 1991 which could be affected by
the present ordinance.
b) Survey Directive - Ms. Wischnack explained the request by City Council to have
three Planning Commissioners involved in compiling a survey on the
Planning/Zoning and Building Departments.
Chairman Kirchoff stated a survey is a good idea, if needed, and read a statement
written by himself as chairman of the Planning Commission not to involve the
Planning Commission in the process. This is a volunteer advisory committee and
should not be involved. He commented on the red flags of surveys and results.
Chairman Kirchoff did not call the members before he wrote the letter.
Chairman Kirchoff moved the Planning Commission not be involved in compiling the
survey. Seconded by Ms. Otteson. Mr. Hantge questioned if the chair could make a
motion. It was determined the chair can make motions.
Councilman Stotts stated his concern with staff being involved and the perception by
the public that the survey would be tainted. He explained there should be an
impartial party compiling the survey.
Mr. Fraser commented on the survey presented and asked if there could be a more
quantitative type survey by the numbers distributed to the public. Ms. Otteson stated
it is difficult to get something out of a paragraph form survey.
Mr. Stotts stated the Planning Commission would act as a depository to take the
information to an informative City Council meeting.
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Mr. Hantge stated he called Chairman Kirchoff to be on the committee. He explained
it is difficult to have public complaining to him about decisions made by the City. He
stated he respects what Chairman Kirchoff is saying.
Mr. Stotts explained he did have the City Administrator review the survey and the
City Administrator told him it should be kept simple. Mr. Stotts also explained both
the City Administrator and Ms. Wischnack reviewed and approved the survey.
Ms. Wischnack stated if a survey is requested we will accommodate the decision.
She reported the wording was changed to reflect Mr. Haugen's suggestion to read
"provide additional comments".
Mr. Fraser stated this is more feedback and discussion on feedback. Mr. Haugen
commented on not compiling information and accept as feedback to share with City
Council and Staff.
Ms. Otteson explained she believes in surveys and uses them to improve service.
She doesn't feel the survey should go the Planning Commissioners but to the elected
officials, the City Council. Mr. Fraser stated the Planning Commission should not be
Chairman Kirchoff again stated he is not in favor of the Planning Commission
receiving the survey.
Mr. Fraser asked if the survey could go to a P.O. Box. He commented the issue
seems to be between staff and council. He asked why would the Planning
Commission be involved.
Mr. Hantge asked to define the capacity of the Planning Commission. He asked if
they were only advisory to the City Councilor are Staff equal advisors to the City
Council. Discussion followed on the Planning Commission not being mediators
between staff and City Council.
Mr. Hantge voiced his concern with Staff having the "last say" with the City Council
and the Council doesn't consider the Planning Commission recommendations. He
stated some property owners feel they are not getting fair treatment. Mr. Fraser
stated the Planning commission advisement is not taken every time. Mr. Hantge
would like to know the procedure. Discussion followed on what is put on the consent
or regular agenda. Ms. Wischnack stated there are no set rules of order to follow and
she is open to solutions. Ms. Baumetz explained what is given to the City Council
after the Planning Commission decisions are made.
Mr. Haugen commented on the City Council visioning workshop which did include an
objective of surveying the community and focusing on different departments in the
Ms. Wischnack commented on Atty. Sebora's memo regarding the City Council
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Chairman Kircoff called for the motion on the floor. After further discussion he called
for a roll call vote. Discussion followed again. Mr. Fraser inquired about the use of a
P.O. Box at the Hutchinson Post Office for the surveys to be mailed to and picked up
by the Mayor. Mr. Stotts stated he wants an impartial person to bring the feedback
to the City Council. He explained this will be an anonymous survey. Discussion
followed if the surveys could be sent to the Hutchinson Leader.
Chairman Kirchoff moved to amend the previous motion adding the City rent a P.O.
Box from the Post Office and the Mayor will pick up the surveys and deliver to who?
Mr. Haugen commented on the possibility of opening the surveys at a City Council
Chairman Kirchoff moved to amend the previous motion that the Planning
Commission not be involved in compiling the survey and adding the City rent a P.O.
Box at the Hutchinson Post Office and Mr. Stotts would pick up the surveys which
would be opened at a City Council Workshop. Seconded by Ms. Otteson. The
motion carried unanimously.
c) Plan for the C5 Area - Ms. Wischnack commented on the HRA requesting a more
definitive land use plan for the C5 area for a more focused planning effort along Hwy
d) NAPA Conditional Use Permit - Ms. Wischnack explained the remodeling effort by
Mr. Powell on the NAPA store and his request for a Conditional Use Permit to
deviate from the recommended guidelines in the I/C District to remodel the interior of
his non-conforming building.
e) Farr Development - Ms. Wischnack explained Farr Development will be in next
month with a preliminary plat for the Reiwer property on Jefferson Street.
There being no further the meeting adjourned at 8:10- p.m.