02-01-2010 POLM Hutchinson Police Commission Minutes The Hutchinson Police Commission held a meeting on Monday, February 1, 2010, at the Hutchinson Emergency Operation Center. Present at the meeting were, Mark Jelkin, Julie Jensen, Steve Sherman and Chief Dan Hatten. The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Jelkin at 5:32 p.m. th Chairperson Jelkin asked if there were any changes to the minutes from the January 5 meeting. Commissioner Jensen pointed out some spelling and grammatical corrections to be made. A motion was made by Steve Sherman, seconded by Julie Jensen, to approve the minutes from the January meeting with the changes discussed. Motion carried. Chairman Jelkin then suggested tabling the next two agenda items, the election of officers and the schedule, to later in the meeting. He then asked Chief Hatten to update the Commission with the progress regarding the communication specialists. Chief Hatten stated that a list of four names had been forwarded to him from Sgt. Nagel. Hatten presented the commissioners with a summary of each individual contained on the list. He requested approval of the names for the eligibility roster and suggested that due to the fact there were only four candidates that they all be interviewed. A motion was made by Julie Jensen, seconded by Steve Sherman, to accept the names for the eligibility roster and to interview the entire list. Motion carried. Chief Hatten inquired as to which commissioner would be participating in the final interview panel. Commissioner Jensen stated that she would be the representative on the panel. Chief Hatten then updated the Commission with regard to the status of the licensed officers. He stated that as of yesterday the department was fully staffed in this area. Alicia Nortrom has completed the orientation phase and has now begun field training. He stated that Karl Willers start date was January st 31 and that he had begun the orientation phase. Hatten informed the Commission that Mark Hanneman was still working in communications but should be released from that area to begin his field training in the near future. The Commission then returned to the agenda item regarding the election of officers. Chairperson Jelkin opened the nominations for chairperson. Commissioner Jensen nominated Mark Jelkin for the position of chair. With there being no more nominations for this position it was closed. The motion to elect Mark Jelkin was seconded by Steve Sherman and carried. Chairperson Jelkin then opened the nominations for secretary. Commissioner Sherman nominated Julie Jensen for the position of secretary. With there being no more nominations for this position it was closed. The motion to elect Julie Jensen was seconded by Mark Jelkin and carried. A motion was then made by Mark Jelkin, seconded by Steve Sherman, to delegate the documentation of the meetings to Chief Hatten and Administrative Assistant Lisa Grina. Motion carried. The Commission then directed their attention to the meeting schedule. After some discussion a motion was made by Mark Jelkin, seconded by Julie Jensen, to hold the police commission meetings on the third Tuesday of every month at 5:30 p.m. Motion carried. It was stated that any deviation from this schedule would be announced in accordance to state statute. A discussion was held as to when the next meeting would be held. A motion was made by Steve Sherman, seconded by Mark Jelkin, to accept the decision made by Commissioner Jensen as final approval for the communication specialist position upon completion of the interviews. Motion carried. With this decision it was determined that it would not be necessary to conduct a meeting on February th 16. Police Commission Meeting February 1, 2010 Page 2 Chairperson Jelkin asked if there were any items from the floor. Chief Hatten stated he wished to explore the option of hiring the next individual on the peace officer eligibility roster as a part-time officer with a full-time license. If the Commission was in agreement with this he would then contact city administration to see if he could proceed. A motion was made by Steve Sherman, seconded by Julie Jensen, to explore the option of hiring a part-time officer. Motion carried. With there being no further business to discuss, a motion was made by Mark Jelkin, seconded by Julie Jensen, to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried. Time of adjournment was 6:13 p.m. Next Meeting to be held on March 16, 2010 at 5:30 pm. _______________________________